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Picture of the Day


In Jordan

In Pakistan getting ready for Iftar

In sri nagar Kashmir

Famous Iftar market at chak bazar Dhaka,bangladesh

Hmmmm....ap log mor mora kar jernailon k ander ghus jaya karo...baby....Pakistani Nation cant afford the 'luxuries' of a modern army, not when it has to prioritize between modern weaponry and clean water during battle and especially not when we have military "supporters" who still think the Army (alone) eats up 80% of this Nation's budget.

Agar aap janab thori si kamar or kas lo or military military khailnay ki bijaye apna kaam karo and instead of weeping over the military eating up the country are ready to increase the budget (without giving the likes of Asman Jhangir a little heart attack), we may too very well provide our soldiers with bottled water and hot food during the thick of the battle as you must have seen in Afg with the western militaries.

Kyn janab, soda manzor hai?

Army is provided adequate food supply. if it cannot manage to supply to the war zone, its army's deficiency in establishing logistics.. instead of weeping over non issues, the paito jernails should focus on the army's core deficiencies.

P.S. sorry for bringing this up, I realize that its a picture thread, but some out of mind comments need to be dealt..
Karen Armstrong has been a prolific writer and almost all her works are for enlightening mankind and bringing them together. In my opinion, her Magnum opus is her biography of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. [ Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet ]

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