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Jul 2, 2007
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A citizen recently raised an interesting but rightly a million worth genuine question. He says in the early months of judicial crisis in 2007 the Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chouhary submitted in his Affidavit that he was asked to resign while the then COAS in his counter Affidavit contradicted it. The citizen says one of them definitely lied and he wished from Aitzaz Ahsan, Munir Malik, Justice ® Tariq Mahmoud and Justice Iftikhar himself to know who lied.

After traveling 22-24 years too frequently and exclusively by PIA even leaving sometime cheaper and better airlines like Lufthansa with heavy heart I discarded it last year after being uncomfortable through the hands of PIA Bahrain. Since then I am using Gulf Air with more incentives under most humane treatment. On 22 June 2007 I addressed both by airmail and by email Chairman PIA sending later reminder copies over copies. Each time I sent a reminder the PIA website Contact Coordination Incharge one Mr. Ahmed Izaat Puri fooled me saying that the matter was under consideration of the senior management who will revert back to me. This website has been established on huge cost to the nation. On my enquiry that PIA Bahrain was allowing 05 kgs hand baggage, one Ms. Erum Effendi from the Customer Service PIA Head Office fooled me that it was “as per PIA standard policy”. When I argued that if it was a “standard centralized policy” then how at other stations this hand baggage limited was more. At this the same lady felt no hesitation in coming back from same single tongue that PIA as a “standard policy” allows 07 kgs hand baggage. Why did she earlier fooled me thus protecting the corrupt she never answered.

On my raising the issue PIA Bahrain informed its Head Office that it was allowing 07 kgs whereas the fact is it has of recently only “after” my taking up the matter started allowing 07 kgs otherwise creating its own rule namely state within state it was since long practically allowing only 05 kgs. In this regard I have with me a PIA Bahrain statement in the local Bahraini press dated 24 December 2006 saying it allows 05 kgs allowance which it treats most generous. The PIA Bahrain informed its Head Office that this complainant had brought excess weight hand baggage and since he was charged for his overweight hand baggage he is frustrated. Now a Dy. GM PIA Head Office informs me that he was very sad that this civic minded conscientious citizen was not satisfied with the wrong/lies submitted by PIA’s two above functionaries.

Solemn oaths in shape of Affidavits before courts, taking oaths in courts by reciting through lips name of ALLAH today is a normal routine of life. See for example on solemn affirmation in shape of Affidavits in the courts it is submitted that the signatory/deponent government official has no knowledge about the named missing persons. On the next hearing the same deponents feel no shame or fear of ALLAH this time saying so many of them have “come back home”. From where they came!!

About 10-12 years back a case came before a civil judge in Dera Ismail Khan. One trader “Haji Sahib” in his sworn in Affidavit complained that an ASI of the area police had taken Rs. 5000 from the Haji Sahib even then had not done his work. The ASI in his counter Affidavit as usual contradicted this allegation. Though I have never seen that civil judge nor even by chance I would see him because there is no remotest likelihood of my ever going to Dera Ismail Khan yet some time honestly speaking I pray for him. As I read the story the civil judge was a young man only recently then inducted in the judicial service. He really was a true “Munsif” in letter and spirit I have seen after Mr. Justice Sardar Mohammad Iqbal the first and so far unmatched for Ombudsman Pakistan. The Civil Judge adjourned the Hearing, called both Haji Sahibs in his chamber and reportedly asked them that both these two have put him in a very uncomfortable position. He told two “Hajis” that one of them is wrong and thus has submitted lies swearing Holy Quran. He stressed he knew this. But as he pleaded, now the difficulty was that despite knowing one of them was telling lies, he was to declare one right and one wrong. According to the civil judge it was academically very simple and logical but in the words of young judge it was too hard rather unimaginable for him to declare the other “a liar” knowing well a Muslim had submitted that swearing name of Holy Quran. As such the civil judge personally thought that by declaring one “wrong” he was in fact not trusting the words of a Muslim who swore taking name of Holy Quran. The young civil judge pleaded with these two not to put him in such a dangerous situation as he would wish to resign from the court rather than declaring one of them “wrong” – a statement submitted taking name of Holy Quran. He gave both Haji Sahibs an hour
after which when the Hearing re-started the complainant Haji Sahib submitted that he had got his money and he wished to withdraw his complaint. How brilliant the civil judge was only those who are simply true Muslim and have morality can understand.

It is very easy for the questioner citizen to know the truth in this case of Justice Iftikhar Choudhary whether he was asked to resign or not. In such cases circumstantial evidence plays a pivotal role for which there needs no extraordinary brain. For example if Brigadier Cheema, Mohammad Ali Durrani or Attorney General Abdul Qyuum say that the Chief Justice was not under any sort of house arrest and is free to move there needs no putting the brain unnecessarily into trouble. Only the circumstantial evidence well gives answer who was right and who is wrong. For example the circumstantial evidence in this case is same time TVs releasing photographs of Chief Justice house fenced and locked and Federal Board declare chief justice’s house as an examination center enabling his daughter to appear in her examination in her own home.

Taking oaths as elected representatives, in courts declaring that deponent will speak truth and only truth are just routine spiritless formalities only. In the materialism we have lost that conscious. Some 25 years back when I joined service abroad the foreign employer took oath from me by putting Holy Quran on my hand. My oath stated that I will abide by rules and regulations of the employment and that of the host country. One of the rule was that while working with my employer I will not indulge in any other office of profit or business. Dozen and dozen offered me good part time jobs, offers to join them as an outside partner in their business but the Oath taken holding Holy Quran in my hand always remained before me. A simple lip service oath might had not been that influencing and deterrent as the practical holding the Holy Quran had. I always trembled whenever I received any such offer or even a slightest idea came eg opening of a sandwich shop for evening sitting.

I have requested PIA Chairman that I take solemn oath holding Holy Quran in my hand that PIA was allowing and allowed me and all only 05 kgs till June/July 2007 and same oath PIA Bahrain Chief takes that he was allowing before that 07 kgs to everyone and that he solemnly affirms that this passenger’s hand bag was ever in excess and was thus ever charged. I have further said that in my oath I would swear that never ever during my 22-24 years travel my hand baggage was ever found excess weight nor my hand baggage as such was ever charged for extra. PIA Chairman as usual is giving no response, I know even without this oath he believes that what the passenger was saying is truth nothing but he truth.

I further wish to affirm holding Holy Quran that on my second last travel Bahrain/Karachi, I found a young Pakistani lady passenger in problem. PIA allowed 40 kgs hold baggage and 05 kgs hand baggage thus total 45 kgs. This lady was ahead of me on check-in-counter. Her hold baggage was 39 kgs and hand baggage 06 kgs thus total 45 kgs. It was a shame when the lady was opening all her baggage sitting on the floor taking one kg form her hand bag to transfer it to hold baggage to make it 40+5=45 instead of existing 39+6=45. I will never forget the guilt that I did not help her in opening and repacking of her baggage myself being medically unfit at that time for bending on the floor as I was going to Karachi for my operation. The lady was carrying only 45kgs in the plane whether in shape of 40+5 or 39+6.

Though your esteem I repeat my offer of taking solemn oath in order to know if lower level ordinary citizens have morality or the senior functionaries. By this oath taking I also wish “people” to know who lied: one who says 07 kgs or one who says 05 kgs. While I was scribbling this a story appeared in Overseas Pakistanis page of Daily Jang its staff reporter from Abu Dhabi reporting his own story through hands of PIA Abu Dhabi last month [Ref: Jang Weekly Magazine - IQRA
My Hon Friend;

You must be quite young and naive. My personal experience with overtly religious people is very bad. I found most of them cheat and lie without slightest guilt in their conscience.

I have seen dozens of cases where witnesses lie under Oath on Quran without the slightest hesitation. Haji's and mullahs! Many of the village mosque mullahs were notorious for sodomizing young boys who were sent there for learning Quran. It is sad but at least partly true.

I was for 3 years Sales Development Manager for Esso (1974-1977) and responsible for the entire retail outlet network in Pakistan. Most of the petrol station owners and reseller agents were Hajis and many even Hafiz Quran. When it came to money, they lied and swore that the check is good and we should accept it and later arranged to have the same bounced. Dealer at ESSO petrol pump near kala pul at Karachi, who used to arrange reading of the whole Quran at his house in defence every month; conspired with Habib Bank Manager, who collected 28 checques for the petrol supplies from ESSO and bounced them all together.

Regrettably, it was the time of ZA Bhutto, and the dealer was friendly with PPP political bigwigs. Esso, with all her high flying lawyers, could do was to suspend supplies and make him pay the outstanding amount in 24 instalments. Bank manager was simply transferred to another branch as all banks had been nationalised by then and thus subject to political pressure.

You will learn by and by that you never judge a person by appearances and his overt religious acts. Alas, at the risk of generalizing, I have no faith in anyone's oath or if they are Hajis. In fact you will find that many non practicing Muslims more honest.
My Hon Friend;

You must be quite young and naive. My personal experience with overtly religious people is very bad. I found most of them cheat and lie without slightest guilt in their conscience.

I have seen dozens of cases where witnesses lie under Oath on Quran without the slightest hesitation. Haji's and mullahs! Many of the village mosque mullahs were notorious for sodomizing young boys who were sent there for learning Quran. It is sad but at least partly true.

I was for 3 years Sales Development Manager for Esso (1974-1977) and responsible for the entire retail outlet network in Pakistan. Most of the petrol station owners and reseller agents were Hajis and many even Hafiz Quran. When it came to money, they lied and swore that the check is good and we should accept it and later arranged to have the same bounced. Dealer at ESSO petrol pump near kala pul at Karachi, who used to arrange reading of the whole Quran at his house in defence every month; conspired with Habib Bank Manager, who collected 28 checques for the petrol supplies from ESSO and bounced them all together.

Regrettably, it was the time of ZA Bhutto, and the dealer was friendly with PPP political bigwigs. Esso, with all her high flying lawyers, could do was to suspend supplies and make him pay the outstanding amount in 24 instalments. Bank manager was simply transferred to another branch as all banks had been nationalised by then and thus subject to political pressure.

You will learn by and by that you never judge a person by appearances and his overt religious acts. Alas, at the risk of generalizing, I have no faith in anyone's oath or if they are Hajis. In fact you will find that many non practicing Muslims more honest.

Niaz sb,

No second thoughts on that infact with little bit of addition that most of the drug smugglers in FATA are all Haji's. People are selfish when it comes to money and they use religion as excuse or cover up.:pakistan:
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