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PIA expels 350+ Employees


Nov 1, 2010
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PIA expels 300 employees with fake educational qualifications

our correspondent
Saturday, April 05, 2014

KARACHI: PIA sacks 300 employees. Degrees and other educational qualifications of as many as 350 employees of the national flag carrier have been found ‘fake’ and 'counterfeit'.

"We have terminated 350 employees after their educational degrees turned out to be fake. Five pilots, a good number of air hostesses, senior services staff and some Engineers are included in the list of those sacked during the last six months when the process of verification of educational credentials of over 30,000 PIA employees began," Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) spokesperson Mashhood Tajwar told .

The Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) have now terminated services of around 300 employees with immediate effect while remaining 50 cases are subjudice and courts’ decisions are waited for further action.

Such measures were adopted in compliance with instructions of Supreme Court of Pakistan.

The PIA has been vigorously pursuing the issue of credential verifications of its employees, the General Manager Public Affairs PIA Muhammad Mashhood Tajwar said on Friday.

The Human Resource Administration Department of the PIA has been performing this 'gigantic task' of verification of credentials of around '16,000 employees'. The PIA launch the process of degrees verification some six months ago (since October, 2013), he mentioned.

“So far more than 30,000 degrees have been dispatched to concerned educational institutions (universities and boards) for the verifications. Meanwhile, dispatch process of remaining 3,000 degrees will be completed by mid of April. Up till now verification of now more than 6,000 degrees have been received and out of which 350 degrees were found fake”.

The verification process is going on in a very transparent manner across the board encompassing all categories and groups of employees without any discrimination. As per instructions of Supreme Court’s instructions a prompt action was taken against the fake degree holders according to Corporation’s Rules and Regulations, he claimed.

For possessing fake educational certificates, and degrees, a very serious crime which will result in the documents to be corroborated, severe action will be taken against those found guilty of forging their particulars.

The PIA has expedited the task of verification, however, appropriate action can only be initiated once the replies from concerned universities or examination board’s is received, he concluded.

"This is very alarming that even senior pilots serving in PIA had fake degrees," an official said.

PIA finds degrees of 350 employees fake - thenews.com.pk

Such super clear cut strict measures are must needed in all national companies as well as local companies...it is a great step forward to revival.
Well degree verifications are a must , and cheating in schools has become a cancer to society

Our literacy rate is mere 53% and even out of that the efficiency of education is mere
10% , as 43% don't get the quality education or are cheating their way thru

That is why they resort to "short cuts" in real life as they don't really have the tools to succeed based on their intellect or IQ , so they resort to bribes and short cuts and family connections
This is refers to two news stories about PIA – ‘Plan to induct 28 new aircraft to revamp PIA’ and ‘PIA sacks 350 employees for fake degrees’ (April 2). Both stories are heartening but both have come with considerable delay.

The major problem with our national airline has been shortage of aircraft and an ageing fleet. The previous management had wanted to buy new aircraft but its demands fell on deaf ears. If we had added only 10 aircraft in the past we could have avoided this mess . It is a good step but it should be expedited as each day we lose money and add to our losses.

PIA deserves to be congratulated for sacking 50 employees on fake degrees but PIA is not the only organisation in the country with people who have fake degrees.

In the name of fair play and justice this exercise must be carried out throughout the country without any exception and it should be accorded top most priority. This is a good beginning – let us hope there will be no compromises and politicking on the issue.
They got to reduce their size to almost 25% what they have now. Whether it wants to be self sustaining corporate of has to go under hammer. More chances are prospective buyers have given them an idea to deal with unionisation, through termination due to fake degrees and misrepresentation. This way they will not be able to call strikes and wont be able to go to courts. Thus, airline is cleaned of problems before buyer (the beneficiary) takes over.
in any other govt, they would have been sentenced to life imprisonment for fraud and whole salary they took would have been recovered from their property
i bet they took billions in salaries in those few years and probably had lost there political support.
Just move the frickin base to Islamabad. It will be free from PPP and MQM interference and their safarshi culture.
Just move the frickin base to Islamabad. It will be free from PPP and MQM interference and their safarshi culture.
PIA has no base system like emirates, ethihad etc. it operates flights from different cities of Pakistan to international destinations
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