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Physically challenged Pakistani bodybuilder wins gold medal in US


Dec 20, 2006
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WASHINGTON - Polio may have atrophied one leg of Naveed Butt in childhood, but it could not weaken his indomitable resolve to compete that culminated in his gold medal victory at the Natural Olympia in San Diego, California.
Butt realized his dream of holding aloft the shimmering gold star at the 2013 International Natural Bodybuilding Association in the Physically Challenged "Wheelchair bodybuilding category", a fortnight ago. "It was a tremendous feeling of fulfillment, when I achieved the feat with the name of Pakistan mentioned as the country of the winning bodybuilder in my category, it brought tears of joy in my eyes" Butt told APP in Virginia, where Wasim Khan, a Pakistani-American, hosted a reception to honor the bodybuilder.
The Lahore-based Naveed Butt said he had traveled to the United States for the competition on his own with no financial help from any quarter. Bodybuilders from dozens of countries from around the world including neighbouring India participated in the event. "I spent all my money, I sold my motorbike, my bodybuilding club and also borrowed money from my brother, to train, travel and enter into the competition," said Butt, who has pursued bodybuilding as passion of his life.
He appealed to the government to support his endeavours so that he may win more laurels for Pakistan. "I hope the government will recognize my feat, and support me financially, I also am confident that my victory would inspire other special persons". "My message is that with commitment and courage, and Allah's blessings you can overcome any deficiency or disability and achieve success," he said.

Physically challenged Pakistani bodybuilder wins gold medal in US
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