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Philippines hails Indian Navy's stand on South China Sea.

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Manila hails Navy chief’s stand on South China Sea.
By Indrani Bagchi, TNN | Dec 19, 2012, 03.09 AM IST

Philippines has welcomed Navy chief DK Joshi's recent comments on the South China Sea.

NEW DELHI: Navy chief, Admiral D K Joshi's recent comment on the South China Sea may not have warmed hearts in China, or in the South Block, but they have bolstered India's standing among Asean countries.

Welcoming the underlying sentiment as part of India's Look East policy, vice-president of the Philippines, Jejomar Cabauatan Binay, told TOI in an exclusive conversation, "In the present day, these issues are no longer of parochial interest. Freedom of navigation and lawful commerce are universal interests. The statement of the Admiral is a confirmation that it is a problem that India cannot turn its back to."

Last week, Admiral Joshi had responded to journalists' questions on the Navy's preparedness, saying, "Are we preparing for it? Are we having exercises of that nature? The short answer is "Yes. We, of course, will need government clearance. Should a requirement come, I am sure we will have that clearance,'' he said. The comment came even as National Security Advisor (NSA) Shivshankar Menon was in Beijing working on a border agreement with his counterpart Dai Bingguo. The ministry of external affairs (MEA) was livid and the blame was swiftly passed on to an "irresponsible" media after the comment reverberated in various parts of the world.

The Philippines, of course, is in a unique position and in direct line of fire. The sea that China describes as South China Sea is known locally as West Philippines Sea — China and the Philippines have faced off over the Scarborough Shoal earlier this year, sparking fears of a larger regional conflict. Although the Philippines has activated a mutual defence pact with the US, Manila's response to India, said analysts, could be a sign that the region was looking for a credible balancing power.

Recently, the Philippines "sought clarification from Beijing" after a news report suggested that from January, 2013, local police would engage in "search and seizure" of ships within China's claim line.

"But we haven't received any confirmation. Other countries too have sought a clarification," Binay said.

Making a big pitch for increased Indian investment in the Philippines, the vice-president said, "We look forward to Indian investment, tourism and culture. We also welcome Indian pharmaceuticals into Philippines, because India is very advanced in this sector. But more than that, we want to have a deeper political and security relationship with India."

However, the Philippines is also clear that the recent troubles are not the defining point of their bilateral relationship with China. Like India, the Philippines has a very deep and intricate relationship with China. Binay said, "The relationship is multifaceted. After all they are our neighbours. There has been continuous dialogue at the foreign ministry level. President Aquino met President Hu Jintao and they agreed this cannot be the sum total of relations between China and the Philippines."

Manila hails Navy chief’s stand on South China Sea - The Times of India
wonder when mighty india will deploy its asia's strongest navy in south china sea.
The ministry of external affairs (MEA) was livid and the blame was swiftly passed on to an "irresponsible" media after the comment reverberated in various parts of the world.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...avys-stand-south-china-sea.html#ixzz2FStHRX3t
India's External Affairs ministry is filled with charlatans, quacks, and timid imbeciles, headed by a phoney foreign minister with zero balls! Our worthies seem terrified to take on China. Can't help it I guess, as Gandhi's DNA runs deep within us.

When are we going to start behaving like an emerging power and a force to reckon with? When are we going to graduate from mice to men?

Bottom line: Our politicians suck! Our babus suck! Our policies suck!
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread ,So India can take US job as Philiipines wished

Former U.S. Official: Don’t Mistake Support on South China Sea
December 14, 2012, 6:41 PM

A former senior U.S. defense official viewed as a possible successor to Leon Panetta as defense secretary said the Philippines has recently mistaken U.S. renewed engagement in the region as an opportunity to more assertively pursue territorial claims against China.

Michèle Flournoy, who served as undersecretary for defense policy until February 2012, said last month while the U.S. needed to send clear signals of support for its allies in the region, it also needed to ensure that support didn’t lead allies to act provocatively.

Naming the Philippines specifically, she said there was a risk of Manila “mistaking U.S. support for an opportunity to be much more assertive in staking their claims. I think we have to be careful that we don’t feed that dynamic.”

The comments by Ms. Flournoy came during a question-and-answer session at Australian National University on Nov. 29. Video of the remarks was posted on YouTube this week.

“I do think there is a danger of some of our friends occasionally misreading, or miscalculating, in terms of the support that they have from the United States,” Ms. Flournoy added.

Tensions between China and the Philippines escalated rapidly this year over longstanding territorial disputes in the South China Sea. Many feared a prolonged spring standoff between Chinese and Philippine government vessels in the sea’s disputed Scarborough Shoal would trigger conflict.

The standoff eventually drew down peacefully, but revived questions over what the U.S. would do in the event of an armed China-Philippines clash. The U.S. is obligated to protect the Philippines by a 1951 mutual-defense pact. It remains unclear, however, whether a conflict in disputed territory would trigger the U.S. to act in defense of its Asian ally.

The U.S. has repeatedly said it doesn’t take sides in territorial disputes, a point Ms. Flournoy reiterated during her Australia comments.

The sea is claimed in whole or in part by China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei. It’s home to critical shipping lanes and is also believed to hold rich oil-and-gas deposits. Estimates on resource deposits vary widely, anywhere from 28 billion barrels of oil or less to as much as 213 billion barrels, according to some accounts. The ongoing tensions, however, have stunted resource development in the South China Sea.
lol, never expecting low IQed people to understand the context
India's External Affairs ministry is filled with charlatans, quacks, and timid imbeciles, headed by a phoney foreign minister with zero balls! Our worthies seem terrified to take on China. Can't help it I guess, as Gandhi's DNA runs deep within us.

When are we going to start behaving like an emerging power and a force to reckon with? When are we going to graduate from mice to men?

Bottom line: Our politicians suck! Our babus suck! Our policies suck!

Where to start behaving a emerging power, when we cannot even control our immediate neighbours?
I mean there is no political wish for that.
many want India to be a global power, but we should be a power first in our area. USA did that in N America, Britain and Russia did that in Europe , before they were called as World Powers.

If there was a coup in Mexico or Panama, USA would send its troop and save the President. Its a power to reckon in that region.
Now China is a force and it wants to behave like a force to reckon with, with all its resources at her disposal.

At the other hand, we do not show our strength, and even to injustices like in SL or Maldives.
Now is the time for India to step up defense cooperation with ASEAN countries telling the world that its not aimed at any specific country. This will bring stability in the region
Indians have nothing to give ASEAN. China dominates in trade, investment, finance, technology. Indians have massive debt problems to deal with. Not only that but china's containment of India is in full effect after Maldives, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan are all seeking Chinese involvement in South Asia.

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