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Pfizer CEO sold 61.8% of his stocks on the same day when positive data about vaccine of COVID-19 announced


Sep 9, 2016
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The corruption run rampant and completely unchecked in the United Banana States of America:

CEO of Pfizer sold 61.8% of his stocks in Pfizer, total 132508 shares, at the price of $41.94

Whilst the vice-president of Pfizer also sold about $1.8 million of his stock on the same day.

Why did they sell so early?

The stock will go up further.

India is about to sign a deal with the US/Pfizer.
Why did they sell so early?

The stock will go up further.

India is about to sign a deal with the US/Pfizer.

Im sure we’ll hear more about his vaccine soon. They might have known something we don’t of this study.
Why did they sell so early?

The stock will go up further.

India is about to sign a deal with the US/Pfizer.

The vaccine has to be stored at -80 degree C, which is utter impossible for most of the countries and hospitals.

And their product plan depend on a superfactory yet to be setted up in China, by the time everything is ready and even if their vaccine is proved to be useful, they could be too late to impact the market since there are 5-6 vaccine under Phase III clinic trail, most of them come from China, and none of them require negative 80 degree C for storage.

Actually since China have already get 4-5 vaccines in Phase III underway, why they want to help them producing this vaccine? So the planned superfactory in China itself have alot of uncertainities.

And they invented a new way to define efficiency of an vaccine: just a few weeks of positive effect, not any long-term effect evaluation (both postive and negative, e.g. you certainly dont want to take a vaccine, and knowing it will lost its protection effects a few weeks later), with a sample size of 94, and discounting any healthy carriers.

So basically the CEO knows better.
Actually since China have already get 4-5 vaccines in Phase III underway, why they want to help them producing this vaccine? So the planned superfactory in China itself have alot of uncertainities.

Because mRNA vaccine is a new thing and China wants to be a part of the supply chain in case it's indeed the future? Progress on China's own mRNA vaccine is behind Pfizer's.
Because mRNA vaccine is a new thing and China wants to be a part of the supply chain in case it's indeed the future? Progress on China's own mRNA vaccine is behind Pfizer's.

It is not a new thing, people tried many times, but it just have never worked before, and even if it works, it offer little advantage in this case, thats why mRNA-based vaccine is a low priority in China here, it is not an academic exercises, they need vaccine that save lifes, not produce journal papers.
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This is interesting... Maybe they are concerned about better vaccines from competitors?

But the whole -80c temperature is a red herring, the countries who can afford to pay top dollar for this vaccine are the ones for whom temperature control is not a problem.
The corruption run rampant and completely unchecked in the United Banana States of America:

CEO of Pfizer sold 61.8% of his stocks in Pfizer, total 132508 shares, at the price of $41.94

Whilst the vice-president of Pfizer also sold about $1.8 million of his stock on the same day.

That is why the rich is getting richer. They are smarter than the rest.
And very few people know that their vaccine is a logistical nightmare because it requires -80°C cold chain. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
India and the word cold storage does not rhyme and even getting - 80 cold storage in China is quite hard. The Chinese vaccine efficacy is currently at 100%, we have 5 vaccines to choose from including mRNA type. The only choice is a Chinese vaccine,i hope these yindoos wake up for the sake of their country.
US will have to buy China vaccine. You have my word.
US just faked the vaccine, it's not available at all. Not practical.
US will have to buy China vaccine. You have my word.
US just faked the vaccine, it's not available at all. Not practical.

US vaccine is highly available to the rich in NYC, SF, LA, Chicago and Boston where they have -80C freezers at major hospitals, which is the important part.
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