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Petraeus Scandal: US Rusting Swords With Rusting Characters | PKKH.tv

Rusty Sword .

The one who has this Opinion must be very very careful . With A "Sharp Sword" you get Swift death . With a "Rusty Sword" you get Tetnus even if it cuts Slightly and that leads to a slow , painful and excruciating death .
Then learn a thing or two about Pakistani history.

Both the civilian and military government are to blame for the disaster called Pakistan these days.
Pakistan was doing fine under the leadership of Musharraf. Thanks to PPP, situation entirely changed.

What you call golden was only a veneer of fool's gold, hiding the rot and tarnish underneath that became evident soon thereafter.
No. Ayub and Musharraf managed Pakistan lot better then the political parties. Pakistan experienced economic and societal prosperity under the leadership of these two individuals.

The major goals of US involvment in Afghnastan will be met: OBL is dead, and the area will not be useable for attacks against the mainland for quite a long time.
But Taliban remains strong and may challenge ANSF after 2014. So?

What you see as being at odds is the US system at work in its natural state, but most people with little understanding of the US will not be able to see that.
Sacking of Stanley McChrystal was not a small thing. This guy understood Afghanistan lot better then many Americans.

As an example: Afghanistan Commander's Assessment: Stanley McChrystal: Amazon.com: Kindle Store

Unfortunately, Obama was too blind to understand this general's concerns.

But who cares? The Non-Victory Parade :: SteynOnline
Then learn a thing or two about Pakistani history.

I wouldn't mind adding to my knowledge base, sure, but then again, I already know more than thing or two about not only Pakistani history, but a few more things besides.Trust me on that. ;)

Pakistan was doing fine under the leadership of Musharraf. Thanks to PPP, situation entirely changed.

Doing fine? Please define that a bit further and we can discuss what fine really means. For now, let's just say he was responsible for Kargil and joining the WoT.

No. Ayub and Musharraf managed Pakistan lot better then the political parties. Pakistan experienced economic and societal properity under the leadership of these two individuals.

Again, please define the specifics of this "properity" (prosperity, I assume just a typo, but could be propriety) so we discuss what really was the situation.

But Taliban remains strong and may challenge ANSF after 2014. So?

So what? As long as the area is not used by the likes of OBL to launch attacks on USA, who cares?

Sacking of Stanley McChrystal was not a small thing. This guy understood Afghanistan lot better then many Americans.

As an example: Afghanistan Commander's Assessment: Stanley McChrystal: Amazon.com: Kindle Store

Unfortunately, Obama was too blind to understand this general's concerns.

Gen McChrystal gave his considered opinion, but it is the civilian leadership that makes the final decision, and the brass must obey. That is the way it is supposed to work, not the other way around.

Trust me, USA cares about its national interests, first and foremost, and always. It would be a mistake to assume otherwise.
Rusty Sword .

The one who has this Opinion must be very very careful . With A "Sharp Sword" you get Swift death . With a "Rusty Sword" you get Tetnus even if it cuts Slightly and that leads to a slow , painful and excruciating death .
At least wound from rusty sword can be treated ......so chances of survival are more from rusty sword....:tongue:
Ex-CIA Boss Petraeus To Testify On Libya Attack

Former CIA Director David Petraeus has agreed to testify before a Senate Intelligence Committee tasked with investigating the deadly attack on the US Consulate in Libya.

General Petraeus, who vacated his post as the nation's top spy last week after admitting he had an extramarital affair with his biographer, will testify at a session held in private on Thursday.

He had been originally been scheduled to appear before the committee, but that had been scrapped after he resigned from the CIA last Friday.

Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic Senator from California, said: "He is very willing and interested in talking to the committee."

It is not clear whether the retired four-star general will be questioned about his relationship with Paula Broadwell – a storyline that has ensnared America's top commander in Afghanistan, a female military liaison in Florida and an FBI agent.


Retired General David Petraeus with Paula Broadwell

"It will be interesting to see what tenor it takes and what the senators and congressmen, assuming he gets before both houses, have to say before talking to him," military analyst retired colonel Jack Jacobs told NBC News.

"As you know, these hearings have a tendency to be less a question and answer period than it is an opportunity for the members to vent their spleen or talk about what they want to, so that part will be very, very interesting."

But as questions swirl over Gen Petraeus' affair with Ms Broadwell, Congress continues to seek answers about the September 11 attack in Benghazi in which four Americans, including US Ambassador Chris Stevens, were killed.

The Obama administration has been criticised for its immediate explanation of what caused the attacks, citing an online anti-Muslim film before later calling it a planned terrorist attack.

Michael Morell, acting director of the CIA, began answering questions about the attack on Capitol Hill on Tuesday.

The US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya was attacked on September 11

The CIA has dismissed as "baseless" claims by Ms Broadwell that Libyan militants were held in covert prisons before the attack.

She alleged in a speech that the attack on the base was part of an attempt to free prisoners.

She also claimed that Gen Petraeus knew of the hidden cells - even though President Obama took away the CIA's power to take prisoners soon after he was inaugurated in January 2009.

Mr Obama, in his first news conference since securing re-election, told reporters that he has no evidence at this point that classified information was disclosed in the Petraeus scandal.

Ms Broadwell, a West Point graduate and former Army Reserves intelligence officer, had her security clearance suspended in light of the ongoing investigation into her relationship with Gen Petraeus, a US Army official said on Wednesday.

The official was not authorised to speak publicly about the clearance so requested anonymity.

Ex-CIA Boss Petraeus To Testify On Libya Attack
I wouldn't mind adding to my knowledge base, sure, but then again, I already know more than thing or two about not only Pakistani history, but a few more things besides.Trust me on that. ;)
I hope that you will learn a thing or two from me.

Doing fine? Please define that a bit further and we can discuss what fine really means. For now, let's just say he was responsible for Kargil and joining the WoT.
Kargil was certainly a blunder. However, explain to me that how joining WOT was a wrong decision?

As to why I consider Musharraf's rule to be a good one is because he nabbed many terrorists, uplifted living standard of many people, uplifted economy and improved education standard.

Again, please define the specifics of this "properity" (prosperity, I assume just a typo, but could be propriety) so we discuss what really was the situation.
I meant prosperity.

Some of the Ayub Khan's accomplishments are:

1. Construction of Dams
2. Economy prosperity
3. Putting India in its place
4. Putting an end to political instability of 1950s
5. Membership of SEATO and CENTO
6. Encouragement of SMEs
7. Islamabad as capital (wise decision)

Unfortunately PPP became a thorn in his path and proudly proceeded to split Pakistan in to two during 1970s.

So what? As long as the area is not used by the likes of OBL to launch attacks on USA, who cares?
You think that US objectives are limited to this? No.

Obama maybe thinking that this is sufficient but this will be a big blunder. Afghanistan cannot be left in the lurch this time because similar decision in the past resulted in sowing of seeds of terrorism in this country and you know the rest.

The purpose of ANSF is to stabilize Afghanistan but it isn't ready for this challenge thus far. Reality is that ANSF have already been infiltrated by Taliban or its sympathizers.

Try to understand if Taliban will not be stopped; it will become unstoppable. Fundamentalists will gain considerable power and influence due to this.

Gen McChrystal gave his considered opinion, but it is the civilian leadership that makes the final decision, and the brass must obey. That is the way it is supposed to work, not the other way around.
Ever wondered that why a military personal was given leadership role during WWII? Because he was the right man for the job.

WOT has been a very costly war in terms of resources and a lengthy one. The challenge of extremism remains in Afghanistan so Obama should not think short term. Unfortunately, he is more concerned about his popularity rather then victory in WOT which is very important for US interests.

Trust me, USA cares about its national interests, first and foremost, and always. It would be a mistake to assume otherwise.
It does. However, political blunders can/do hurt its national interests.
ok, so for you guys having an extra-marital affair is no big deal,, moral don't count for you,, somehow you give me a feeling that all made-in-US is good,, even if its crap.

the point in the article is, i think, that people without a moral standing cannot be allowed to make judgement in matters pertaining implications on world affairs,, and that its not just Petraeus, the whole machine is corrupt..

but of course,,you wont see that if you'r in love with the US...
In love with the US? I'm a citizen and native son...think how you feel about your country and military...we feel the same way...with more reason.
I hope that you will learn a thing or two from me.............

I hope so too.

Let's not take this thread off topic any further. I am sure we will discuss these points in other threads, and I look forward to that of course.
hi, i want to say that thats very bad.why us govt and media allowed to release such news aboutdavid petrius???i dont think that it has anything to do with the world affairs except us intellegence millitary reputation..
In US morality has become an instinct species.............. with fascism being their new life line, the decline of this flagitious empire is imminent.
In US morality has become an instinct species.............. with fascism being their new life line, the decline of this flagitious empire is imminent.

Yeah, the "instinct" species might just become "extinct", but not for a long time yet. :D
Yeah, the "instinct" species might just become "extinct", but not for a long time yet. :D

Hey dont blame me for the stupid android auto correct. The darn thing wont even turn off.:angry: Again Americans are to blamed for creating such a lame feature.:azn:
Hey dont blame me for the stupid android auto correct. The darn thing wont even turn off.:angry: Again Americans are to blamed for creating such a lame feature.:azn:

Yup, everything is Umreeka's fault. :D

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