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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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The ideology creates that mindset. Unfortunately Salafist Islam is at the forefront of conservatism and resort to archaic and often non-sensical interpretations of Islam. Hence Salafist Islam creates terrorists. As does Deobandi Islam. As does Islam in general.

The unfortunate irony of our times my friend is that the religion we cherish so deeply and flock to defend at the drop of a hat is essentially the very religion which has left us incongruous with modernity and also the comity of nations.

Pull out all the verses where Islam preaches peace and I will pull out as many where Islam wages war.

Pretty pointless thing to do. It could divide society even more.

They were violent extremists centered around an idea, no doubt. I don't think they were trained in psychological warfare, which explains the horror they struck. Years of fighting without the right psychology can really mess up a person, as in the case of those dead terrorists. So messed up, that they genuinely enjoyed killing - children even.

Somehow, I feel that psychological warfare hadn't been implemented enough in the war on terror. I think it's an important aspect, and a key to defeating them.
Sons of Bitches!

You know you are going to have a f***ed up day when you wake up to news like this. NO amount of condemnation is enough.

It is about time Pakistan Government immediately releases funds for the much needed choppers and more F-16s to bomb these bastards out of this world. Pakistan needs to go on a serious bombing rampage to kill these pigs.
who is this guy...

@Topic.. Pak should do one thing. .. capture all these creatures and nuke them together. .. it's better to use nukes on these animals. ..

This guys stopped the suicide bomber to enter the school and grabbed him the suicide blasted himself and this guy died saving hundreds
You know you are going to have a f***ed up day when you wake up to news like this. NO amount of condemnation is enough.

It is about time Pakistan Government immediately releases funds for the much needed choppers and more F-16s to bomb these bastards out of this world. Pakistan needs to go on a serious bombing rampage to kill these pigs.

Within humane standards sir, don't let them make you lose your humanity. We don't want other civilians to suffer as well. :(
قبائلی جنگلی پشتونوں کا پاکستان کے لیئے ایک اور تحفہ

After all, they were not tribals, neither pashtoons and neither uneducated, but the kids they killed.... most of them were indeed pure Pushtoons.

Apparently, someone in foreign world is very very fearful of Pashtoons and is spending lots of efforts & money to have them killed...along with the so called Punjabi army!

Let's wait bit more and ye shall know... how they (dead terrorists) traveled to Pakistan and who was assisting them here, who chalked out the target for them, who assisted them with intelligence, who charted out the plan, who provided the blue prints of building, who drove them to the crime scene, why they choose today for operation, what sort of hate was driving them....... as it appears, that tragedy was driven by hate more than any thing else, the kind of hate which emanates only from religious fanaticism and early childhood brainwashing........ now what sort of hate can be directed at Pakistan army and who are the international haters of Pakistan army............there are many candidates that fits the profile. Just sit tight there.... and don't go overboard for what ever reason... you may have to hate Pashtoons.
Within humane standards sir, don't let them make you lose your humanity. We don't want other civilians to suffer as well. :(

The Islamic way dictates you take out the enemy and those who host the enemy or facilitate the enemy as well. Pakistan is a nation of 190 million people......finding these scums in not easy among so many faces, but we know where they all come from.
May the Innocents Rest In Peace.

Sry,not much can be said,this situation is unreal,i can't even begin to understand it.Going after children,children....

Condoleances to Pakistan,today you mourn,tommorow take your revenge.
Not right place to post it but you guys should see it,

Australians Just Showed the World Exactly How to Respond to Terrorism With #IllRideWithYou

In the aftermath of the hostage crisis in downtown Sydney, Australians are showing the world they're not caving to racism or Islamophobia.

On Monday, an armed gunman stormed a cafe in Martin Place, entering a tense standoff with police. After the hostage-taker displayed an Islamic flag in the cafe's window, many of Australia's Muslims are understandably anxious about facing retribution.

But instead, Australians have banded together on Twitter with #IllRideWithYou, a hashtag showing their solidarity with fellow countrymen scared of being attacked on public transportation.

The hashtag started simply, with an act of compassion. Tessa Kum, a writer living in Sydney, told Guardian Australia she acted after seeing a tweet from TV reporter Michael James:


source: Australians Just Showed the World Exactly How to Respond to Terrorism With #IllRideWithYou - Mic

Australians Just Showed the World Exactly How to Respond to Terrorism

Fifteen-year-old Dawood, could not wake up on time and had to skip school. He is the only survivor of his school’s ninth grade class. He has now buried six of his closest friends in one day. The shock has rendered him speechless and he is showing no emotion. “Dawood isn’t talking to anyone, he isn’t talking at all,” his elder brother Sufyan Ibrahim told The Express Tribune. “He is in judo and is a tough child but he is showing no emotion at all right now. He just attended funerals the entire day. No one from his class survived; every single one of them was killed.”

Sufyan also revealed the reason why his brother was not in school that day. “Dawood is lucky. He missed school today because we attended a wedding last night, and he overslept; it was fate.”

Pakistan Judo Federation secretary Masood Ahmed added that Dawood is not the only one affected and all the athletes in the ongoing U16 national camp in Peshawar are ready to donate their blood to the injured.

The silence of an alarm clock saved a life and the silence of Dawood now needs to wake up many.
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