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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Bumping this

Another post I read and cant find:


no just that , please those who are in peshwaar , go to media or govt officials ask them to send choppers to Karachi or islamabad and bring doctors and surgeons ,, nurses and everything that required ...
I didn't wanted to indulge into political discussion in this thread. So far avoided that, but your post just forced me into it.

What do you want IK to do? Stop asking for justice on rigging and sit quietly just because we are at a war right now? Yes, the war is in progress and our army is dealing with it quite well. All the politicians and public is with the army on this war. What else you want us or IK to do? Pick up a gun and reach FATA tomorrow?

Stop using PDF please, stop eating food, and stop washing your arse. Because you need to get your priorities straight first. First eliminate this menace of Taliban and then you can do all that.

Ask for justice in courts. Is that too hard for you guys to understand? Jao court main aur ja kar case larho. Jao parliament aur wahan ja kar jo karna hai karo.

But don't divert the attention of this country, its people and its governments from more important issues like the b@stards of TTP.
no just that , please those who are in peshwaar , go to media or govt officials ask them to send choppers to Karachi or islamabad and bring doctors and surgeons ,, nurses and everything that required ...
I dont think they use choppers for helping those in need it is ONLY used to cover aerial view for news purposes!
yes it's true
This is so sad, those kids were innocent who had nothing to do with politics, religious extremism and violence.

**** you Taliban and all those who sympathize with you in any way.

If this is going to teach us anything, it's that Taliban's number 1. enemy is not the army, the government or police. Their first and most dangerous enemy is education, a proper education can eradicate this disease, not guns and bullets only. Attacking a schools full of kids shows that you beat TTP with education, which is what they are most afraid of.

As long as illiterate goons are around, they can recruit. This is just very sad, I still can't digest the whole thing properly.
So all 6 terrorists have been killed..? Operation over..?
So, you're telling us to tolerate cheaters? I don't tolerate cheats and so shouldn't IK. I'm done with this discussion on this point.

This war didn't start today. Pakistan has been fighting this war for a long time now. What has NS done ever since becoming the PM to curb terrorism in Pakistan? Has one terrorist been convicted under his watch? Just ask yourself this question.
Chill....leave him be! No time for POLITICAL BS when our own children need us!
if u cant protect our kids, future of Pak, than u got no right to remain in office or in parliament. pack ur bags & go home.to all politicians

till when we will cry the hell out of our self in front of politicians ??? a leader dont make nation , but nation make a leader .. for god sake stand up for your own kids ..
Woke up to this terrible news. Not a single one of these TTP scums deserve to live. They were children for God's sake. RIP to the departed souls. This shouldn't have happened.
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