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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Taliban expert speaks to BBC World Service
Posted at11:00

BBC World Update has been speaking to Taliban expert Ahmed Rashid, who has been outlining reasons why the Taliban would attack the school at this time. He suggests:

  • To demoralise the military
  • Malala Yousafzai just won the Nobel Peace Prize
  • Peshawar has become an ungovernable city; terrorism is now rampant
Who is ikhwaan?

the "muslim" brotherhood group of egypt/africa... ikhwaan ul "muslimoon"... whose major leader was sayyid qutb who himself was much inspired by the indian mullah, maudoodi, who in turn was leader of the deobandis and tableeghi jamaatis who in turn provide the ideology for taliban, qaeda, fsa, jemah, shabaab, hizb-ut-tahrir etc

our member, hazzy, is affiliated to hamas group which is palestine branch of ikhwaan.

and all these groups were created by british government or usa government, and supported by israel.

Well, the US history of a step ahead of terrorism is long and its depth over countries and lives is massive. Israel is also walking the same steps.

usa government/military/intel should be tried for crimes against humanity... in fact, the "kuala lumpur war crimes court" in 2012 declared george bush jr and tony blair as war criminals, for their role in the invasion of iraq.

In any case, how can anyone justify killing just 1 child is beyond my reasoning.....let alone 125!!!

the justification by taliban is that those 125 youngsters were not in some "quran-qaani" group, memorizing quran without ever understanding it... therefore all such gatherings in every locality in pakistan must be disbanded.

further, pakistan army and establishment must learn from how egypt military and citizens acted against the ikhwaan in 2013 and removed morsi from presidentship.
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No one can. Let's go above petty politics today. If anything, we need to be united at all levels today.
No one must. I have been a IK/PTI supporter hence my comments.
PTI cant escape from this. If Imran is left with any self-respect, he should accept the responsibility and ask Khattak and his cabinet to resign ASAP.

If that was the case then why did shabaz sharif not resign when the Wagah border attack took place recently?
I hope today India shows unprecedented unity with us and declares complete deescalation along the borders and a temporary no war act is signed for two years, so we can focus our 100% strength to clean-up Pakistan. We need to go under 100% lockdown of army and summary executions throughout the length and breadth of Pakistan need to be carried out. No terrorist group needs to be spared.

I am not sure about Govt. but yes we Indians are united here. These type of terrorist attack is nothing but barbaric. and must be stopped by putting bullet in the head of TTP.
Army should take over now.. these politicians don't have any flying idea that what is happening here in this country.. no Ik no NS no AZ .. just Army..
I hope today India shows unprecedented unity with us and declares complete deescalation along the borders and a temporary no war act is signed for two years, so we can focus our 100% strength to clean-up Pakistan. We need to go under 100% lockdown of army and summary executions throughout the length and breadth of Pakistan need to be carried out. No terrorist group needs to be spared.
If it is a genuine ask and Pakistan is sincere about cleaning every terrorist including so called freedom fighters and enemies of Indian state living in Pakistan then it should be honoured and India will not mind sharing the shoulder in the grief.
Did they just start killing? Was there any scope of negotiation?
There was one objective, To kill as many people in this case children at the school, to terrorize the pakistani society and make us feel unsafe, Its aim was to terrorize future mothers and make them think twice before sending them to school. I have family a father mother and 2 brothers who still go to school in Pakistan, All have NZ citizenship aswell but they chose to live in Pakistan instead of a safe country such as NZ, One of my brothers is the same age as the children that were killed today in the most horrendous way, Cold blooded straight to the head bullet wounds on innocent young kids. It has shaken us as a Nation to the core but we are a resilient nation and we will not be scared of these bastards.
I hope today India shows unprecedented unity with us and declares complete deescalation along the borders and a temporary no war act is signed for two years, so we can focus our 100% strength to clean-up Pakistan. We need to go under 100% lockdown of army and summary executions throughout the length and breadth of Pakistan need to be carried out. No terrorist group needs to be spared.

I dont think India, GoI, IA will have any issue on such thing...Especially on a situation like this...... But the problem is how practical is such an idea...... Even if both PA and IA/GoP and GoI agree to something like this, there will be forces who would take advantage of an agreement......There are no shortage of morons in both the countries.......
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