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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Yes, for Searchlight. In Indian Defence history(upto 48) however he is remembered as an able Instructor. Of course his role in Zone B(Eastern HQ, Pakistan) can't be ignored. Perhaps, blind obedience to orders without remorse? Who knows.

East Pakistan Is A Totally Different Chapter.Having To Defend A Territory Thousands Of Miles Away You Can Imagine The Logistical Nightmare .But This Is Not The Appropriate Thread For This MAYBE SOME OTHER TIME


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Sorry I don't buy your rubbish, we have tolerated for a decade but killing our children will not be tolerated and now its time to call spade a spade India has been messing in Afghanistan, photos of these scumbags going in and coming out of Indian consulates are there on record with our agencies.

Get over this..
Neither India supports nor it will ever support any terrorist organization.
Whats happening in your part of world is result of case gone out of hand.

And no consulate does backoffice jobs in office. Get some common sense over it.
There are plenty of caves out there ...
there should be public executions like sudia


Pakistan school massacre: Survivors tell of chaos and terror

The hospital in Peshawar was inundated with wounded students
The scene outside the Army Public School is deathly quiet, like the Cantonment graveyard opposite the school.

Outside the main gate, a solitary light shines on a TV correspondent doing a live broadcast. Nearby, a weary TV crew waits in a couple of cars parked at the roadside.

It's dark and quiet all along the boundary wall that brings up the eastern face of the sprawling campus. There are no neighbours visible.

There are no shouting and grieving parents - by now they have discovered their fate, and those who lost their children are preparing the funerals.

The scene at the city's Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) is also an understatement of what happened.

Some people still hang around outside the emergency unit and inside one emergency room where the comparatively more serious patients from the school are still being kept, the rest having been moved to regular wards, or sent home after first aid.

There are more media people on the premises than relatives of the dead and injured.

"It was chaos when I arrived here at about 1:30pm," says Hafeez Ahmad.

"People were searching for their relatives in half madness, running from door to door, making frantic inquiries at information desks.

"It took me another hour to track down my brother. I thought he would be dead but he had survived, and they had taken him into the operating theatre for surgery."

Hundreds of frantic parents flocked to Lady Reading Hospital looking for their children

His brother, Zulfiqar Ahmad, 45, is the head of the mathematics department at the Army Public School (APS).

Hafeez Ahmad says he received a phone call from another of his brothers who works in Kabul in neighbouring Afghanistan, telling him that there had been an attack on the APS and he had just seen a video clip of a victim on TV who looked like Zulfiqar.

Zulfiqar Ahmad is still groggy from anaesthesia, but makes an effort to speak to me.

He says he was conducting his mathematics class on the second floor of the school's central wing when he first heard the gun shots.

"There was panic in the classroom and some students rushed out to see what was going on, but they soon came rushing back in. One of them closed the door and put on the latch."

Heavily armed
But the gunmen broke down the door and started shooting indiscriminately.

"I was hit in the left arm, in the left side of my chest, and twice on my left thigh. I fell to the ground. I must have been lying there for an hour before the army soldiers came in and moved me to the hospital. I tried to turn on my right side to prevent bleeding from my arm, but I couldn't move."

He says there were 18 students in the class and he believes that none of them survived.

He says the gunmen looked like Uzbeks and were heavily armed.

But the highest death toll was from the auditorium where a team from the army's Combined Military Hospital (CMH) was conducting a workshop on first aid for the students of eighth, ninth and 10th grades, all between 14 and 16 years of age.

Four of them share LRH's emergency room with Zulfiqar Ahmad.

Troops and police quickly sealed off the school after the attack
One of them, Mohammad Hilal, a 10th grader, took three bullets in his arm and legs.

"I didn't notice the gunmen rushing in, and was hit when they fired the first shots," he says.

He was sitting in the middle of the hall. After being hit, he fell to the floor.

"I think I passed out for a while. I thought I was dreaming. I wanted to move but felt paralysed. Then I came to and realised that actually two other boys had fallen on me. Both of them were dead."

'Hit in neck'

He said he wanted to move, but just then one of the boys in the front row who had earlier ducked under his desk tried to run away. Gunfire rang out, and the boy fell in the aisle between the rows of desks, not far from him.

"He had been hit in the neck. He shuddered for a while... before going cold. I sank my head to the floor and lay still."

Anas Khan, 14, an eighth grader, remembers seeing the men coming in through the door. He says the workshop had just started when the attack took place.

"When firing started, we all ducked under our desks. I got hit because I didn't notice that my elbow was outside the line of the desk."

Though almost 140 people - most of them children - died in the attack, the army says it was able to evacuate more than 900 children to safety.

Among them were two children of Mushtaq Yusufzai, a Peshawar-based newspaper correspondent.

Some children fled to a nearby park where they were collected by their parents

But from what his 11-year-old son told him later, they were rescued by their female teacher and the school's female principal.

"My son says when they heard the first shots, their teacher consoled them and said it must be firing in the air, like in weddings. But then she went out, and came rushing back in, and told the children to fall in the queue and get out."

The junior section, where Mr Yusufzai's children were studying, is located away from the middle and secondary sections. The teacher herded the children towards a back entrance, shouting all the time "Run, run".

Then the children saw the principal. She was also running, and shouting to the children, "run, run". She disappeared in another direction while the class teacher got the children out through the back door and into a nearby house.

After a while she herded them to another house further away. Then finally she got them out and told them to run across the fields to an amusement park and wait there.

"We collected the children from the park several hours later," he says.

Officials say the principal of the school was among those who died. But Mr Yusufzai was among the more fortunate parents on that dreadful day.
Even when bearded barbarians shouting "allaho akbar" shoot their kids, some of them will keep blaming India or the "joos". This is what really scares me - with this head in the sand attitude, they are never going to take any serious action against the terrorists breeding among them.

India was fighting the Taliban and helping the northern alliance at a time when Pak was sending men and material an financial support to the taliban.

Afghan Taliban are *very* different from TTP. Whatever one says about the Afghan Taliban, Mullah Omar would never, ever do what these people did in Peshawar, or what they did recently at Wagah. they would never fight the Pakistani Army, whom they consider to be a legitimate Muslim army.

The TTP is a group of conmen who use the name of "Taliban" to give themselves some image of legitimacy as an Islamic movement, even though the Afghan Taliban repeatedly distance themselves from the TTP. They are culturally the same, but the TTP is not a branch or outgrowth of the Afghan Taliban: that is just the image they deceptively project for themselves.

We already know that you guys were getting cozy with the Northern Alliance, and we already know you wanted to get influence in Afghanistan so as to put pressure on Pakistan from the west as well as the east. The Soviet invasion was a threat to Pakistan because the Soviets were India's allies, and Pakistan knew they would be in trouble if India could pressure them from the west as well as the east.

Precisely because of the threat of Indian allies ruling in Afghanistan, Pakistan was forced to support some group against the Indians' buddies the Northern Alliance.This group happened to be the Afghan Taliban, but they showed no signs of being like the TTP. They would never kill school children, for example, and they would never attack another Muslim army like the Pakistani Army. They had no problems with the Two Nation theory, or the creation of Pakistan, which the TTP openly attacked.

In the wake of the US invasion, India got another chance to influence Afghanistan, and attack Pakistan from the west. As part of this, they came up with the TTP, probably together with the CIA.

TTP is a clever RAW-backed covert operation, a gang of murderers who have confused everyone into thinking they have something to do with the Afghan Taliban, when they actually don't. They dress the same, they speak the same, they appear religious. The TTP, however, is utterly different from the Afghan Taliban, since the TTP works hard to destabilize Pakistan and attack Pakistan's founding ideology (incidentally, two Indian preoccupations right there), and they especially hate the Pakistani Army. The Afghan Taliban does none of this; since the US invasion, they mainly just want the US out of there.

After this recent TTP massacre of children, General Raheel Sharif is flying to Kabul to ensure that the Afghans co-operate with him as he hunts down the TTP leaders on Afghan soil. These operations will also lead to hunting down the TTP's Indian backers in Afghanistan.

None of this stuff would be happening if it weren't for the persistent efforts of India's security establishment to find a way to attack Pakistan from the west. That's the key external source of this problem.
Vice Principal was burned alive along with a Lady Teacher in front of the Children

If this sight does not unite your country against religious extremism, I don't know what will. FFS, kill those turds who did this.

I dont think its uniting All you get is this has nothing to do with Islam , israeli , hindo sazish , these are not muslims .... routine usual garbage .. so are the mullahs on TV ... many many cannot openly condemn talibans .. they are scared , confused.
@pak-marine, the photo you posted and was withdrawn made me cry. That fellow looked just like my son who is junior to him.....
Meet Sir Fazal-e-karim

Sir, you have to rush towards hospital, you are severly injured - Students were insisting him to stop going inside the school.

Nahi Beta Mujay Kuch Nahe Howa, Bus Mujy School Wapas Jana Hay--

"Bachy Abhi Andar Hay, Unhay Nikalna Hoga" -- He replied..

I said Islamism not Islam. I personally debated members on your forum regarding the distinctions and I am opposed to labeling all Muslims as terrorists. I know the subtleties involved. I believe however that once Islam reaches official institutions and suffocates nationalism and society with its own supremacy, is when the milk becomes sour. Islam as a political tool is unbelievably fucking dangerous.

At the end of the day, you have Muslims killing Muslims. It's impossible for me to convince anyone here in the West the subtle nuances I described above.

Dear The Problem Is Not With Islam But With Some Bastards Using Islam For Their Cheap Political Ends.Their Is A Certain Idiot in This Thread Named Menace2Society Who Is Putting The Blame On Islam.

Islam Spread Because Of Hazrat Khwaja Moin ud Din Chishti and Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajvery
After a while, that song gets old. The people who did that were investigated and arrested by Indian authorities. You cannot keep bringing up that incident every time a terrorist attack happens in Pakistan, committed by Pakistanis. It is a dubious way for you to deflect attention from the problems in your country, by pretending that "they are as bad as us".

I have lost count of how many times Pakistanis have brought up this incident, after a new terror attack by Pakistanis.

Then you must be annoyed counting each time your media bring Pakistan in every single issue india is dealing with..
trying to prove that you are innocent and these problem is created by our own.. you have cover of US plus we holding them with in our border some way another we are protecting you .. other wise how hard it is to cross border when you have bunch of incopetence BSF jawan sitting.
each time you look at the mirror you will see your own ugly face.. you have done genocide in samjotha express and killing innocent Kashmiris plus Babri masjid incidence it will haunt you till you stop repeating it...
recently how your callet media react on Pakistani win in india .. you cant hold your anger and hate with in boundries somehow every one noticed whos hater.....
I dont think its uniting All you get is this has nothing to do with Islam , israeli , hindo sazish , these are not muslims .... routine usual garbage .. so are the mullahs on TV ... many many cannot openly condemn talibans .. they are scared , confused.

Its different this time... hopefully!
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