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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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so many kids were killed. this is a national tragedy. the islamist terror beasts use the same inhuman strategy around the world. hamas, hisbollah, taliban, al quaida...they target civilians and abuse even kids as human shields. this beasts have no honor and must be hunted to the last one. pakistan must once and forever get rid of all taliban and their supporters inside the military, government and intelligence service. otherwise this bastards will ruin the future of pakistan. i pray for the victims and their relatives.
That clears one thing..
That LAL MASJID OPERATION was right decision.

It also clears that letting him live is a mistake that must be rectified.

We must go after these terrorists beyond the borders. We are clearing our side but they run away across the border. We must follow them there and kill them to end this once and for all and after that change the ideology that exists. Those moulvis that train these monsters and brainwash them, must be eliminated.

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