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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Army commandos leave the school after the military operation. PHOTO: AFP
Where did the ideology come from? Humans created it. They already had the mindset. An ideology doesn't fly into people's brain and control them - It is individuals who follow an ideology. This ideology thing is nonsense. Were the Columbine and Sandy Hook shooters Salafis? Were the Tamil Tigers Salafis? Was Hitler Salafi? No, they weren't. The issue isn't that there are sick ideologies - the issue is that there are sick people.

Each and every one of the verses where Islam 'wages war' are confined to the context in which they were revealed, and to strict and specific circumstances. On the other hand, the verses about peace are explicitly addressed to all Muslims.

Go ahead, quote all the verses from that propagandist bigoted website thereligionofpeace.com, and I'll shatter the arguments there in minutes. But this is not the right thread nor the right time to do this.

The Prophet (pbuh) was privy to the massacre of the Banu Qurayzah. They broke an accord with him, he called every last man and took all their women and children as slaves. Are the Taliban so unjustified in following his ways? Sure he did a great deal for humanity too, but in war he was tough as he was merciful. Where you opt for mercy my friend, the Taliban choose the former.

That is the the irony of religion. Its interpretations are as fickle and as fleeting as the very people making those interpretations. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong - yet we all suffer.

A calamity befalls a person you deem good, then it is a test from God. The same calamity befalls a person you deem bad, then it is the wrath of God.

It is the one thing that bothers me the most about religion. Its logic is circular and self-serving.
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BB @Hyperion @balixd

why are we always unable to capture any terrorist alive? to further investigate them? why are always all of them are killed? arent we that capable to atleast have anyone of them alive in our hands?

Better to show them dead until we have sold judiciary system in hands of Taliban sympathizers.
Even despite so much strength,why can't we defeat them?

what should we do?i don't know what to say

Till our Army have Wahhabis in their good books even a fraction of it, they cant be defeated. I think PA has learned their lesson although its a hard way but even if they have learned it now then it will be game changer.
The Prophet (pbuh) was privy to the massacre of the Banu Qurayzah. They broke an accord with him, he called every last man and took all their women and children as slaves. Are the Taliban so unjustified in following his ways? Sure he did a great deal for humanity too, but in war he was ruthless as he was merciful. Where you opt for mercy my friend, the Taliban choose the former.

That is the the irony of religion. Its interpretations are as fickle and as fleeting as the very people making those interpretations. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong - yet we all suffer.

A calamity befalls a person you deem good, then it is a test from God. The same calamity befalls a person you deem bad, then it is the wrath of God.

It is the one thing that bothers me the most about religion. Its logic is circular and self-serving.
I reiterate that this is not the place nor the place to debate over religion
The Banu Qurayzah betrayed the Muslims and waged war - their punishment was for treason, not for just breaking some random accord. Even 'civilized' countries like the US kill people for treason, and that was during the middle ages. If you want to debate about whether that was justified/proportional or not, do it on another thread, at another time.

Political ideologies were misused to make people suffer too - does that mean all political ideologies are bad?

As long as we are humans and exist, wars and suffering will exist too. No point trying to make people zombies by removing religions and ideologies - the only way we'll achieve total peace would be if we stopped thinking entirely. We can't think means we can't disagree and only then we won't have conflicts, criminals and terrorism.
BB @Hyperion @balixd

why are we always unable to capture any terrorist alive? to further investigate them? why are always all of them are killed? arent we that capable to atleast have anyone of them alive in our hands?
if you read up on past few attacks - you will notice that in all these attacks, attackers had Sucide vest straped to their chest, they prefer to blow themselves up if it comes to that, as in their last moments they will be able to kill as many infidels as they can ----
They have a gun pointed towards the on coming Security Forces - once they see them closing in on them --- Boom!!! they blowthemselves up - you cannot stop the sucide attack, not when the attacker is hidden ----
Terrorists have no religion nor they have capability to analyze and face facts on their own-that is completely wrong impression often imposed by analysts.
However,after analyzing cascade of events I have come to realize that terrorists are not only capable to analyze on their own,but they are also having religion-an organized,well equipped cult worshipping and following Satan (whether they realize it or not)
This attack was not only intended to give maximum damage to us,but there lies another objective. Terrorists have targeted boys wing more than girls wing of ages 16 [according to CNN]
I believe that 16+ is the age when majority students begain to plan for joining armed forces,especially those individuals studying in army schools.So,since these terrorists have failed to dodge armed forced on ground, they have decided to target possible future cadets -hence our future jawans.
They have martyred our potential progeny-but they cannot defeat nature. Pakistan will Inshallah give birth to more vigorous progeny with much resistance power as well as potential.
My condolences for martyrs and victims of this attack.
BB @Hyperion @balixd

why are we always unable to capture any terrorist alive? to further investigate them? why are always all of them are killed? arent we that capable to atleast have anyone of them alive in our hands?

their only mission is to kill and get killed!
They are brainwashed at extreme levels.
If our jawans try to capture them they blewup thenselves just like in Mehran airbase, Kamra airbase and Karachi airport attack.
Even despite so much strength,why can't we defeat them?

what should we do?i don't know what to say
strenghth does not matter and nor does the Air strikes - if that was the case, US would have won the war long ago -- its the Terrain where these monsters operate is to be blame -- as i was talking to a friend, some of the militants - lower cadre have surrendered in numbers - but Top and hardcore and ran off across the border - they will go around the valley and emerge in next place - we attack that place - and they do the reverse ---
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