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Peshawar Airport under attack...

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Military Base/Airbase under attack? Blame the Generals.
Civilian Property/Airport under attack? Blame the Generals. SubhanAllah.

Taking little precaution won't hurt, will it? Army not being in Civilian property, you criticize it. Army security Civilian property, you criticize it. What does AAA* want?

I just hope atleast one of the attacks are captured alive, it is good enough for the security forces, and the rest can burn in hell. What Jihad is this? What heaven are they running behind? If THIS is Jihad, if THIS is the way to enter heaven then I hope Army sends all of them to Heaven in their own Jihad.

You must not forget here that Peshawar Airbase shares a part with Peshawar Airport same like Skardu or Nur Khan (ex-Chaklala). There are two operational squadron of JF-17 posted which serves ADA too. It could have been the Airbase as the primary target.

I hope there are no more casualties except for the miscreants.

*(AAA = Anti-Army Activists. Given this name because the AAA Brigade does same damage to the morale as 14.5mm does.)

How many time doing same so called "LITTLE PRECAUTIONS" after every scene ????? why not take that LITTLE PRECAUTIONS before the scene ??
What is good about Pakistan is that they react fast and have clear understanding of who is in charge.

That's because we have been acclimatized, incidents like one we are discussing are quite mundane..
Search continues for two terrorists...one is injured..
INSHALLAH PAK WIN THIS WAR.....and Handle this situation....

INSHALLAH We Have Already Flushed Them Out Of Malakand and As Far As The South Waziristan Is Concerned,The Ahmedzai Wazir Are Kicking Them Out With The Help Of The Army
A great comedy being carried out on TV.

Mian Amir-info minister: No terrorist was there, they fled after launching rockets, nothing done inside airport and no problem inside airport.

Bilou-railway minister: Terrorists being confronted by security forces, rockets damaged runway, situation inside airport not too good.

TV channels: very conflicting. Some say runway damaged, some say nothing happened inside airport, some say terrorists killed, some say no terrorists.

The videos and images being shown on TV are all of a residential area and not of airport or anything beside the airport boundary/wall. Buildings and cars destroyed inside residential area, people injured inside residential area.

Any local can tell us that from which side attack happened? Airbase side or civilian side?

Those aren't rockets, they are tracer rounds.
No sir, anyone can't cross that 5-feet wall... Watch towers around aren't public monuments..

Watch towers are usually at 200 - 300 meter away from each other... anyone can sneak up the wall... there were locals who use to climb the wall to cut the grass for their cattles...
I'm pretty much SURE that the blasts were something more than those of RPG!
The waves were felt by people several MILES away.
As usual our forces will sit like scared women with mehndi in their hands and wont respond other than empty threats.

What a joke Pakistan army is turning out to be. Total and complete failure to protect citizens. Buzdil sare ke sare.
If the Airbase was made separate, it would have been said otherwise, that why couldn't have PAF shared the runways and they are eating up budget.

Let them ruin our assets is comparatively a better option, right? We can buy things but can't protect them, for few bucks we lose millions, not professionalism my dear friend..
The worst part of this all is the attention is placed purely on the response to the attack is police/army and how well they do in counter attacking dictates he narrative of the entire event. But the fact such attacks are even happening and terrorists are gaining access into some of Pakistan's most critical infrastructure is already a massive and unforgivable failure. If a terrorist is laying dead on the runway yes this is somthing to be applauded but the very fact they are in the airport and on the runway is so incredibly damning.

The narrative should be "oh •••• they made access to the runway before being gunned down".

Otherwise these attacks will keep happening.

Three suicide bomber killed, two arrested. One of the arrested is injured. Terrorists are of Afghani background. 4 civilians killed and 17 injured ( 2 serious) in rocket attack.

Airport cleared and opened...

Operation carried out by joint Army and elite police..
How many time doing same so called "LITTLE PRECAUTIONS" after every scene ????? why not take that LITTLE PRECAUTIONS before the scene ??
We should not take the 'little precautions' after the attack, and let security failures on other major installments?
Security arrangements are made for such attacks. If 20 men with RPGs and suicide vests attacks you, you can NOT avoid the loss of minimize it with security alert. We will find it latter if this again was a security failure or the forces resisted the attack to maximum in initial stages. Remember, when they have explosives, the case is different than with only rifles. All they need to do is blow away one wall of the installment regardless of the number of security personnel present.
and whom you called AAA* by your logic today go to the streets and get reviews regarding the PERFORMANCE by your mean of AAA i think today 90% of the people of Pakistan in the same AAA category! accept failure rather thn arguments!
Being disappointed by some decisions of Army is quite different than being an AAA. We are under immense pressure and hence most of the 'flaws' could be understood. But there ARE some things which do require criticism, I see the flaws in Army too but I don't go to streets and yell slogans against them.
As per Dunya news, some terrorists are hiding in a home and firing is still going on.
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