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Peshawar, Abbottabad to have intelligence schools for police


Sep 7, 2010
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Peshawar, Abbottabad to have intelligence schools for police


Two intelligence schools are being established in Peshawar and Abbottabad for police officials and they will be functional by the month of May, said Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) IGP Nasir Khan Durrani.

Addressing a police darbar at Malik Saad Police Lines on Monday, IGP Durrani said that the police have arrested 144 militants in the past four months and more crackdowns are under way.

“The last rites of nearly 250 policemen have been performed in this very ground in the past five years. This is sufficient evidence to prove that this force will go to any lengths to fight militancy,” said Durrani, while appreciating the courage displayed by the police force in the last few years. He added the department was taking steps to modernise the police force in the province.

Chief Minister (CM) Pervez Khattak also addressed policemen on the occasion and paid tribute to the officials who had lost their lives while fighting militancy. “K-P police has become a true fighting force and they are facing the ongoing situation bravely,” said the CM.

Salaries of K-P’s policemen will be increased in order to bring them at par with Punjab police, Khattak added. “The salary of a constable-ranked employee will be raised by Rs2,600, while senior officers will also get raises,” said the CM, adding his government would provide all needed facilities to the department.

He further announced the risk allowance for the bomb disposal squad and unit staff of K-9 sniffer dogs will be increased by Rs5,000. Moreover, the contracts of personnel of special force in Malakand and Peshawar regions has been extended for three years along with an increase of Rs5,000 in their salaries.

The CM announced that in order to bring transparency in government departments, recruitments in police, health, forest and other departments will be done through the Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency, and the National Testing Service.

“Contrary to common belief, I am not against the police force. In the past, the police’s attitude towards the public was not good, however, it has now improved greatly and I am appreciative of that,” said Khattak. But there is still room for improvement, he added.

Earlier, the CM laid floral wreaths at monuments of police martyrs in the police line, and planted a sapling in the lawn to mark spring tree plantation. He also inaugurated an e-learning centre at police headquarters.

Stepping up: Peshawar, Abbottabad to have intelligence schools for police – The Express Tribune
Good small steps in right direction.

not a small step, this is a leap forward yar, KP police havent had CID at all... this was so bizarre thing to know, that a police was working all this time without an intelligence department...

so this is a huge step forward !!
not a small step, this is a leap forward yar, KP police havent had CID at all... this was so bizarre thing to know, that a police was working all this time without an intelligence department...

so this is a huge step forward !!

Didn't know, thanks for updating me on this..
This is a small step but it will have ripple effects on the entire police apparatus of the province.
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