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Pervez‬ Rasheed refuses to defend ‪‎ISI‬ chief in ‪‎HamidMir‬ case

i never gave any opinion in any survey, did you?

They will be used for infrastructure development. You'll see the return.
Unplanned development, they do not have qualification to wisely spend tax money.
By no means they can match alround development of Pervez Musharraf.
Unplanned development, they do not have qualification to wisely spend tax money.
By no means they can match alround development of Pervez Musharraf.

We'll see after 5 years
Not gonna happen. Since Sharifs were elected Pakistan has seen tremendous economic improvements. Recent surveys also indicate they are popular.


Why are PML(N) supporters so delusional?

PML(N) has yet to do major structural reforms in economic set-up of Pakistan. Till now, they haven't done anything.

Pakistan Army won't take over...unless they are 'forced' too. Hope Shareefs have learned something
Every asshole is too bsuy saving his own *** instead of speaking the truth for once in their lives...!


Why are PML(N) supporters so delusional?

PML(N) has yet to do major structural reforms in economic set-up of Pakistan. Till now, they haven't done anything.

Pakistan Army won't take over...unless they are 'forced' too. Hope Shareefs have learned something

We'll see after 5 years
:agree: so far all they have done is set proposals....it will be a 5 yr in office of proposals...next 5 yrs will be choosing materials....then next 5 years selling off the rest of Pakistan....
They will be used for infrastructure development. You'll see the return.

Most of the loans are for the development in Punjab province, the home town of Sharif baradran.

An open example is 1.6 Billion loan from China for Lahore Monorail project.

Won't other provinces get mad that loan money is being spend for development of one province but whole country has to pay it back?

I' am not against Punjab but the thing is there had been massive developments in Punjab in last 64 years...but after all these developments Punjab province(who is much bigger than countries like Bangladesh or states like Gujarat-India) economic growth is peanut, even with God gifted agricultural lands & massive industrialization in North Punjab.

@Topic 111 Brigade must come into action...anti-Pakistan forces must be crushed out of Pakistan.
Most of the loans are for the development in Punjab province, the home town of Sharif baradran.

An open example is 1.6 Billion loan from China for Lahore Monorail project.

Won't other provinces get mad that loan money is being spend for development of one province but whole country has to pay it back?

I' am not against Punjab but the thing is there had been massive developments in Punjab in last 64 years...but after all these developments Punjab province(who is much bigger than countries like Bangladesh or states like Gujarat-India) economic growth is peanut, even with God gifted agricultural lands & massive industrialization in North Punjab.

@Topic 111 Brigade must come into action...anti-Pakistan forces must be crushed out of Pakistan.
No idea when will politicians understand to develop Pakistan not their backyard! :undecided:
Never...that is why for a country like Pakistan, Army rule is best option.
Yea hopefully because army is from all over Pakistan and have bases everywhere they will develop Pakistan and also not the brigadier's backyard!

Sorry I dont really trust anyone sitting on that throne of Pakistan...it is cursed...Burn it and get a group of people to rule the country no 1 person should have full power...seems to hit that person really hard!
The army won't do a thing. Let Sharif and his cronies bring the miracles they promised.
ISLAMABAD: In a surprising development, Pakistan’s Information minister Pervez Rasheed refused to defend Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) chief Zaheer ul Islam against the recent allegation of his involvement in murder attack on Hamid Mir.

Speaking in a Dunya News talk show, Information minister maintained that Hamid Mir’s brother Amir Mir has leveled allegations against ISI chief , not the government and the ISI chief should himself answer all questions.

“I do not want to become a party” said Pervez Rasheed.

It must be remembered that rumours of differences between Pakistan’s civil and military establishment were already taking rounds on the issues of Pervez Musharraf treason case and Taliban.

In the recent issue, no government official has come forward to defend Pakistan’s Intelligence Agency ISI.

The problem is much deeper and needs introspection by Pakistanis. Quite possible army/ISI had no hand or role in it. But once you gain a certain reputation then you go from being "innocent until proven guilty" to the "guilty until proven innocent" state. A terrible state to be in. But there are reasons for it and are rooted in human nature. No conspiracy. Just plain human psychology.

ISI must have done some terrible deeds to some people including journalists who are now becoming more and more vocal. Case of Saleem Shahzad is one example (Slain journalist: Saleem Shahzad’s case is buried, forgotten – The Express Tribune). An agency that sees itself fit to be billed as the world's best of the best (Top 10 Best Intelligence Agencies in the World 2014) but unable to find the culprits (rather conveniently) when it doesn't suit it. Sure the finger of accusations will point in their direction. Also if they REALLY are culprits then we will NEVER find out for sure.

Something to think about.

i never gave any opinion in any survey, did you?
Neither have I. But neither have I ever won a multimillion $ jackpot. Your point?

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