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Perspective from ‘friends’: De-escalate tensions with US, says China


Dec 14, 2010
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s all-weather friend may have publicly backed it in the face of simmering tensions with the United States, but China has privately advised Islamabad to avoid taking ‘extreme positions’ in its relationship with the United States.

The message was delivered by Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, who held extensive discussions with Pakistan’s top civil and military leaderships during his just-concluded trip to Islamabad, sources said.

The highlight of his visit was China’s emphasis on the world to recognise Pakistan’s ‘huge sacrifices’ in the war against terrorism and back Islamabad’s efforts to safeguard its ‘sovereignty, territorial integrity and dignity’.

The carefully-worded remarks appeared to be aimed at the United States, which has questioned Pakistan’s credentials in the fight against militancy. But privately, the Chinese foreign minister also conveyed ‘a word of wisdom’ to the Pakistani leadership on how to deal with the US. Beijing wants to see a breakthrough in the lingering stalemate between Pakistan and the US, sources said.

Points of convergence

“China wants Pakistan to have a balanced approach in its dealings with the US,” said a top Pakistani official familiar with the high-level discussions.The official, however, did not say if a ‘balanced approach’ meant that Islamabad should stop insisting on an unconditional apology for last year’s Nato cross-border attack at a Pakistani check post.

He explained that while China itself had serious differences with the US on many issues, the two countries still had many areas of convergence.“And that’s what they expect from us … to build our relationship where we have points of convergence with Americans,” the official said. The official added that Beijing had encouraged Islamabad to sort out its differences, including the resumption of supplies for foreign forces stationed in Afghanistan.

Periodic consultations

The official said the visit of the Chinese foreign minister was part of periodic consultations between the two countries and preparation for the upcoming visit by President Zardari to Beijing, but the issue of ongoing tensions between Pakistan and the US figured prominently during the discussions.
Following his meeting with President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani and Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, the top Chinese diplomat on Wednesday met with Army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

Little was said about the meeting in a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).“The visiting dignitaries remained with him for some time and discussed the matters of mutual interest,” said a terse statement issued by the military’s media wing.

Perspective from ‘friends’: De-escalate tensions with US, says China
Again vested intersts, he didint said, word like this, its all. Been prepared by allied media, get over it, sir?
How does the "Express Tribune" (subsidiary of the New York Times, according to their own website)... how do they know about what happened during a "private" meeting?

Who is this anonymous "official" who gave out these rumours on what happened inside a private meeting? Does he even exist?

That being said, I think it's always good to take a more balanced position in International Diplomacy.
China is our true and sincere well wisher will alwayz comeup with an excellent solution/advice to get rid of any problem or crisis we are facing nowadays.....Thanks China for ure sincere , wise help and advice all the time......:):china::pakistan:

Thank you my brother. :)

However, these are just rumours, and printed by the Express Tribune of all people.

Pakistan will choose its own destiny, and we will always be there to help Pakistan when they need us. Just like Pakistan helped us in the past when we were facing international isolation. :china::pakistan:
China nukes no direct threat’

Updated 4 hours ago

*WASHINGTON: China's nuclear weapons do not pose a "direct threat" to the United States, the man in charge of America's arsenal said Wednesday in calling for greater dialogue with the Chinese.
"We would like to have routine contact and conversations with China's military," General Robert Kehler, head of Strategic Command, which oversees US nuclear deterrence, told the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington.
"We think there would be tremendous benefit to that in both China and the United States, in particular to help us avoid some misunderstanding or some tension in the future."
The STRATCOM commander said that although the United States and Russia account for roughly 90 percent of the world's nuclear weapons, dealing with the Chinese on the matter would become increasingly important.
"I do not see the Chinese strategic deterrent as a direct threat to the United States. We are not enemies," he said.
"Could it be (a threat)? I suppose if we were enemies it could be and therefore we at least have to be aware of that."
Kehler admitted concerns over the 2013 budget as the Pentagon tightens its belt following the global economic downturn, saying he was most worried about investment in the actual nuclear weapons, not their delivery systems.
"There is investment money there for long-range strike aircraft, there's investment there for a follow on to the Ohio class ballistic missile submarine," he said.
"I am most concerned that we make sure that we have the appropriate investment in place for the weapons complexes."
Fiscal pressure has forced US military chiefs to scale back projected spending by $487 billion over the next decade, a task they have described as tough but manageable.
But a threat of even more dramatic defense cuts also looms on the political horizon.
If Congress fails to agree by January 2013 on how to slash the ballooning deficit, dramatic defense reductions of about $500 billion would be automatically triggered under a law adopted last year. (AFP)
Stupid arrogant propaganda, at its best?
That's the diplomatic, answer & counter pakistAn + chinA equation?
& at the same , time pushing china & pakistan, on a dividing ,path?
These yanks, allways forgets ( chair mAn mAo ZA dong) is still, the most , loved head of state in pakistani history!
Dam mAnuplators, yanks!
Thank you my brother. :)

However, these are just rumours, and printed by the Express Tribune of all people.

Pakistan will choose its own destiny, and we will always be there to help Pakistan when they need us. Just like Pakistan helped us in the past when we were facing international isolation. :china::pakistan:

brothers don't thank each other , brother ... :china: :cheers: :pakistan:
de-escalation is not the, option left for yanks!
They want it, Iran & pakistan are, the next targets, so , its not pakistan or Iran, waging covert war, to defend. Israel.
Its not china, either waging war against, america?
Its. The other way, around!
How long, pakistan have , waited to llisten, just a few words, oof appology of SALALLA masscre of its forces?

What pakistan had done, did pakistan had attacked , NATO?
No its not, us its, them killing innocent, pakistanis , civillians & soilders.
& CHInA hadn't asked , pakistan to de-escalate', or some thing, like that, infact pakistan is ready to talk anyone, bt with mutual respect & dignity.
Pakistan already, had answered, it with a action, today , by test firring , its fourth nucler. Capable missile , within this month.
This thread , is A clear allied media, propaganda!
As it was , asked by fellow, chinese mate.in his posT in the begaing of, the thread.
RIP allies, & their microsoft ownners.
How does the "Express Tribune" (subsidiary of the New York Times, according to their own website)... how do they know about what happened during a "private" meeting?

Who is this anonymous "official" who gave out these rumours on what happened inside a private meeting? Does he even exist?

That being said, I think it's always good to take a more balanced position in International Diplomacy.

Chinese Dragon, we could do with some good advice from China. We are a dirt poor country which can't even provide electricity to it's own people. We can't even provide proper sanitation to our people. Everyday we are busy killing each other. We bomb, we shoot each other because of our internal differances. Hardly anybody bothers paying taxes.

Large parts of our country are out of control. our government is broke and in pile of debt. We have to beg, borrow to run our finances. We can't even make a decent motorbike, let alone a car. Nobody is safe in Pakistan. Even Chinese citizens have been kidnapped. Not long ago in the capital, Islamabad Chinese ladies were beaten up by Lal Masjid fanatics who took the law into theior hands. It took a army operation in the heart of Islamabad to subdue these fanatics.

Musharaf who ordered the attack is still hated for having done what any country would do. The only half decent fighter we have is bought from the American's, the F-16. Even than we have a few dozen of them, no more than a small country like Jordan. Most of our military equipment is bought from abroad, either the Americans or from you guy's in China. Our much vaunted army slept through the night whilst the American helicopters flew half way across Pakistan, killed Bin Laden, had a cup of tea, blew a helicopter up and then went back home.

We have 1.1 billion Indian's next door itching to knock us out. We have one week's supply of oil ............................ And what do you think is the top desire of Pakistani's? Get angry and have a fight with the only world superpower, USA. You think that is sensible?

You China are a emerging superpower, a force to be reckoned with. You will rule the earth by middle of this century. America would even now not dare fight you although they regard you as a enemy that can hurt them. They regard Pakistan as just a fly. Yet I notice China is very restrained in it's behaviour towards US. Recently that Chinese dissident Chen got American help in the US Embassy and was taken out by Americans. Yet China covered up it's anger. Next day it behaved like nothing had happened.

Had that been Pakistan the US Embassy would have been attacked by a crazed mob of civilians led by some Mullahs and for the next week there would have been riots in Pakistan.

So why is it that the Giant Dragon ( China ) behaves with restraint.
And the Insect ( Pakistan ) behaves like a gorrila?

You say your a friend of Pakistan, any chance you could export some of your wisdom to us?
Chinese Dragon, we could do with some good advice from China. We are a dirt poor country which can't even provide electricity to it's own people. We can't even provide proper sanitation to our people. Everyday we are busy killing each other. We bomb, we shoot each other because of our internal differances. Hardly anybody bothers paying taxes.

Large parts of our country are out of control. our government is broke and in pile of debt. We have to beg, borrow to run our finances. We can't even make a decent motorbike, let alone a car. Nobody is safe in Pakistan. Even Chinese citizens have been kidnapped. Not long ago in the capital, Islamabad Chinese ladies were beaten up by Lal Masjid fanatics who took the law into theior hands. It took a army operation in the heart of Islamabad to subdue these fanatics.

Musharaf who ordered the attack is still hated for having done what any country would do. The only half decent fighter we have is bought from the American's, the F-16. Even than we have a few dozen of them, no more than a small country like Jordan. Most of our military equipment is bought from abroad, either the Americans or from you guy's in China. Our much vaunted army slept through the night whilst the American helicopters flew half way across Pakistan, killed Bin Laden, had a cup of tea, blew a helicopter up and then went back home.

We have 1.1 billion Indian's next door itching to knock us out. We have one week's supply of oil ............................ And what do you think is the top desire of Pakistani's? Get angry and have a fight with the only world superpower, USA. You think that is sensible?

You China are a emerging superpower, a force to be reckoned with. You will rule the earth by middle of this century. America would even now not dare fight you although they regard you as a enemy that can hurt them. They regard Pakistan as just a fly. Yet I notice China is very restrained in it's behaviour towards US. Recently that Chinese dissident Chen got American help in the US Embassy and was taken out by Americans. Yet China covered up it's anger. Next day it behaved like nothing had happened.

Had that been Pakistan the US Embassy would have been attacked by a crazed mob of civilians led by some Mullahs and for the next week there would have been riots in Pakistan.

So why is it that the Giant Dragon ( China ) behaves with restraint.
And the Insect ( Pakistan ) behaves like a gorrila?

You say your a friend of Pakistan, any chance you could export some of your wisdom to us?

Atanz if u can consider the reply of an Indian to answer u, the Chinese are a very wise and clever bunch. Not the internet warmongers but the actual ones in decision making seats i speak of.

True China is a super power in making and a force to be reckoned with and even now USA will not attack them. Still why do they behave as they do?? the Chinese move exactly when they can get maximum benefits and see that they do not have to loose not too much. What will China get going ballistic on USA?? War causes max destruction and their hardwork of a half century will go down the drain. Never will they commit this mistake even when they become the super power they will.
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