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Permanent UNSC Seat for India

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badguy2000, It is not about China Vs. India. So no point in making it one.

But I guess you know very well that China's development model is not perfect either. It is resulting in massive dependence on raw materials from all over the world, environmental degradation, water stress, pollution and lopsided development.

You should know very well that the fruits of development have still to reach a vast majority of the Chinese people.

India does have it's own problems and you your own. If you feel India's problems are bigger and that makes you happy, good luck to you.
Islam started in 700 A.D. only where as Hinduism is more than 7000 years old.
So all pakistanis were hindu only before the invasions of Arabs and muguals.

I'm so tired of explaining this to you guys.

Hinduism is a very recent religion.

Vedism was the originator. It was completely different to Hinduism.

You could compare it to say Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Hinduism originated less than 2,000 years ago in the Gangetic plains.

When Hinduism originated it never travelled far westward enough to reach the Indus Valley at all.

In other words, Pakistan historically has never been substantially Hindu in religion.
Until India stops hosting the Dalai Lama and his cronies and we solve the border dispute, do not count on China's support.

That we all know.Nobody in India trusts china forget about counting on their support.But the fact is that the evidence you provide for twang being your part ,it was under tibet control in around 700 A.D., is baseless as by that logic mongolia should have 90% of china as it's part.Henceforth the border dispute isn't going to be solved anytime soon.

Moreover protests of Dalai lama are genuine and democratic which a person like you who lives in an autocratic environment can't understand and Dalai lama has backing of E.U. AND U.S.
I'm so tired of explaining this to you guys.

Vedism was the originator. It was completely different to Hinduism.

All the five veds are part of Hinduism and Hinduism is the way one should behave in society and environment to have mutual and sustainable development.It evolved over time with experiences and geography.Vedism was the beginning and the religion is self-correcting to take into account the changing environment and future needs and delete old or obsolete things like sati or polygamy unlike some other religions which are rigid and inflexible and are becoming disconnected with todays generation.
Vedism was the originator. It was completely different to Hinduism.

Biggest lie.
Vedas are the supreme religious books for Hindus even today.
And many of the Vedic practices, Yagnas,Mantras are practiced by Hindus even today.Heard of Gayatri Mantra?
Yes there has been many changes in the religion from Vedic times but
Religions do evolve over a period of time.
Didn't Christianity evolve?
Have the church practices remained the same for over 2000 years ?
Did Catholics Protestants ,Russian Orthodox Christians developed 2000 years ago with Christ?

can you image a UN where USA has no veto? of course not, because if UN did gave veto to USA,USA would found another club to take the place of UN. at that time ,UN would be worthless as "league of Nations" in 1930s.

So,Before a Enthusiastic UN reformer as strong as USA were to appears ,it would be impossible to increase the veto's on UNSC.
However, in forseeable future,none of Japan,India ,German or Brazil could become powerful enough.
Instead, ,current vested-interest-keepers such as USA and China are going to be more and more powerful.None of them is enthusiastic to delute their vested privileges.

Fact is that None of Big 5 is enthusiastic to delute their vested privileges,Italy,Pakistan,Mexico are just the proxies of big 5.

Largely agree with you, but have to add a point

In the case of Japan, her arch obstercal is neither of economical origin nor of WW2 aspects. The very thing that prevent Japan enter this club is America itslef.

One key factor of the club is that being an power with veto, you must have an INDEPENDENT deplomatical aggenda and an INDEPENDENT military power.

That is to say, being a 'vessel' of another country while holding the veto power at the same time is not possible. Because no other power would willing to see US holding two veto on the critical issues. For US can simply use Japan's veto as a shield to share the moral burden or he can just stay behind play the puppet master. That would not be the interests of either China russia or Fra, BRIT.

Therefore, Japan has to prove that her vote is out of her own will and cannot be puppet by US at critical situation.
For india, I can only say that keep a healthy distance from US may prove more benificial than embracing it completely, for US has only one veto of five. You have to figure out what kind of force you want to represent in the UNSC. For democratical nation, there are US and UK; for 'undemocractical' nation, there are Russia. For developing nation and africa nation, there are China; For EU, there are FRA. You have to figure out what kind of voting-bank you want. Just saying the biggest democratical blabla```wont solve you any problem if you cannot represent them or do not have the power to uphold their interests.

The most likely voting bank is democratical-developing nations. However, for democratical-developing nations, they already got all the representation they want from the big 5, and taking india's power globle into consideration, you really cannot do much for them. For your power globle has yet to breach the surrounding areas.
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I'm so tired of explaining this to you guys.

Hinduism is a very recent religion.

Vedism was the originator. It was completely different to Hinduism.

You could compare it to say Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Hinduism originated less than 2,000 years ago in the Gangetic plains.

When Hinduism originated it never travelled far westward enough to reach the Indus Valley at all.

In other words, Pakistan historically has never been substantially Hindu in religion.

Repeating a lie ad nauseum does not make it true.

For your benefit, I repeat the facts here.

Hinduism is the same as Vedic religion. It is just called by a new name now. There was no name for the religion earlier, just Dharma.

Hinduism is the same as Vedic religion. It is just called by a new name now. There was no name for the religion earlier, just Dharma.

Hinduism is the same as Vedic religion. It is just called by a new name now. There was no name for the religion earlier, just Dharma.

Hinduism is the same as Vedic religion. It is just called by a new name now. There was no name for the religion earlier, just Dharma.

Though knowing you, I know that it is a waste of time but I tried. Don't blame me later. ;)
Biggest lie.
Vedas are the supreme religious books for Hindus even today.
And many of the Vedic practices, Yagnas,Mantras are practiced by Hindus even today.Heard of Gayatri Mantra?
Yes there has been many changes in the religion from Vedic times but
Religions do evolve over a period of time.
Didn't Christianity evolve?
Have the church practices remained the same for over 2000 years ?
Did Catholics Protestants ,Russian Orthodox Christians developed 2000 years ago with Christ?

In fact if you look at the video posted by Flintock yesterday, it mentions some practices still being followed in Kerala that are before the period when even human languages were invented!

This claim is so bogus that it doesn't even merit a response. It just shows up the person making this is unaware of the basic facts.
Repeating a lie ad nauseum does not make it true.

For your benefit, I repeat the facts here.

Hinduism is the same as Vedic religion. It is just called by a new name now. There was no name for the religion earlier, just Dharma.

Hinduism is the same as Vedic religion. It is just called by a new name now. There was no name for the religion earlier, just Dharma.

Hinduism is the same as Vedic religion. It is just called by a new name now. There was no name for the religion earlier, just Dharma.

Hinduism is the same as Vedic religion. It is just called by a new name now. There was no name for the religion earlier, just Dharma.

Though knowing you, I know that it is a waste of time but I tried. Don't blame me later. ;)

Hindu religion is off shoot of judism having similarities jews starting warship cow same hindu also consider it as gow mata .

History of hinduism is started arround 750BC after down fall of Palestine emphire then few jews settled in india .
Hindu religion is off shoot of judism having similarities jews starting warship cow same hindu also consider it as gow mata .

History of hinduism is started arround 750BC after down fall of Palestine emphire then few jews settled in india .

Sorry, but this is complete BS!

Our Vedic scriptures are much older than the Bible, even the old testament. Any reference to Rigveda even thousands of years back calls it ancient!

Don't know where you studied your history!
Biggest lie.
Vedas are the supreme religious books for Hindus even today.
And many of the Vedic practices, Yagnas,Mantras are practiced by Hindus even today.Heard of Gayatri Mantra?
Yes there has been many changes in the religion from Vedic times but
Religions do evolve over a period of time.
Didn't Christianity evolve?
Have the church practices remained the same for over 2000 years ?
Did Catholics Protestants ,Russian Orthodox Christians developed 2000 years ago with Christ?

Oh really?

Then why does the Rig Veda say that the caste system is wrong, yet latter day Hindu books say that the caste system exists?

I'll tell you why. Because Rig Vedism and Hindusim are two completely different religions. Just as Judaism and Chrsitianity are considered to be.
^^ Did you have Sunnis, Shias and the 150+ sects of Islam in the early period?

Are all of them new religions now?
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