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People injured in crash near London museum


Jun 7, 2017
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People injured in crash near London museum
  • 3 minutes ago

Image copyright@DAMOHACK
A number of people have been injured in a collision with a car near the Natural History Museum in London, police say.

The Metropolitan Police said one person had been detained following the incident in Exhibition Road in South Kensington.

A BBC reporter at the scene said she had been told by police the injuries were minor.

Police said inquiries are under way to establish the circumstances and any motive.

BBC reporter Chloe Hayward was leaving the Natural History Museum as the incident happened.

"I could see a car diagonally across the road, looking like it was going into one of the boulders on the side of the road, and I could see a crowd of people around what was clearly one or two people on the pavement," she said.

She added there were now armed police at the scene.

"We have had lots of police coming onto the scene, helicopters above, and I can see an ambulance which is definitely having someone put in, but it isn't clear how bad that injury is."

Sarah Frodsham, from Stoke Newington, north London, who was walking to the Science Museum on the same street, said: "When waiting for the light, we heard what I thought was gunshots and saw a car drive over the pavement. We just ran. My friend dived on the floor and cut her hands.

"When it calmed down we walked back to where we'd been and saw a gentleman on the floor being restrained by police."

The end is near. A car hits pedestrians injuring a couple of them lightly. I bet traffic accidents didnt happen before muslims
The end is near. A car hits pedestrians injuring a couple of them lightly. I bet traffic accidents didnt happen before muslims

The difference is that,according to first reports,the driver deliberatly mounted on pavement and ran over people. But if for you this looks like 'an accident'........
The difference is that,according to first reports,the driver deliberatly mounted on pavement and ran over people. But if for you this looks like 'an accident'........

Every time a muslim does a crime whole world goes bersek. Its becoming tiresome. I bet the same day in UK there were dozens more serious incidents(murders, deadly traffic accidents etc)
Every time a muslim does a crime whole world goes bersek. Its becoming tiresome. I bet the same day in UK there were dozens more serious incidents(murders, deadly traffic accidents etc)
Is it stated in the article that the driver was a muslim? I don't think so. It wasn't even stated that it was an terror attack, just that it is under investigation.

Obviously people nowadays will react more extreme, because not too long ago actual terror attacks happened in Londen.
I also doubt that crashes like these (where pedestrians are involved majorly) happen too often (at least where I live).

Here a live coverage from the BBC

Belgian media say that it is more likely a crash rather than a terror attack.
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