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Pentagon Papers to be declassified at last

Saifullah Sani

Apr 15, 2011
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By Jason Ukman and Greg Jaffe, Published: June 10

The disclosure of the Pentagon Papers four decades ago stands as one of the most significant leaks of classified material in American history. Ever since, in the eyes of the government, the voluminous record of U.S. involvement in Vietnam has remained something else: classified.

In the Byzantine realm of government record-keeping, publication of a document in the country’s biggest newspapers, including this one, does not mean declassification. Despite the release of multiple versions of the Pentagon Papers, no complete, fully unredacted text has ever been publicly disclosed.

On Monday, the National Archives and Records Administration will change that, as it officially declassifies the papers 40 years to the day after portions were first disclosed by the New York Times. In doing so, and in making the papers available online, the Archives could provide researchers with a more holistic way of understanding a remarkable chapter of U.S. history.

It could also bring a small measure of solace to advocates of open government frustrated by what they see as the overzealous classification of important documents. They note that tens of thousands of the classified diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks also remain classified.

“The fact that the Pentagon Papers were still secret is an embarrassment to the United States government,” said John Prados, senior fellow at George Washington University’s National Security Archive, a nonprofit research organization. “You’ve been able to read them for 40 years, but they’re still secret.”

Over the years, the unauthorized release of the Pentagon Papers has never been a flawless exercise. While the complete version runs to approximately 7,000 pages, the set leaked to the Times by defense analyst Daniel Ellsberg had pages missing and lines that were made illegible during photocopying. (Ellsberg had to lug the volumes in batches to the office of a colleague’s girlfriend and, once there, used a copy machine that could only scan one page every few seconds.) Other versions were either heavily redacted or simply incomplete.

It’s not clear how many secrets remain within the documents being released on Monday.

There might be small surprises lurking within, including the names of those involved in the project who have not been previously identified. But participants who are already known have reacted to the announcement of the declassification mostly with a shrug.

“I had almost forgotten about them,” said Leslie Gelb, who headed the task force that wrote the report and is now president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations. Retired Army Gen. Paul Gorman, a senior military officer who worked alongside Gelb, said, “I haven’t given them a thought in 10 years or more.”

Nonetheless, Gelb and others say that the documents themselves still have lessons to teach about government and conflict. The Pentagon Papers were created by an administration attempting to quietly rethink the quagmire that was the Vietnam War. But their publication in 1971, at a time when the American public had largely turned against the war, was explosive because it revealed a startling gulf between the optimistic public statements of the nation’s top leaders and their increasingly grave private doubts.
Pentagon Papers to be declassified at last - The Washington Post
BBC News - Vietnam War: Top secret US papers published


Daniel Ellsberg, chief defendant in the Pentagon Papers case, at an anti-Vietnam War rally in 1972

13 June 2011 Last updated at 09:43
Vietnam War: Top secret US papers published

By Jane O'Brien
BBC News, Washington

A top secret US government report into the Vietnam War has been officially released.

The publication comes 40 years after parts were leaked to the New York Times, showing that the administration at the time had lied to the public.

The National Archives formally released all 7,000 pages on Monday.

President Richard Nixon's attempts to block the publication led to a landmark court ruling that gave the media more power to investigate public officials.

The move to publish the so-called Pentagon Papers has caused a flurry of speculation over what may be left to discover about a war that divided the nation.

And many are questioning why it took so long to officially unveil one of history's worst-kept secrets.

In 1967, President Lyndon Johnson commissioned a report on Vietnam at a time when much of the US had turned against the war.

In 1971, when President Nixon was in the White House, a whistleblower leaked some of the most contentious passages to the New York Times.

They revealed the Johnson administration had secretly escalated the conflict and lied to Congress about its actions.

President Nixon failed to block the publication and, since then, most of the Pentagon Papers have been published - even though they remained classified documents.

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Pentagon Papers
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What part of history did USA did not understand

It lost the war
It committed war crimes
It was a disgraced nation
It still thought that it won the battle and war

The way US operates is as follow

a) Commits crimes and war crimes hides it
b) Tells its own ppl they are good guys
c) Bombs other people's homes and comes back home and cries other ppl
attacked it
d) Silences any objections with force legally or illegally , and hides it
e) Hires contracts not bound by US laws to commit more illegal acts
f) Has habbit of doing truce agreement with foes it can't beat , and once they are not looking it attacks them


The sad part is becasue it hides this facts ...

A new generation is bread , and they are fed the same lies and deception , and then they are also used as tools to wage new wars , all the Garbage collected is hidden away in closets

Imagine what other shiat is hidden away from Afghanistan or iraq wars
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