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Pentagon orders military bases to stop releasing specific COVID-19 numbers


Feb 1, 2018
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Pentagon orders military bases to stop releasing specific COVID-19 numbers
BY ELLEN MITCHELL - 03/30/20 06:32 PM EDT

The Pentagon has ordered military bases and combatant commands to withhold coronavirus case numbers, citing operational security concerns.

“As we continue to grapple with the novel nature of COVID19, we are constantly assessing and adapting not only how we respond to combatting the virus, but also how we share critical public health information with our communities,” Pentagon spokeswoman Alyssa Farah said in a statement on Monday.

“We will not report the aggregate number of individual service member cases at individual unit, base or Combatant Commands. We will continue to do our best to balance transparency in this crisis with operational security."

Farah said that the Defense Department and each military service will continue to offer a daily, public update of the full number of cases in all services and of civilians, contractors and dependents.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper last week told Reuters that he wants the Pentagon to withhold “mission-specific information” to protect operational security.

“What we want to do is give you aggregated numbers. But we’re not going to disaggregate numbers because it could reveal information about where we may be affected at a higher rate than maybe some other places,” Esper said.

And Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly last week told reporters that his service was “trying to be as responsive and transparent as possible” but must weigh that “against operational concerns as well as privacy concerns.”

“I think it's important that people understand where we are, how it's impacting us,” Modly said of coronavirus cases in the Navy. “So we will follow the direction of the secretary of defense in terms of this, but from our perspective, from my perspective, being as transparent as possible is probably the best path.”

As of Monday morning, 569 active-duty service members have contracted the illness, as had 220 civilian personnel, 190 family members and 64 contractors.
Pentagon orders military bases to stop releasing specific COVID-19 numbers
BY ELLEN MITCHELL - 03/30/20 06:32 PM EDT

The Pentagon has ordered military bases and combatant commands to withhold coronavirus case numbers, citing operational security concerns.

“As we continue to grapple with the novel nature of COVID19, we are constantly assessing and adapting not only how we respond to combatting the virus, but also how we share critical public health information with our communities,” Pentagon spokeswoman Alyssa Farah said in a statement on Monday.

“We will not report the aggregate number of individual service member cases at individual unit, base or Combatant Commands. We will continue to do our best to balance transparency in this crisis with operational security."

Farah said that the Defense Department and each military service will continue to offer a daily, public update of the full number of cases in all services and of civilians, contractors and dependents.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper last week told Reuters that he wants the Pentagon to withhold “mission-specific information” to protect operational security.

“What we want to do is give you aggregated numbers. But we’re not going to disaggregate numbers because it could reveal information about where we may be affected at a higher rate than maybe some other places,” Esper said.

And Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly last week told reporters that his service was “trying to be as responsive and transparent as possible” but must weigh that “against operational concerns as well as privacy concerns.”

“I think it's important that people understand where we are, how it's impacting us,” Modly said of coronavirus cases in the Navy. “So we will follow the direction of the secretary of defense in terms of this, but from our perspective, from my perspective, being as transparent as possible is probably the best path.”

As of Monday morning, 569 active-duty service members have contracted the illness, as had 220 civilian personnel, 190 family members and 64 contractors.
@F-22Raptor @dbc who is hiding numbers Now?
@F-22Raptor @dbc who is hiding numbers Now?

Will Pakistan publicly report the combat readiness numbers for its military? Imagine 75% of your military personnel are infected and not combat ready - will Pakistan announce that to the world and prepare a special dossier for Modi?

Its not rocket science ...
And some Chinese posters were salivating that our carriers are out of commissioned because of the virus. Glad they are not China's leaders because I bet they would have launch an invasion of Taiwan by now.
Will Pakistan publicly report the combat readiness numbers for its military? Imagine 75% of your military personnel are infected and not combat ready - will Pakistan announce that to the world and prepare a special dossier for Modi?

Its not rocket science ...
I bet the crew inside the American submarines are also infected. US military became the sick man amongst the military now. US admirals already admitted they would lose in a war in the South China Sea and now the virus is taking them out for free.

If the Chinese here were calling the shots, they would have finished the job of the virus (sinking the US Navy in the Pacific) then grab Taiwan.
Will Pakistan publicly report the combat readiness numbers for its military? Imagine 75% of your military personnel are infected and not combat ready - will Pakistan announce that to the world and prepare a special dossier for Modi?

Its not rocket science ...
agree and completely understandable. but same applies to China too.By no means am advocating for Chinese for concealing numbers but they get the benefit of doubt too to conceal numbers to limit the effect on it's economy and Military power

@F-22Raptor @dbc who is hiding numbers Now?
I came here to say the same :D
agree and completely understandable. but same applies to China too.By no means am advocating for Chinese for concealing numbers but they get the benefit of doubt too to conceal numbers to limit the effect on it's economy and Military power

I came here to say the same :D

Not really, because the spread of the disease in the general population is extremely valuable data for all nations that know nothing about a new and emerging virus. China via WHO told the world COVID-19 was not transmittable human to human on January 14!

Accurate data for transmission rates, tests, recovery, deaths in the general population in the western world is in the public domain.

Not really, because the spread of the disease in the general population is extremely valuable data for all nations that know nothing about a new and emerging virus. China via WHO told the world COVID-19 was not transmittable human to human on January 14!

Accurate data for transmission rates, tests, recovery, deaths in the general population in the western world is in the public domain.

what about US Intelligence sources on ground which are reporting today that China concealed the facts, those sources were absent from the scene back then?
US was relying solely on WHO and chinese data?
as far as report on 14th march is concerned then may be the virus mutated or perhaps limited data was available at hand back then? The tweet clearly states it's preliminary finding
what about US Intelligence sources on ground which are reporting today that China concealed the facts, those sources were absent from the scene back then?
US was relying solely on WHO and chinese data?
as far as report on 14th march is concerned then may be the virus mutated or perhaps limited data was available at hand back then? The tweet clearly states it's preliminary finding

Trump may have ignored US intelligence, we will find out once the dust settles. There will be an independent investigation and Trump will be held accountable for lapses (if any) that cost American lives.

This will change the US just as profoundly as 911 did all those years ago. I expect a huge course correction after this, the US and her allies will make significant changes in the way business is conducted with China.
And some Chinese posters were salivating that our carriers are out of commissioned because of the virus. Glad they are not China's leaders because I bet they would have launch an invasion of Taiwan by now.

The funny part is, there are some here that actually talk like they control their country’s military power, when they have absolutely no power at all outside of PDF.
Lol, murican navy is basically just a bunch of ghost ships.
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