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Pentagon approves two technology transfer licences to India


Sep 18, 2014
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WASHINGTON: The Pentagon has approved
two previously-stalled technology transfer
licences to India and in an unprecedented
move has set aside USD 20 million for
strategic cooperative science and technology
projects with New Delhi.
While the decision in this regard was made
just before Prime Minister Narendra Modi's
US visit, the announcement was made by a
top Pentagon official during the annual gala
of the US-India Business Council (USIBC) on
"What is critical now is that we agree on
some projects that we can use to continue
building our relationship. Good intentions
must lead to tangible results, or the
momentum we have built will fade," said
Frank Kendall, under secretary of defence for
acquisition, technology and logistics during
his address at the event.
Kendall, who is Pentagon's point person for
the India-US defence trade and technology
initiative (DTTI), however, did not give details
about the two licences approved by the US.
He said: "I have also set aside USD 20
million for strategic cooperative science and
technology projects with India, something we
have done with no other country."
Kendall, who accompanied defence secretary
Chuck Hagel to India this summer, was
highly appreciative of the developments and
policy changes in India.
"It was very clear to secretary Hagel and me
that a new wind was blowing in India — the
monsoon had changed direction and
intensity. Everyone we met, at all levels, was
highly interested in opportunities for
cooperation," Kendall said.
He said: "Modi made it clear to secretary
Hagel that India was very interested in
expanding its defence industry and increasing
the level of technology that could be
developed and manufactured in India. This
sentiment was repeated at every level. The
desire we felt to inject new momentum into
this relationship and DTTI was echoed by
those across the table."
Kendall said he and his Indian counterpart
Mohan Kumar have agreed to establish a
written framework for DTTI and to meet in
person every six months.
"We also agreed that India would work to
finalise approval of the renewal of the
research, development, test and evaluation
memorandum of agreement (RDT&E MoU) for
signature during my November visit," he
The two have also agreed to continue efforts
to identify specific co-development and co-
production opportunities and that acting
assistant secretary for research and
engineering Al Shaffer would continue to work
with scientific adviser to the minister of
defence to develop specific science and
technology projects.
"I believe both the US and Indian DTTI teams
concluded our meetings feeling energised,
focused and optimistic about future
cooperation," he said.
Kendall refuted the notion that DTTI is an
attempt to sell defence products to India,
saying it is "just one facet of an initiative to
build a deeper, closer, and broader
relationship with one of the most important
countries on earth."

Pentagon approves two technology transfer licences to India - The Times of India
WASHINGTON: The Pentagon has approved
two previously-stalled technology transfer
licences to India and in an unprecedented
move has set aside USD 20 million for
strategic cooperative science and technology
projects with New Delhi.
While the decision in this regard was made
just before Prime Minister Narendra Modi's
US visit, the announcement was made by a
top Pentagon official during the annual gala
of the US-India Business Council (USIBC) on
"What is critical now is that we agree on
some projects that we can use to continue
building our relationship. Good intentions
must lead to tangible results, or the
momentum we have built will fade," said
Frank Kendall, under secretary of defence for
acquisition, technology and logistics during
his address at the event.
Kendall, who is Pentagon's point person for
the India-US defence trade and technology
initiative (DTTI), however, did not give details
about the two licences approved by the US.
He said: "I have also set aside USD 20
million for strategic cooperative science and
technology projects with India, something we
have done with no other country."
Kendall, who accompanied defence secretary
Chuck Hagel to India this summer, was
highly appreciative of the developments and
policy changes in India.
"It was very clear to secretary Hagel and me
that a new wind was blowing in India — the
monsoon had changed direction and
intensity. Everyone we met, at all levels, was
highly interested in opportunities for
cooperation," Kendall said.
He said: "Modi made it clear to secretary
Hagel that India was very interested in
expanding its defence industry and increasing
the level of technology that could be
developed and manufactured in India. This
sentiment was repeated at every level. The
desire we felt to inject new momentum into
this relationship and DTTI was echoed by
those across the table."
Kendall said he and his Indian counterpart
Mohan Kumar have agreed to establish a
written framework for DTTI and to meet in
person every six months.
"We also agreed that India would work to
finalise approval of the renewal of the
research, development, test and evaluation
memorandum of agreement (RDT&E MoU) for
signature during my November visit," he
The two have also agreed to continue efforts
to identify specific co-development and co-
production opportunities and that acting
assistant secretary for research and
engineering Al Shaffer would continue to work
with scientific adviser to the minister of
defence to develop specific science and
technology projects.
"I believe both the US and Indian DTTI teams
concluded our meetings feeling energised,
focused and optimistic about future
cooperation," he said.
Kendall refuted the notion that DTTI is an
attempt to sell defence products to India,
saying it is "just one facet of an initiative to
build a deeper, closer, and broader
relationship with one of the most important
countries on earth."
What are the two technology transfer. news did not say
The other one must be for the production of Ring Laser gyro.
DRDO’s Research centre Imarat have already developed one, which is being used in Nirbhay
RINS + GPS.jpg
What a timing , this comes at the backdrop of most intense ceasefire violation of decade. :cheers:

That is the one used in Agni, is much too large to be used in Nirbhay.
a ring laser gyro-based inertial navigation system coupled to a GPS receiver.
Livefist: More on Nirbhay

A hybrid inertial navigation system using a ring-laser gyro (RINS) coupled with a GPS receiver and a digital radar altimeter (all developed by the DRDO’s Research centre Imarat, or RCI, and integrated jointly by the Advanced Systems Laboratory, or ASL, and the Aeronautical Development Establishment, or ADE) will provide a CEP of 20 metres.
TRISHUL: Nirbhay Cruise Missile Family Finally Revealed!
arey.... that navigation system is honey well. TALIN(tactical advanced land inertial navigation) will be license produced by TATA
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