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Pelosi's journey to Armenia and her anti-TR PR campaign

I show that İran also attacked Azerbaijan and Turkiye saved Azerbaijan from İran
show that please . that area was disputed no attack happened some western company warned to leave the area , they left and turkey force didn't do shit as they didn't return
not enemy İran , but brother country Turkiye saved Azerbaijan as always
Iran support Armenia since 1990s

and today one on one Azerbaijan easly kicking Armenia ....
only in Marvel alternate universe

in real history
read about CAUCASUS ISLAM ARMY ( Turkish Army ) which was send by the Ottoman Army to BAKU and TABRIZ

Turkish Army also kicked British+French during ww1 in the Gallipoli campaign

Turks only lost in Palestine-Sinai campaign
because of traitor Arabs were allies with British
and around 250.000 Turks fought against 467.000 british+french+italians in Palestine-Sinai campaign
read about that part when russdia vounter attacked and they escaped leaving thousands of dead behind
in real history
read about CAUCASUS ISLAM ARMY ( Turkish Army ) which was send by the Ottoman Army to BAKU and TABRIZ

Turkish Army also kicked British+French during ww1 in the Gallipoli campaign

Turks only lost in Palestine-Sinai campaign
because of traitor Arabs were allies with British
and around 250.000 Turks fought against 467.000 british+french+italians in Palestine-Sinai campaign
Yes,I read about their crimes:

The man in charge of posts and telegraphs in Baku, one of those who negotiated the surrender of the city and vainly tried to prevent the worst excesses, noted:

Robberies, murders and rapes were at their height [at 4.00 p.m. on 15 September]. In the whole town massacres of the Armenian population and robberies of all non-Muslim peoples were going on. They broke the doors and windows, entered the living quarters, dragged out men, women and children and killed them in the street. From all the houses the yells of the people who were being attacked were heard....In some spots there were mountains of dead bodies, and many had terrible wounds from dum-dum bullets. The most appalling picture was at the entrance to the Treasury Lane from Surukhanskoi Street. The whole street was covered with dead bodies of children not older than nine or ten years. About eighty bodies carried wounds inflicted by swords or bayonets, and many had their throats cut; it was obvious that the wretched ones had been slaughtered like lambs. From Telephone Street we heard cries of women and children and we heard single shots. Rushing to their rescue I was obliged to drive the car over the bodies of dead children. The crushing of bones and strange noises of torn bodies followed. The horror of the wheels covered with the intestines of dead bodies could not be endured by the colonel and the asker (adjutant). They closed their eyes with their hands and lowered their heads. They were afraid to look at the terrible slaughter. Half mad from what he saw, the driver sought to leave the street, but was immediately confronted by another bloody hecatomb.[13]

Estimates of the dead range from 10,000 to 30,000 Armenians.[1] According to a special commission formed by the Armenian National Council (ANC), a total of 8,988 ethnic Armenians were massacred, among which were 5,248 Armenian inhabitants of Baku, 1,500 Armenian refugees from other parts of the Caucasus who were in Baku, and 2,240 Armenians whose corpses were found in the streets but whose identities were never established.[14] According to Hrant Avetisian up to 50,000 of Baku's 70,000–80,000 person Armenian community were killed and deported.[15] According to the Armenian Genocide Museum, Armenians in Baku numbered 88,673 in 1918—29,063 of whom were massacred. Moreover, 9,000 "young" Armenians were sent into forced labour in the Mughan Steppe, however, only 400 returned.[16]
Turks only lost in Palestine-Sinai campaign
because of traitor Arabs were allies with British
and around 250.000 Turks fought against 467.000 british+french+italians in Palestine-Sinai campaign
let just say this

turned into this
The only one who says that,is some Turkish author.

You're implying that Armenians who were a minority,ran around inside the Ottoman Empire and eliminated 500,000 muslims. That's beyond fantasy. There were no authorities in the Ottoman Empire? No army? No police? No gendarmiere? Turkish authors started inventing genocides to hide their crimes?

between 1911 and 1922 , Turks fought non-stop from libya to Caucasia from Balkans to Anatolia from Egypt to İraq

when Turkish Army was busy to fight UK,France,Russia,İtaly and others

traitor Armenians have started to revolt and form armed groups to kill civilians for ethnic cleansing to create GREATER ARMENIA

Turkiye has tons of documents to prove everything

According to American , Canadian and British historians like Michael Mann McCarthy , Mark Biondich between 1821 and 1922 , over 3 million Ottoman muslim population were killed by greeks,serbs,bulgarians,rumanians,armenians,russians in Balkans , Anatolia and Caucasia
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oh intresting thatthing can taxi with iranian engine some country mockuo even cant do that with the help of ukrainian imperted engine that certain member here claim as turkish

keep dreaming with uselees QAHER-313 and copy of american engine with outdated technology

İran is so backward country which can not develop even high quality avionics-e/o systems for fighter jets

iranian fake propaganda ,, what a joke
According to American , Canadian and British historians like Michael Mann McCarthy , Mark Biondich between 1821 and 1922 , over 3 million Ottoman muslim population were killed by

Keep dreaming. Dreams are for free.

Keep dreaming. Dreams are for free.

According to American , Canadian and British historians like Michael Mann McCarthy , Mark Biondich , etc

savage christian greeks,serbs,bulgarians,rumanians,armenians,russians killed over 3 million Ottoman muslim population in Balkans , Anatolia and Caucasia between 1821 and 1922

there are millions of documents to prove everything

and loser greeks armenians are crying about genocides with full of fake
, Greater Armenia , Costantinople is Greek
keep dreaming dream is free
According to American , Canadian and British historians like Michael Mann McCarthy , Mark Biondich , etc

savage christian greeks,serbs,bulgarians,rumanians,armenians,russians killed over 3 million Ottoman muslim population in Balkans , Anatolia and Caucasia between 1821 and 1922

there are millions of documents to prove everything

and loser greeks armenians are crying about genocides with full of fake
, Greater Armenia , Costantinople is Greek
keep dreaming dream is free


nothing to hide

even Turkiye always says we are ready to open archives to USA-Europe-Russia
We have tons of documents to prove everything

but Armenia avoids opening archives because liar Armenia has no anything to show

liar Armenia seeks only to make political decisions in foreign capitals that have no legal validity
nothing to hide

even Turkiye always says we are ready to open archives to USA-Europe-Russia
We have tons of documents to prove everything

but Armenia avoids opening archives because liar Armenia has no anything to show

liar Armenia seeks only to make political decisions in foreign capitals that have no legal validity
Lol yeah everyone is lying,but Turkey is the only one telling the truth
Lol yeah everyone is lying,but Turkey is the only one telling the truth

yes all of you are liars and no any evidance to prove anything

today same senario again
USA-France use their puppets PKK/YPG , Greece and Armenia to attack Turkiye as like 100 years ago

never forget that 100 years ago the Turks gave a lesson to your daydreamer Greece and Armenia

USA-UK-France could not save you

Don't you have any sense and honor?
stop dreaming and don't become a American-French puppet and stop dying for American-French interests
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yes all of you are liars and no any evidance to prove anything
There's plenty of evidence if you want to look. That's why everyone in the world recognizes the Turkish atrocities.
show that please . that area was disputed no attack happened some western company warned to leave the area , they left and turkey force didn't do shit as they didn't return

in 2001 Iran claimed that Azerbaijan's oil and natural gas field "Araz-Alov-Sharg" belongs to İran

and İran sent warships and fighter jets to harass the 2 Azeri research ships that were in the region

Turkiye conveyed a note to the Iranian Ambassador in Ankara

In the note conveyed to İran
the basic principle of international law and the United Nations, "not to use force and not to resort to the threat of force," was reminded

and in 2021 Turkiye sent F-16 Fighter Jets to BAKU to warn İran

There's plenty of evidence if you want to look. That's why everyone in the world recognizes the Turkish atrocities.

Not the world , only 31 countries
and only political decisions in 31 foreign capitals that have no any legal validity

there is no legal decision because you have no any proof

savage christians support each others as always against muslim Turks since 1096 crusades
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