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Peek into China’s Plans for Top Supercomputer Shows No Slowdown


Jun 28, 2012
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March 20, 2014

Peek into China’s Plans for Top Supercomputer Shows No Slowdown

Nicole Hemsoth

This week we learned more about Japan’s exascale plans for the 2020 timeframe, but also on the contender list to be among the first to reach exascale-class computing levels is China. For now, however, the country has its sights set on continuing to dominate the list in 2015 and beyond.

To put this and the larger exascale computing momentum in context, the United States and Europe are both expecting to reach this level of computing in the early 2020s. However, without serious investment and innovation, Asia has a strong foothold, starting now with its #1 Tianhe-2 system, which dramatically bested other machines last year–and will continue to push the boundaries against its rivals in Japan.

While this change the exascale tide on the international front will not come as a surprise to many, a glimpse into the future of the current far-and-away top supercomputer on the planet, the Tianhe-2, shows an ambitious upgrade cycle arriving in 2015 to bring it from 54.9 petaflops (which set quite a record when it was announced) to 100 petaflops.

While this is a remarkable feat in floating point boundary-pushing, so far it doesn’t look like there will be any new earth-shattering tech to power the tectonic compute force. However, as we’ll say repeatedly at this early point, details are still rather spotty.

Tianhe-2 is entering its second stage, as expected, with this upgrade although just how much of a kicker it would get was unknown when the development plans were described over the last year. The name is not expected to change and from what we’re able to see from the light, early details, it wouldn’t be fitting since this looks to be a refresh and upgrade versus any rip and replace of the Xeon Phi/Xeon and FT-1500 approach.

It’s been a while since we’ve taken a look at this system, so for reference the details are below to help compare some of the changes China is set to make on the road to its 100 petaflopper. The # sign next to the processors tells us how many are currently on the system.

At the intimate BDEC event in Japan recently, a peek into future plans for Tianhe-2, Dr. Yutong Lu from the National University of Defense Technology in China (site of the top system) offered some details about what’s expected. While there aren’t a lot of details, the system will very possibly use the next generation Knight’s Landing (this was not confirmed by Intel or NUDT but since it’s already a Phi system and the next generation is going to offer over double the flops, this seems a natural guess since they’re not likely to rip and replace to add a new, custom architecture). If you want to do some mental math with no confirmed details (where’s the fun in it otherwise) you can guess that the newest Knight’s Landing will provide an approximately 3x boost. Swap out those 48,000 Phi cards and what do you have? A tick over 100 petaflops. Meanwhile, at Intel, someone is beating their fists, saying, “but we haven’t released those details yet!”. Fair enough, fellas. Speculation ends here.

Looking at the chart above, it’s not likely that little FT-1500 processor (Galaxy) can be expanded to play any major role in such a doubling of floating point capability since it’s just used as a front end processor. Further, the only other processor option that might be a fringe answer to this improvement is the Shenwei (as found on the #40 BlueLight machine) but it’s unlikely the 16-core processor, even after an expected upgrade cycle this year as it enters its fourth generation) will come close to offering that kind of boost.

The real story behind the Tianhe-2 kick is probably going to be around the custom TH-express interconnect, which Lu said would be getting a name upgrade (now called the TH-express+2). Whether that means it’s doubly fast or not remains to be seen. Again, we’ll report on details as soon as we have them.

Lu says China is also hard at work on the first legs of its exascale research program with the goal being to create an “advanced and feasible architecture” that falls into the target of 30GFlops per Watt.

Current funding for China’s exascale and continued HPC investments are centered on developing the fundamental algorithms and manycore parallel programming techniques required for extreme scale scientific computing. They’re also pouring additional funds into pushing boundaries in terms of their network-based research environment.

In addition to firming up their CNGrid service environment and continuing to operate the petascale Xeon/GPU Nebulae supercomputer at the National Supercomputing Center in Shenzen, Guangdong, China, the country is still hard at work on the Shenwei processors as a key item on the funding agenda.

The next generation of applications are set to focus on fusion, aircraft design, space, materials science, drug design, animation, the “mechanics of giant engineering equipment” and electromagnetic environment simulation.

The country is also focusing on big data as a key goal area, with emphasis on a large-scale in-memory computing system that sports “hybrid memory management policies.” The target application areas will focus on providing “humanoid answers” to difficult problems as well as tackling Watson-like cognitive computing challenges.

These are still early days in terms of confirmation from either vendors or centers but as always, we’ll deliver details as soon as we’re able to validate them.

Peek into China's Plans for Top Supercomputer Shows No Slowdown
March 26, 2014

16 Universities Qualify for ASC14 Final

BEIJING, China, March 26 — On March 24, 2014 the ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge (“ASC14″), organized by Inspur Group, held a press conference in Beijing to officially announce the 16 teams that have qualified for the final, which will be held at Sun Yat-Sen University (Guangzhou) on April 21-25. The conference included speakers from domestic and overseas teams, along with representatives from their respective embassies. Many supercomputer experts and professionals were also in attendance.

After two months of intense preliminary contests, sixteen finalists were selected via a tough evaluation. The finalists are: Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Purdue University, Brazil Universidade de Sao Paulo, Russia Ural Federal University, Hungary University of Miskolc, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, National Tsing Hua University, Taiyuan University of Technology, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Beihang University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology and Sun Yat-Sen University.

As introduced by the organizing committee, the preliminary ASC14 contest presents two major characteristics. First, many registered teams are world class. For instance, Sun Yat-Sen University has a competitive advantage in the field of application optimization and won the best grade in Gromacs application at ASC13. National Tsing Hua University, Purdue University, Tsinghua University, and National University of Defense Technology have won prizes in both SC and ISC many times. Second, the ASC contest presents problems that are very challenging. The participating teams need to accomplish a leading edge application architecture migration, parallel computing, performance optimization, and overall process of supercomputer application and development. The entire process demands deep understanding of the application and high operational abilities.

According to the final requirements, the 16 ASC14 finalists shall build a small cluster with their own design that comes in under a 3000W power budget limit. The cluster serves as the base platform for each team. More importantly, the finalists will also complete an application scalability test on the Tianhe-2 supercomputer, which was moved to Sun Yat-Sen University very recently.

In order to encourage youth to bravely break performance limits, the ASC committee announced that the “e Prize” will be awarded at ASC14 final for the team that obtains the highest scalability and performance optimization of supercomputer applications. “e” is the most important natural constant in science, and also represents the next generation supercomputer (exascale). ASC hopes that the e Prize becomes the “Gordon Bell Prize” of youth talents.

Mr. Wang Endong, ASC initiator, Director of the State Key Laboratory of High-end Server and Storage, and senior vice-president of Inspur Group, said that “the development of supercomputer applications and talent cultivation are the key issues in current HPC development. It is expected that ASC will be a good catalyst for these issues.”

In addition, Mr. Zhu Xiping, vice-president of Sun Yat-Sen University put forward that “Application development plays an important role in supercomputer usage. Holding the ASC Challenge will let more people know about supercomputers, allow them to become familiar with supercomputers, and love supercomputers. The challenge will attract more outstanding university students to participate in and devote themselves to scientific research and industry development with the supercomputer contribution.”

ASC14 is co-organized by the Asia Supercomputer Community, Sun Yat-Sen University and Inspur Group. This year it registered a record number of teams, 84. The teams are from five continents, including developing areas such as Brazil, Russia, South Africa, India and China. The goal of ASC is to promote the applications of supercomputers and develop new HPC talents. Through the challenge, the ASC hopes to gather new talents, motivate them toward HPC, and inspire their passion for innovation of Wisdom Unbound. We believe that with the impact of ASC, many young talents will start their journey of meeting HPC, understanding HPC, and loving HPC. Some of them may finally take HPC as a career option, such as some students from National Defense University team who have already contributed to Tianhe-1A and Tianhe-2. The final goal of ASC is to culture the HPC scientists and engineers who will contribute to exploring the unknown and realize the dreams of the entire human race.

16 Universities Qualify for ASC14 Final
Congratulations to China. Are there any indications coming from Beijing to kickstart their own indigenous coding for their own operating system?

As far as military OS we have developed Kylin OS 麒麟 a while back:


Kylin Linus is also installed as the OS for our top supercomputers Tianhe 1 and 2

Beyond the glut of x86 compute capacity, though, Tianhe-2 is notable for another reason: Except for the CPUs, almost all of the other components were made in China. The front-end system, which manages the actual operation of all the compute nodes, consists of Galaxy FT-1500 processors — 16-core SPARC chips designed and built by China’s National University of Defense Technology (NUDT). The interconnect (pictured below), also designed and constructed by the NUDT, consists of 13 576-port optoelectronic switches that connect each of the compute nodes via a fat tree topology. The operating system, Kylin Linux, was also developed by NUDT.

China’s Tianhe-2 supercomputer, twice as fast as DoE’s Titan, shocks the world by arriving two years early | ExtremeTech
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But Linux is an American operating system.

It is but it is " free and open"
Kylin builds on the platform and tailor made an OS to fit for our usages
Every country is benefiting from linux and they have their own distributions, doing it in their own way just like what we are doing
Is Kylin widely used by Chinese?

How long have you been outside of China?
MS window is still the dominant player for general applications

For other software like accounting, logistics, stock/inventory mangements, BOS, POS, ERP solutions we have developed our own versions

Such as these offered by

金蝶 Kingdee | Business Management Software Solutions, Applications and Services

and some applications for specialised industries like banking and finance, transport, public health, public security etc are offered by this company

方正 Founder International Co Ltd.

also some more commercial management oriented system enhancement software solutions on offer by these companies:

博彦科技 Beyondsoft

信 Intergrated Solutions Ltd

and the largest IT solutions and service provider in China: Neusoft 东软 - Homepage is looking beyond the realm of the Country
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How long have you been outside of China?
MS window is still the dominant player for general applications

For other software like accounting, logistics, stock/inventory mangements, BOS, POS, ERP solutions we have develped our own versions

Such as these offered by 金蝶 Kingdee

Kingdee | Business Management Software Solutions, Applications and Services

and some applications for specialised industries like banking and finance, transport, public health, public security etc are offered by this company 方正 Founder International Co Ltd

Founder International Co., Ltd.

I left China over twenty years ago. Things have changed a lot!
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