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Peace in South Asia

There is no way India hands over kashmir land to pakistan.
No one is asking you to 'hand over' Kashmiri land to Pakistan.

What is being asked is that India implement her international and bilateral commitments under the Instrument of partition and the UNSC resolutions and allow a plebiscite/referendum to allow Kashmiris to determine their final status as part of Pakistan or India, and settle the territorial dispute.

Apparently fulfilling commitments and agreements is a bit too much for some Indians.
Thanks roadrunner. Most of the pakistan ppl here support you. I believe India welcomes all hindus if they apply for indian visa. Now you can understand yourself that why pakistan failed to represent as ISLAMIC REPUBLIC. It only made to terrors to use holy name of Jihad. You dont care for Afghan muslims, Indian muslims.. what made you so special to care of kashmir muslims. OR is it only for water ????

Perhaps you didn't read my post?

I don't care if the whole world wanted to join Pakistan. That's fine. Just rename the land you live on as Pakistan, and you're welcome. If the Kerlaites of India want to join Pakistan, they are welcome.

As for Kashmir, I don't mind if they join Pakistan or not. I just want them to have their basic right of self determination that they legally have, and which India is not giving them.

There is no way India hands over kashmir land to pakistan. UN US what ever ..who cares for UN..they are puppet of US. Except colleting money, donating food packets is there anything else UN doing?
So lets see if pakistan want to get kashmir ppl

UN is not a puppet of the US. It is made of many different nations, 5 with veto power.

Neither India nor Pakistan has veto power, and since every singe Kashmir resolution against India was passed UNANIMOUSLY, with not a single country voting against them, they were passed in the most sincere spirit, and not as you say by the US.
No one is asking you to 'hand over' Kashmiri land to Pakistan.

What is being asked is that India implement her international and bilateral commitments under the Instrument of partition and the UNSC resolutions and allow a plebiscite/referendum to allow Kashmiris to determine their final status as part of Pakistan or India, and settle the territorial dispute.

Apparently fulfilling commitments and agreements is a bit too much for some Indians.

India has to consider its national interst, strategical interst when it is comes to any seperate movement. They cant consider few group openion to decide. Tomorrow another state wants to go out...or one district want to go out....kashmir would break down the whole county and its a win to seperate movement. You have to understand the afereffects of kashmir and how its important for india to keep.

So interst is not kashmiris interst. Its indian interst. this year 60% ppl have voted in democracy..If individual family wants to migrate to goout then can settle anywhere else in the country or they can leave INIDA. We dont want ppl who hate INDIA.

If pakistan believes they should be part of pakistan take them,,,wat are you waiting for...open free citizenship and who ever wants to come they will come...
Just rename the land you live on as Pakistan, and you're welcome. If the Kerlaites of India want to join Pakistan, they are welcome. As for Kashmir, I don't mind if they join Pakistan or not. I just want them to have their basic right of self determination that they legally have, and which India is not giving them. .

well nice way to know how much u care for them! Why should one country loose its land for someone else. Sir there is no word called kashmiris in the constitution. Its all citizens of inida. Muslims or hindus not the words in inidan constitution. A seperate movement is never allowed in constitution. Kashmir state govt has to pass a resolution for us center to bring the issue to supreme court.

UN is not a puppet of the US. It is made of many different nations, 5 with veto power. Neither India nor Pakistan has veto power, and since every singe Kashmir resolution against India was passed UNANIMOUSLY, with not a single country voting against them, they were passed in the most sincere spirit, and not as you say by the US.

Indian land and citizens under Indian constitution and supreme court of India. Not under UN and its veto powers. If anyone or any country against us we will fight to death. F U CK your UN. Today they are distributing biscuits in gaza after bombs. They couldnt stop violation. Dont misuse UN name for your benifit.
well nice way to know how much u care for them! Why should one country loose its land for someone else. Sir there is no word called kashmiris in the constitution. Its all citizens of inida. Muslims or hindus not the words in inidan constitution. A seperate movement is never allowed in constitution. Kashmir state govt has to pass a resolution for us center to bring the issue to supreme court.

Umm, I think that's been tried a hundred times before.

You (India) forcibly incorporated Kashmir into your Union without their consent. This consent was required as per international law based on the UN resolutions. Therefore the incorporation of Kashmir into your Constitution was illegal by the law.

Indian land and citizens under Indian constitution and supreme court of India. Not under UN and its veto powers. If anyone or any country against us we will fight to death. F U CK your UN. Today they are distributing biscuits in gaza after bombs. They couldnt stop violation. Dont misuse UN name for your benifit.

Alright, that's a good attitude. Screw international law and act unilaterally. That's just what America did in Iraq, and look where it got them. You'll never get anywhere with that attitude. Terrorists.
India has to consider its national interst, strategical interst when it is comes to any seperate movement. They cant consider few group openion to decide. Tomorrow another state wants to go out...or one district want to go out....kashmir would break down the whole county and its a win to seperate movement. You have to understand the afereffects of kashmir and how its important for india to keep.

So interst is not kashmiris interst. Its indian interst. this year 60% ppl have voted in democracy..If individual family wants to migrate to goout then can settle anywhere else in the country or they can leave INIDA. We dont want ppl who hate INDIA.

If pakistan believes they should be part of pakistan take them,,,wat are you waiting for...open free citizenship and who ever wants to come they will come...

The UNSC Resolution of 21 April 1948--one of the principal UN resolutions on Kashmir—stated that “both India and Pakistan desire that the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan should be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite”.

Now India and Pakistan , who are both members of UN members should abide by the plebscite. The state of Jammu and Kashmir is disputed. India does not have worry about any of its other territories or states. None of them are disputed with the UN. Therefore , if there are secession elements in any other states of India, then its India's internal law and order problem. Pakistan should not have any problems with that !!
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