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PDF vs CORONAVIRUS - Call to Arms!

A study by Stanford University College of Engineering shows that N95 masks can be decontaminated
using hot air in an over at 70*C for 30min without compromising filtration efficiency.
Here is a concept I have been playing with using powerpoint for a coronavirus self-assessment tool that can be deployed online using guidelines recommended by the WHO/CDC and the NHS, something like this should be on the government's coronavirus website to be honest.

A young doctor has died...


Inna lillahi wa inna illahi rajioun

these are real hero’s real stars of this world who will be remembered forever .

I can't view the 2nd video since it's geo-restricted for me. But from the thumbnail, it looks like the below??

But as you can see from the original video, it's a thinly veiled propaganda video. The flag, the background music and giving out 1 mask to everyone lol

Similar to how Euros go around in "poor countries helping Africans".

And of course, the media jumped on it chanting "Pak Cheen dosti!". :D
********* URGENTLY WANTED ************

Islamabad Administration needs services of
  • 05 Doctors
  • 10 Nurses
  • 10 Health Technicians
  • 10 Compounders
  • 10 Cleaning workers as volunteers for duty in quarantine centres in Islamabad for 1 month.
The following stipend will be paid:
  • Doctor - Rs. 40,000
  • Nurse - Rs 25,000
  • Technician / Compounder - Rs. 25,000
  • Cleaning Staff - Rs 15,000
Please send your application / CV at: admin@icta.gov.pk

The 40,000 pay for a doctor is a slap to his/her face. No doctor is going on the front line without proper kits with a monthly pay of a low level receptionist. If the Islamabad administration is looking for doctors who dont give the first sh*t about their own health, I wish them good luck. If the situation gets out of hand in the next few weeks, doctors will themselves go into quarantine with their families.

A young doctor in GB has already died to the virus and according to reports, the young man was forced to work without masks and gloves in the OPD for several days.

Yes I know this is sad. He died at taftan while try to treat patients. Hero like him is what make this nation great.

Easy for us to say "We need more people like him".
How many more disposable young doctors does Pakistan have? Lets sacrifice all of them by not giving them proper kits and forcing them to treat the corona virus patients coming from Iran.
View attachment 616710

Hopefully my translation is good enough.
@Zaki @RescueRanger
<3 Thank you for this! I will share these!

The 40,000 pay for a doctor is a slap to his/her face. No doctor is going on the front line without proper kits with a monthly pay of a low level receptionist. If the Islamabad administration is looking for doctors who dont give the first sh*t about their own health, I wish them good luck. If the situation gets out of hand in the next few weeks, doctors will themselves go into quarantine with their families.

A young doctor in GB has already died to the virus and according to reports, the young man was forced to work without masks and gloves in the OPD for several days.

Agreed with you on the pay, but these are difficult times, you have taken an oath... Do you know what I salary started on as an ambulance worker...
Are any reservists getting call up papers?

I have been notified to get mobilised in 72hrs.
I dont know anyone in Pakistan and i dont think they will be getting recalled. Between Police, Rangers and Military we have almost a million people to enforce the lock down and help Civilian Administration without compromising Defense at borders.

Good Luck to you.
I dont know anyone in Pakistan and i dont think they will be getting recalled. Between Police, Rangers and Military we have almost a million people to enforce the lock down and help Civilian Administration without compromising Defense at borders.

Good Luck to you.
here it starts on thurday for 3 weeks. I will be leaving in the morning and no ETA when return will be. There is no choice but to pitch in. Worst case scenario being played here is over 600,000 deaths if this thing get a hold in the townships. Many people are leaving cities back to their villages which is the worst thing that can be done.
Here is an article I wrote for parents about helping children to cope during the lock-down:


It’s okay to not be okay: Helping children cope during the coronavirus outbreak.


It is important to remember that children and teens may be frightened by the crisis itself or be upset by disruptions that a crisis might cause in their daily routines or their relationships with parents, teachers, and friends. It is not unusual for children to show changes in behaviours that may be signs or symptoms of distress or discomfort following a crisis or disaster.

Young children may be especially affected during these times because of their sense of vulnerability, their lack of understanding, and their difficulty in communicating how they feel. Older children may be affected as well, and like their younger siblings might find it difficult to express their feelings.

Following a crisis or disaster, some children may:

  • Have difficulty with separation or be afraid to be left alone. Children may not want to be out of parents’ sight and may refuse to go to school or their childcare provider.
  • Be afraid to sleep alone. Children may want to sleep with a parent or another person. They may have sleep disturbances, including nightmares, screaming during sleep, and bed wetting, that persist more than several days after the event.
  • Experience loss of concentration and irritability.
  • Be startled easily, jumpy. They may become more active and restless.
  • Display behaviour problems; for example, misbehaving in school or at home in ways that are not typical for the child.
  • Be upset at the loss of a favourite toy, blanket, or teddy bear.
  • Have physical complaints (stomachaches, headaches, dizziness) for which a physical cause cannot be found. They may run a fever or not want to eat.
  • Display withdrawal from family and friends, sadness, listlessness, decreased activity, and preoccupation with the events of the disaster.
  • Be afraid of the disaster recurring, or become anxious when there are rain, storms, sirens, or other reminders of the disaster. They may ask many times, “Will it come again?”
  • Become easily upset or cry more frequently.
  • Get angry, act out, or get into trouble. They may hit, throw, and/or kick to show their anger.
  • Behave as they did when younger. They may start sucking their thumb, wetting the bed, asking for a bottle, or clinging and wanting to be held. They may become upset easily, crying and whining frequently.
  • Be quiet and withdrawn, or not want to talk about the experience.
  • Feel guilty that they caused the disaster because of some previous behaviour.
  • Feel neglected by parents who are busy trying to clean up and rebuild their lives and homes.
These changes in behaviours are common in children who have been through a disaster. They are natural responses to stress. Some of these symptoms may last for weeks or months, but they should diminish over time.

Except for extreme circumstances (when a family member is killed or severely injured or the child is hurt or traumatised), most children do not develop serious or permanent psychological problems.

Some children may never show distress because they do not feel upset. Other children may not show evidence of being upset until several weeks or months later.

What parents can do to help children cope:

  • Keeping children informed, supporting them emotionally, and getting them involved in the family’s efforts to prepare for or recover from a disaster will keep the family together.
  • Speak simply and honestly about the situation. Explain to your children what is happening to your family using simple words they can understand. Be honest, and keep children informed of a problem that will directly affect them.
  • Help young children understand the disaster. Explain how disasters are unusual but natural patterns of weather. Children should know that disasters are not some kind of punishment for something they did.
  • Reassure children about the family safety. Say, “We are together. We care about you. We will take care of you.”
  • Listen to what your child says and how your child says it. Is there fear, anxiety, or insecurity?
  • Observe your child at play. Listen to what is said and how the child plays. Children frequently express feelings of fear or anger while playing with dolls, trucks, or friends after a disaster.
  • Make time to comfort and reassure your children. You many need to repeat information and reassurances many times. Do not stop responding just because you already told the child once or even 10 times.
  • Hold your child. Provide comfort. Touching is important for children during this period. Close contact helps assure children that you are there and will not abandon them.
  • Maintain some routine activities during disruptive times to provide children with a sense of stability and control. This might include dinnertime at the kitchen table or a bedtime story.
  • Spend extra time putting your child to bed. Talk and offer assurance. Leave a night light on if that makes the child feel more secure.
  • Talk with children about how you feel. The way children see and understand your responses to a disaster is very important. You should admit your concerns but also stress your family’s abilities to cope with the situation.
  • Give children something productive to do appropriate for their age. Making them a part of the family’s disaster efforts can give them a sense of control and contribution.
  • Show children models of courage, determination, coping, and support. Draw children’s attention to those within and outside of the family who face the adversity or who provide support.
Just a reminder this is what you are all fighting for


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