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PDF Soul Searching

I have been thinking of posting this here for a while and finally decided to put this out there.

My intentions are not to single out any one individual, I just want a dialogue from Pakistanis of PDF on "the soul" of PDF.

I have noted that PDF is fast becoming a haven for Chinese posters who do nothing but spam PDF with pro Chinese content. Its to the point where at any given time the "New posts and threads" section will be like 30% fulled with at least one Chinese poster who is constantly posting pro Chinese news. (seriously try it, and look for all the pro Chinese posters)

One Chinese poster in particular has Joined PDF around 2011, the same time I did.
I have a full time job that gives me lots of free time, so I would say I spend more time on PDF then a normal person would. from 2011 to now I have managed to post like 7400 posts. In that same time this Chinese poster has managed to post almost 24000 posts.
Almost each and every one of them being a pro China post.

When PDF had a patwari problem, you could easily tell who was a paid patwari by the fact that they almost exclusively posted pro PMLN content and would never make posts that were critical of Nawaz and company.

Real posters don't behave like that.

Now my question is, how should we deal with Chinese posters who, it feels like, their full time job is to post pro China content here.
Should we allow PDF to become another mouth piece for CPC? Can we implement some guidelines on how to post? Maybe a limit thread creation to 2 day?

Now before PDF lynches me, I am not saying we should ban or stop Chinese posters. I am just saying we need a system to discourage obvious pro Chinese propaganda being constantly being posted here.

The mods here are protective of these Chinese posters so I am trying to be careful to not give them any reason to ban me.

I would appreciate an adult discussion and not just mudslinging at pro/anti Chinese propaganda posters. Also, this question is for Pakistani PDF members in particular.

I agree. There should be a balanced approach and oversight against any paid bots to spread misinformation or propaganda.

We like in an age of government sponsored social information paid Army bots. Should have gatekeepers in place to address that risk no matter which political spectrum they are from!
:rofl::rofl: Rusty the clown:rofl::rofl:
I was hoping that reporting you to the mods would be the mature thing to do. But once again they only go after people who question their Chinese masters.
So looks like I have to take the trash out myself.

This guys got so triggered when I quested his Chinese masters that he had to attack a random person online.

Look man, I get it, you see me as a threat you your 50 cent pay check. But there are better ways to make money then sucking on small Chinese ****
I was hoping that reporting you to the mods would be the mature thing to do. But once again they only go after people who question their Chinese masters.
So looks like I have to take the trash out myself.

This guys got so triggered when I quested his Chinese masters that he had to attack a random person online.

Look man, I get it, you see me as a threat you your 50 cent pay check. But there are better ways to make money then sucking on small Chinese ****
Lol Rusty, Have you just finished work in the circus or have you just woken up?

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There are lots of problems here.basically two groups regularly argue with each other.one is Turkish and one is chinese.i also feel that there are many Chinese news but it's in their section so we can't do anything about that.perception in Pakistan has changed specially after cpec.it is true that there are paid people who posts articles which supports their narrative.it is the responsibility of admins.i believe that balance in relations is necessary.we can't ignore America and Europe but we can't ignore China as well so we need balance. I appreciate your post @Rusty
There are lots of problems here.basically two groups regularly argue with each other.one is Turkish and one is chinese.i also feel that there are many Chinese news but it's in their section so we can't do anything about that.perception in Pakistan has changed specially after cpec.it is true that there are paid people who posts articles which supports their narrative.it is the responsibility of admins.i believe that balance in relations is necessary.we can't ignore America and Europe but we can't ignore China as well so we need balance. I appreciate your post @Rusty

Thank you for your sensible response.

So I get that PDF has different sections for different nations/regions. but does that mean PDF has no control over them? Can the Chinese just do what ever they want there?

My problem is that it is so overwhelmingly obvious at the propaganda that is being put out there.
I genuinely think it is a threat to PDF as an authentic source of real discussion.
We are attracting clowns like that guy up in the thread who just has an autistic reaction to anything questioning the Chinese, which effectively shuts down the free speech of this forum and plays into the hands of the CPC posters.
They only want us to think how they think, free speech and thought is a threat to them.
Thank you for your sensible response.

So I get that PDF has different sections for different nations/regions. but does that mean PDF has no control over them? Can the Chinese just do what ever they want there?

My problem is that it is so overwhelmingly obvious at the propaganda that is being put out there.
I genuinely think it is a threat to PDF as an authentic source of real discussion.
We are attracting clowns like that guy up in the thread who just has an autistic reaction to anything questioning the Chinese, which effectively shuts down the free speech of this forum and plays into the hands of the CPC posters.
They only want us to think how they think, free speech and thought is a threat to them.

Sir pdf is not what it was used to be.many senior members has left.i agree with you but now we have more people who can comment based on emotions.problem is this is a well respected forum and technical knowledge is appreciated but today I hardly find any technical knowledge here.most of time people argue.sometimes emotions overcome us.pdf was not made for all this.concept is changed.we trust China but we must not trust only one party.too much trust only in one party is dangerous.balance in relations is necessary.we love China but we also like american technology.it is true that there is now more Chinese news and there is probably no way to stop it specially uigher Muslim issue.i mean this issue makes me sick.chinese say no detention camps.Americans and few pakistanis say detention camps and torture.i mean all this on PDF doesn't make any sense.i understand your point rusty.i am hopeful that admins will take action.they can limit posts.
I have been thinking of posting this here for a while and finally decided to put this out there.

My intentions are not to single out any one individual, I just want a dialogue from Pakistanis of PDF on "the soul" of PDF.

I have noted that PDF is fast becoming a haven for Chinese posters who do nothing but spam PDF with pro Chinese content. Its to the point where at any given time the "New posts and threads" section will be like 30% fulled with at least one Chinese poster who is constantly posting pro Chinese news. (seriously try it, and look for all the pro Chinese posters)

One Chinese poster in particular has Joined PDF around 2011, the same time I did.
I have a full time job that gives me lots of free time, so I would say I spend more time on PDF then a normal person would. from 2011 to now I have managed to post like 7400 posts. In that same time this Chinese poster has managed to post almost 24000 posts.
Almost each and every one of them being a pro China post.

When PDF had a patwari problem, you could easily tell who was a paid patwari by the fact that they almost exclusively posted pro PMLN content and would never make posts that were critical of Nawaz and company.

Real posters don't behave like that.

Now my question is, how should we deal with Chinese posters who, it feels like, their full time job is to post pro China content here.
Should we allow PDF to become another mouth piece for CPC? Can we implement some guidelines on how to post? Maybe a limit thread creation to 2 day?

Now before PDF lynches me, I am not saying we should ban or stop Chinese posters. I am just saying we need a system to discourage obvious pro Chinese propaganda being constantly being posted here.

The mods here are protective of these Chinese posters so I am trying to be careful to not give them any reason to ban me.

I would appreciate an adult discussion and not just mudslinging at pro/anti Chinese propaganda posters. Also, this question is for Pakistani PDF members in particular.

Anyone would post according to his/her convictions or agenda. That goes with having an open forum. You can not have people post according to your own biases. In my interactions with you, I have found you to have a certain mind-set and certain views. You are free to post accordingly, but you can not expect others to do the same.
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@Rusty the best way to do is to ignore instead of going down this path of discussion. This kind of discussion usually becomes an argument then a brawl.

As for propaganda, to be fair to the Chinese, there is a lot going on against them in media. Chinese dont have the habit of bashing other nations or cultures like Canada, US and UK has. These countries, from where most of propaganda about Chinese Muslims emanate, are the same countries which have destroyed the Middle East in last two decades to secure Israel.

USA still has secret forces in Syria, where it has no business. Its a country that has put crippling sanctions on Iran, despite Iran cooperating on JCPOA. Its the same country which is at the forefront of propaganda against China using persecution of Uighir Muslims to garner sympathies and sway public opinion in Muslim countries. Dont fall in this trap. And as for Canada, you know when it comes to foreign policy, the less said the better. It behaves like a stooge of US and UK and thats what I personally hate.
Anyone would post according to his/her convictions or agenda. That goes with having an open forum. You can not have people post according to your own biases. In my interactions with you, I have found you to have a certain mind-set and certain views. You are free to post accordingly, but you can not expect others to do the same.

my mindset and bias is always pro freedom and democracy.
And part of that bias is that everyone has the right to air their opinions.

Problem is that they site is being flooded with, clearly paid posters, who only want to spread positive propaganda.

If Indians, US, Russians were doing the same I would be here saying the exact same thing.

@Rusty the best way to do is to ignore instead of going down this path of discussion. This kind of discussion usually becomes an argument then a brawl.

As for propaganda, to be fair to the Chinese, there is a lot going on against them in media. Chinese dont have the habit of bashing other nations or cultures like Canada, US and UK has. These countries, from where most of propaganda about Chinese Muslims emanate, are the same countries which have destroyed the Middle East in last two decades to secure Israel.

USA still has secret forces in Syria, where it has no business. Its a country that has put crippling sanctions on Iran, despite Iran cooperating on JCPOA. Its the same country which is at the forefront of propaganda against China using persecution of Uighir Muslims to garner sympathies and sway public opinion in Muslim countries. Dont fall in this trap. And as for Canada, you know when it comes to foreign policy, the less said the better. It behaves like a stooge of US and UK and thats what I personally hate.




You are factually wrong in that China does not interfere with other nations.

Just because China doesn't make a big tamasha about it like the US, does not mean they don't do it.

And yes, The US is 100% shit. They are an evil empire who have killed millions of Muslim.
But that does not mean China gets a free pass to do whatever they want.

If I murder you, will you accept the defense that "Hitler killed millions of people so it's no problem if I kill just one guy " ?
PDF to become another mouth piece for CPC?
Yes. What is worse that could happen? Islamabad turns into Beijing. Karachi turns into shining Shanghai. 80% of the population go from poverty to middle income in 20 years. Instead of being a global terror factory Pakistan becomes global industrial hub.


@Beast @beijingwalker
All hell breaks lose if you say anything against these commies and their propaganda. They will spam you with nonsensical videos and off topic comparisons.

Considering internet and PDF is banned in china, these posters are going seriously out of their way to spend so much time on PDF.

50 cent troll army, indeed.


@Beast I am not going to quote you as I already reported you for derailing the thread.
Lemme post you a video of foreigners in Xinjiang and then you can see how everyone is free and unicorns jump over the rainbow.
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