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"Patriotic" Indians Attack Chinese Company's Shops & Showrooms

PS: They are also attacking Samsung shop. Someone needs to tell them that Samsung is Korean.

@Chinese-Dragon @Beast @wanglaokan @SingaporeGuy @Han Patriot

Omg!!!!!!.......Mods please don't ban me for saying this but just saw the clip and I am 100% convinced that there is an extreme ultra enthusiastic competition going on all over india on who can be the most ugliest, deformed and vilest looking humans on earth. In fact I am not sure that they are even humans.
Omg!!!!!!.......Mods please don't ban me for saying this but just saw the clip and I am 100% convinced that there is an extreme ultra enthusiastic competition going on all over india on who can be the most ugliest, deformed and vilest looking humans on earth. In fact I am not sure that they are even humans.

If you're referring to the people, then I must tell you that it is damn difficult to distinguish an Indian from a Pakistani. In all fairness to the Bangladeshis, they tend to have square faced features and are distinguishable.

If you're referring to the conduct then I fully support your statement. This is barbarism of a hyped up mob who don't realise that they are destroying their own livelihood. Happens all over though. Some political goon will financially benefit personally if he or she could shut down those businesses and he busses in a few buffoons to do his or her bidding with a free for all mob attack
Keep destroying your own properties with your own hand:dance3:
And I m 100% sure that all these morons would have Chinese phone in their pockets
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Normally insecured countries will do this, you don't see Chinese doing things like this to India right.
Chinese should ban Indians from traveling to China. But Chinese are not as patriotic as Indians.
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