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Patriot Missiles For Turkey Approved By NATO For Syria Border


Nov 18, 2010
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BRUSSELS — NATO announced Tuesday that it will deploy Patriot anti-missile systems near Turkey's southern border, shoring up defenses against the threat of cross-border attacks from Syria and bringing the United States and its allies closer to Syria's civil war.

The alliance's 28 members decided to limit use of Patriots solely for the defensive purpose of warding off the mortar rounds and shells from Syria that have already killed five Turks. But the announcement also appeared to be a message to Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime at a time when Washington and other governments fear Syria may be readying its chemical weapons stockpiles for possible use.

"We stand with Turkey in the spirit of strong solidarity," NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told reporters. "To anyone who would want to attack Turkey, we say, `Don't even think about it!'"

Fogh Rasmussen stressed that the deployment of the Patriot systems – which includes missiles, radar and other elements – wouldn't be a first step toward a no-fly zone over parts of Syria or any offensive operation against the Arab state.

But the decision to deploy the systems takes the U.S. and its European partners closer to the war, with the possibility of U.S.-made and NATO-operated hardware being used against the Assad regime for the first time.

Officials say the Patriots will be programmed so that they can intercept only Syrian weapons that cross into Turkish airspace. They aren't allowed to penetrate Syrian territory pre-emptively. That means they would have no immediate effect on any Syrian government offensives – chemical or conventional – that remain strictly inside the country's national borders.

Still, Fogh Rasmussen insisted that the weapons could help de-escalate tensions along a border across which tens of thousands of Syrian refugees have fled and which has emerged as a critical transit point for weapons being smuggled to the rebels fighting to overthrow Assad.

Germany and the Netherlands are expected to give Turkey several batteries of the latest PAC-3 version of the U.S.-built Patriots air defense systems, which intercepts incoming missiles. The U.S. would likely fill any gaps, possibly by sending some from its stocks in Europe.

But the exact details of the deployment and the number of batteries are still to be determined by NATO. A joint team is studying possible basing sites in Turkey, and parliaments in both Germany and the Netherlands must then approve shifting the assets and the possible involvement of several hundred soldiers.

It's unclear if any American soldiers would need to be deployed.

Due to the complexity and size of the Patriot batteries – including their radars, command-and-control centers, communications and support facilities – they cannot be flown quickly by air to Turkey and will probably have to travel by sea, alliance officials said. They probably won't arrive in Turkey for another month, officials predicted.

NATO, like the U.S., doesn't want to be drawn into the Syrian conflict. Washington has refused to entertain proposals for no-fly zones over Syria or for providing military support to Syrian rebels, fearful of making the conflict even more violent after 21 months in which more than 40,000 people have died.

The U.S. also cites the risk of extremists among the rebels getting their hands on weapons that they may later use against U.S. allies such as Israel.

NATO previously installed long-range Patriot batteries on Turkish territory during the 1991 and the 2003 Iraq wars. They were never used and were withdrawn a few months later.

The Patriot, which first entered service three decades ago, has been successively upgraded over the years. Although mostly used for anti-aircraft defense, advanced versions can also be used against cruise missiles and against medium- and short-range ballistic missiles. They have a maximum range of about 160 kilometers (100 miles) and can reach altitudes of about 80,000 feet.

Syria is reported to have an array of artillery rockets, as well as short- and medium-range missiles. These include Soviet-built SS-21 Scarabs and Scud-B missiles. The Scuds are capable of carrying chemical warheads.

At NATO headquarters in Brussels, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and the alliance's 27 other foreign ministers "unanimously expressed grave concerns about reports that the Syrian regime may be considering the use of chemical weapons," according to Fogh Rasmussen.

"Any such action would be completely unacceptable and a clear breach of international law," he said.

Patriot Missiles For Turkey Approved By NATO For Syria Border

I don't know if this for Syria really, because "turkey" has stood to it's name when it comes to Syria.
What a load of bullshit this is. You don't need Patriot defense system to counter Syrian threat.

What do the Syrians have? Scuds?
What a load of bullshit this is. You don't need Patriot defense system to counter Syrian threat.

What do the Syrians have? Scuds?

Its all about business and money...not real threats.
What a load of bullshit this is. You don't need Patriot defense system to counter Syrian threat.

What do the Syrians have? Scuds?

well, check the video out to confirm. It's more effective than those scuds saddam used to send over. this is a new gen one... However the reason given is as quoted.

The alliance's 28 members decided to limit use of Patriots solely for the defensive purpose of warding off the mortar rounds and shells from Syria that have already killed five Turks. But the announcement also appeared to be a message to Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime at a time when Washington and other governments fear Syria may be readying its chemical weapons stockpiles for possible use.
The Syrians, according to the Americans, have started assembling chemical weapons. That might be the reason.
well, check the video out to confirm. It's more effective than those scuds saddam used to send over. this is a new gen one... However the reason given is as quoted.

Shooting mortar rounds with Patriot is a bit rich..

The Syrians, according to the Americans, have started assembling chemical weapons. That might be the reason.

Same as saddam's mobile chemical weapon labs? Which never existed?
Creating a scarw is the best way of making money,specially when one has to sell weapons.
The Syrians, according to the Americans, have started assembling chemical weapons. That might be the reason.

Syria is friends with Iran, that is the reason. Not the development of weapons for mass destruction.
What a load of bullshit this is. You don't need Patriot defense system to counter Syrian threat.

What do the Syrians have? Scuds?

Wow thanks webmaster you showed your side, our pakistan “brothers" on supporting Iran-Syria(assad)

Thanks NATO for free patriots.
Webmaster, JayAtl is using insults on a thread you replied I wonder if he you gave warning or infraction, clearly calling us who ruled India for thousands of years scared people.
Shooting mortar rounds with Patriot is a bit rich..

Same as saddam's mobile chemical weapon labs? Which never existed?
Creating a scarw is the best way of making money,specially when one has to sell weapons.

NO, same as their recent defected Foreign Office spokesperson came and said on TV months ago -that Syria will never use it's chemical weapons and is not moving them.

Sometimes I wonder if you post to get your counts up...

See the video here : Syria: could use chemical arms against external aggression | Video | Reuters.com
Nice we could get to know patriots abit more before our decision for our long range missile aswell, instead of bombing them and wasting our resources.

Assad is bleeding soon he will fall
Syria is friends with Iran, that is the reason. Not the development of weapons for mass destruction.

Patriot missile is not going to help Turkey in regards to Iran, if that's what you meant. Now the missile shield " ballistic" one - I think US has deployed in Turkey previously( for a while now). They say in the article why they deployed this small protection...
Syria is friends with Iran, that is the reason. Not the development of weapons for mass destruction.
Iran is also why there has been no real response to over 40000 Muslims dead in Syria.
Patriot missile is not going to help Turkey in regards to Iran, if that's what you meant. Now the missile shield " ballistic" one - I think US has deployed in Turkey previously( for a while now). They say in the article why they did it...

Seriously you post things but you have no idea what you're talking about, only the radar is in Türkiye, not missile. We will get our own long range missile soon. Why would we need help against iran? There not even in our agenda their sanctioned but we should support that as well.
Wow thanks webmaster you showed your side, our pakistan “brothers" on supporting Iran-Syria(assad)

Thanks NATO for free patriots.

I am not looking at Turkey in this picture. Turkey can handle Syria well on its own. The issue with the shield is that it will be used for the protection of illegal child known as Israel.
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