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Pathetic Indian journalists ? - Barkha dutt and Vir Sanghvi ?

There was a Story that During 26/11, in Trident Operations, Media had asked whether there were any hostages in Oberoi and there were really there but the Chief of NSG Commandos played Smart, He said there are no Hostages inside. So the Paksitani Terrorists gets the wrong message from their Paskitani Terrorist Chiefs.

And this ****** calls the Manager of Trident and asks him whether there are any Hostages inside. The Poor Manager unaware of that Media is Playing with them says Yes.

There goes the message to the Terrorists and More People Killed because of this ******.

I always knew these 2 have a very dark side that will be bad for the country in some way. Their unprofessional way of conducting their jobs (forcing their opinion on their interviewees, not allowing certain people to talk in talk shows etc), as well as a certain level of political bias that is clearly visible. And now, finally their true image is caught.

Wonder what the 2 have to say. :tdown:.
I have never liked Barkha. Somehow she always appeared to me as a n oportunist.

But Vir Shangvi too.. alas!!!
Burkha dutt is the biggest supporter of Arundhati Roy, now we know that people who are up for sell to the highest bidder share a strong chemistry or we say they are on a joint mission to malign India for few bucks. :devil:
On the Times News channel when there was a panel of speakers called online, there was an Isrealy person by the name of Dr. Kedar on the panel. Even Dr. Kedar had specified that the constant airing of live news with all the information was working in favour of the terrorists and the their counter parts controlling this operation from some other part of the world.

He further says " i was a witness to a similar event in drass during kargil war....more than fifty artillery guns including bofors were firing at tiger hill...artillery was not using MBRL(multi barrel rocket launcher) because of its short range and strong signature on enemy computers (bofors shells can not be traced to their origin. in any case bofors can shoot and scoot)...however a MBRL firing is a beautiful visual..i was standing with the brigadier who was leading the attack...suddenly he shouted " who the hell ordered MBRL"..MBRL had been fired..the enemy read the signature and fired back with in half a minute..MBRL had moved by then but three soldiers were still there including captain sumit roy who had just returned after winning three- pimples...they all died...reason :our celebrity lady reporter had persuaded a non- artillery colonel to order firing of MBRL for a beautiful shot....the colonel was later taken to task and, if i remember right, cashiered, but our lady is still active making similar mistakes in Mumbai..............thats burkha dutt
Appalling journalism. Absolute blasphemy! As I watch the news from home, I am dumbfounded to see Barkha Dutt of NDTV break every rule of ethical journalism in reporting the Mumbai meyhem. Take a couple of instances for example:

In one instance she asks a husband about his wife being stuck, or held as a hostage. The poor guy adds in the end about where she was last hiding. Aired! My dear friends with AK-47s, our national news is helping you. Go get those still in. And be sure to thank NDTV for not censoring this bit of information.
In another instance, a General sort of suggests that there were no hostages in Oberoi Trident. (Clever.) Then, our herione of revelations calls the head of Oberoi, and the idiot confirms a possibility of 100 or more people still in the building. Hello! Guys with guns, you've got more goats to slay. But before you do, you've got to love NDTV and more precisely Ms. Dutt. She's your official intelligence from Ground zero.
You do not need to be a journalist to understand the basic premise of ethics, which starts with protecting victims first; and that is done by avoiding key information from being aired publicly—such as but not limited to revealing the number of possible people still in, the hideouts of hostages and people stuck in buildings.

Imagine you're one of those sorry souls holed-up in one of those bathrooms, or kitchens. A journalist pulls your kin outside and asks about your last contact on national television, and other prying details. In a bout of emotion, if they happen to reveal more details, you are sure going to hell. Remember these are hotels, where in all likelihood, every room has a television. All a terrorist needs to do is listen to Ms. Barkha Dutt's latest achievement of extracting information from your relative, based on your last phone-call or SMS. And you're shafted—courtesy NDTV.1
If the terrorists don't manage to shove you in to your private hell, the journalists on national television will certainly help you get there. One of the criticisms about Barkha Dutt on Wikipedia reads thus:

During the Kargil conflict, Indian Army sources repeatedly complained to her channel that she was giving away locations in her broadcasts, thus causing Indian casualties.

Looks like the idiot journalist has not learnt anything since then. I join a number of bloggers pleading her to shut the f*** up.
Update: In fact, I am willing to believe that Hemant Karkare died because these channels showed him prepare (wear helmet, wear bullet-proof vest.) in excruciating detail live on television. And they in turn targeted him where he was unprotected. The brave officer succumbed to bullets in the neck.
Nothing fascinating about it. I being a hindu can hardly talk against Islam but I can talk about the various malaise in Hinduism . Got it.

You can train your guns on Zardari while if we did the same it won't be liked by Pakistani poster here.

Thats normal human behaviour I guess.
We might consider evaluating propositions with different criteria, I mean criteria other than whether it's by a Indian or Pakistani, a Hindu or a Muslim, right?: Possibly ?- we can always use right wrong good and bad.
But we are already blinded by our love of ....
Free thinking requires much more than education
good that something like this has come up...this will allow people to realise how bad it can be to blindly trust the media...I would use a word for Indian media (today)that someone used for australian cricketers recently..it has turned into a pack of wolves..with reporters and media persons having unending arrogance and attitude (if anyone has worked closely withthem would know) of having the power and using that power and glamour for their own purpose, even if they are wrong. however, i am more shocked to see Vir Sanghvi in that list.
good that something like this has come up...this will allow people to realise how bad it can be to blindly trust the media...I would use a word for Indian media (today)that someone used for australian cricketers recently..it has turned into a pack of wolves..with reporters and media persons having unending arrogance and attitude (if anyone has worked closely withthem would know) of having the power and using that power and glamour for their own purpose, even if they are wrong. however, i am more shocked to see Vir Sanghvi in that list.

I am amazed at the Kargil incident mentioned here bro, if this silly ****** has caused such kind of mistakes how could the army allow it to continue?? Oh my god as much as i read about her it makes me even sick more and more.

Just that she can get a nice shot she made them fire an MBRL :hitwall: and this sent them to heir deaths :sick:
Barkha Dutt is a stupid reporter, In Kargil she caused the army artillery to shell one location when she gave away the address, in 26/11 coverage too she gave away the police's location.
She is a shame for Indian press.

And that is not all, I have some friends in media and they all tell stories about how she slept her way to the top

even my friends at indian express and times of india have told me of her sleeping habbits. i have also heard abt the "shell" story

NDTV should jus fire her. pronnoy roy time to take some hard decisions.

"Oh God. So now what? What should I tell them? Tell me what should I tell them?"

Ran the line in the Open magazine exposing the wheeling-dealing between the corporate world and the most pious secular sirens of the noble industry — the fourth estate.

What after this?

Nothing. The media empire, the grand old houses of money and power protect each other. They have the platform to reach millions, but not a single one has tried to discuss it threadbare with the same savage ferocity they show in ripping apart their ideological opponents after having tasted a good French wine in a vineyard. They often use papers and channels for their political vendettas and abuse every other person they dislike without showing any civility. Then their outfits shut their doors for the other voices. No, the censorship is not by the state. It's by the media houses. They invite guests to their shows and use them to have their own "super Oprah" image projected at the cost of the other voices and other viewpoints. Look what they have done, which made Washington Post write this: "India's fiercely competitive and hungry free press has become the rising nation's watchdog, unearthing a long list of banking scandals, real-estate scams and most recently, extensive government corruption during the international Commonwealth Games. But in recent days, Indian journalists have been accused of wrongdoing, including having inappropriate conversations with a corporate lobbyist and acting more like power brokers in recordings released as part of an investigation into an audacious multibillion swindle — considered the biggest scandal to hit the new India."

India is going through moral turmoil. The man who helped go scot-free India's first Supreme Court judge slated to be impeached for corruption was rewarded to become minister for human resources directing the education system. The man who would supervise all corruption cases for ensuring punishment for the guilty is the one who himself is facing charges and when the Supreme court asked the reason for this, the attorney general had the cheek to rebuff the lords of justice in these words: "If impeccable integrity becomes an eligibility criterion, then all judicial and constitutional appointments will be open to question."

That's what is happening to the land of all virtues and 9% growth rate. The nation which boasts of a great functional democracy, looks dwarfed before countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh. With a quivered lip and a smile that can't be hidden, they can say, oh my God, this is you? Your journalists, your ministers and your judges … phew!!

The fear of "revenge killings" is so deep that the politicians, otherwise so vocal in demanding a probe into many other scandals, are keeping their mouths shut, least a bruised journalist take on them at "an appropriate time".

Just see the grandeur of our scandals:

• Rs 1.71 lakh crore in 2G spectrum scam.

• A high court judge is charged with serious graft in West Bengal.

• Two most vocal sirens of "all that's good for secularism and vocal missionaries of anti-Hindutva brigade" are caught on tape discussing, perhaps, "spiritual aspects of politics and the ashram-life plans" of Rajaji and Radiaji, who might be a Bhakti movement poetess. Who knows, after a few weeks, these channels will prove that too.

• The Commonwealth loot is estimated to be anything between Rs 60,000 crore and Rs 80,000 crore.

• The Adarsh housing scam crossed all limits by insulting the memories of our Kargil martyrs.

• Karnataka is scandalized, more because of the moneybag politics. But that too, doesn't add to the glory of any of us.

We have an official voice of law and justice and all that is attached to it. He is called attorney general of India. He is respectfully known as a protégé or confidant of the ruling empire —naturally Soniaji and Manmohanji. If he was not so, he won't have acquired the position that he is holding today. His words of wisdom to the Supreme Court have lowered India in everybody's eyes.

As columnist Vrinda Gopinath said: "Let's not hoodwink ourselves to believe that this morally pornographic journalism is objective, fair and exact. All of it stinks, in varying degrees of severity and phoniness."

This is an India where every single party, with the exception of the BJP and the communists, is virtually a family fiefdom. They are known by the names of their "masters", and not with their ideological distinctness.

An India where the assaulters abusing Mother India and the honour of soldiers remain untouched and unpunished but a comment on the head of a political party, much discarded and disowned, results in arson and stoning.

An India where the forced exile of half a million Indians remains a non-issue but millions of foreign infiltrators are helped to get registered as voters for the political convenience of a vote bank.

An India whose citizens, politicians and industrialists and administrators, stash a whopping Rs 70 lakh crore rupees in Swiss banks and the government, in spite of an assurance by the Swiss government, feels reluctant to ratify a treaty signed with the Swiss which would enable us to get the list of black-money stashers and maybe get the money back.

A nation where the terrorists facing charges of killing innocent patriotic Indians are offered lucrative comforts of money and jobs if they simply say "I surrender", thus humiliating and insulting the families of the martyred soldiers and citizens who often get less than what the killers of their sons and daughters would get.

A nation where looters become members of the ruling class and whistleblowers turn to be schemers asking the corporate agent "Tell me what should I tell them?"

Let the people tell these "elite" that they would be assigned to the dustbin.

Link: Hey, what's happening to India? : India : Tarun Vijay : TOI Blogs
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