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Partitions of a politcal party



New Recruit

Dec 12, 2008
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Student unions are considered to be the representatives of the students at any Educational institute. The unions express the unity among the students, just as we saw a strong protest in Punjab by the students of Fatima Jinnah Medical College, in which a large number of students gathered to show the unity against an unwanted decision by their administration.
We have also seen different student unions colliding with each other on their political issues which always had a tragic end. But, what if the students belonging to the same student organization declare a war among themselves, at the same time when it spoils the reputation of student unions it also create a lot of panic in the campus.

18th December when more than 30,000 of the students were taking the examinations in the campus suddenly we heard the noise of firing which not only diverts the attention of students from the paper but also create some sort of plague among them. The inflated extremism in the students of unions which cost 2-3 lives each year and this time it becomes a cause of the cancellation of evening shift examination.
After an hour of this clash, we came to know that it was a single political group (PSF) which has its two factions, and both were collided due to some reason. It is a big disappointment to know that student organization which is supported by the ruling party of the country which also believes in the empowerment and independence of Student union is not united within itself. This clearly reflects the internal abhorrence among the senior party members and they transfer it to their respective supported student wing faction.
The fact is no more hidden that one of the group is supported by the ex president of Peoples Party Karachi division Faisal Raza Abidi and the other group has got the favor of Najmi Alam who is the current President of PPP Karachi Division. And if we analyze, that not only in student wings, but also on the Party level many senior members envy each other which can be observed clearly by reading the contradicted statement given by their members on same issues. Also the surprised killings of PPP supported gangsters and killers and many members who were close to Shaheed Mohtarma can be a part of this game.
Khalid Shehansha, Salam (urf salamu) and Rehman Dakait all were very close to the previous administration of PPP were murdered one after another. And the apologetic behavior of Nabeel Gabool also reflects his remorse regarding the disintegration of the party members. It was also observed that Nabeel Gabool was found more satisfied with Najmi Alam as the Karachi division president than the Abidi.
Abidi who is very much closed to the current party chairman wants to hold Karachi and also self proclaimed himself as ‘Sher e Karachi’, not only he is ready to harm the political opponents but also his own party members who wants to get a share in PPP Karachi (Mafia).
Despite to the fact of the disintegration of PPP members, what we need at this time, is the unity among all the political forces of the country, at a time when our Army is having a tough time on the national boundaries we should give them a hope and encouragement. Also we must build the bridges b/w Balochistan and other provinces of the country and make this Nation more unite to face the upcoming challenges. But its nearly impossible on current circumstances when the ruling party members are victimizing each other how can they make this nation united if their own party is crumbling. That is a big Question.
as far as Student Unions are concerened PPP will never be in favour of reinstating Students Unions just because they dont have enough Power in Student Politics.if we just consider Pakistan's major Universities & Colleges of pakistan PPP dont have much Strength.we harldy see any presence of PPP and it is very interesting that in this small numbers they are divided in many portions and on the name of those people who never had any relation with education.

and the over all situation of PPP shows that this is the last time for them in goverment they are ZERO in resolving issues.20 months has gone but they have not solved not a single Issue and tey always use to blame Last Government and now the latest hot issue of N R O has done the major damage in their position.
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