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Paris Under Attack

How would that help? (they've arrive so recently, it is virtually impossible for this to be a factor)
This kind of response is exactly what ISIS is aiming for.

One of them had a Syrian passport and identified by Greek authorities as having arrived as a "refugee" through Lesbos on the 3rd of October 2015.

Thanks Merkel !! So...YEAH...kicking them out will help alot,we're practically begging to be swamped with terrorists.
Innocent people are victims of NATO's senseless policies in Middle East & Africa.
What am i going to protest ??? Killings in Paris ??

We lost 102 people in Ankara at october..... i didn't see Europeans protesting or condemning the act. Let them suffer as they might come to understand what terrorism means....

You know about the PKK attacks in Turkey ? These EU fuckers says "Turkey should response proportional to terror groups".EU and US urge proportional Turkish response to armed groups | Middle East Eye

Let them bleed, let them die. I have zero sympathy for these European hypocrites.
It doesn't mean that if they are not looking whats been hitting our Muslim countries , we are not with the dogs called USIS & the ones still supporting them ?
We are against any one killing any innocent for any reason ?
These people gave us their country to live, they give their house, they are spending tax payer money on us and this is what we are returning them. France accept Africans, Muslims. FInland President or PM left his house to accommodate refuges. They give us poor asylum. They give us liberty and we are killing them in their streets. I am ashamed today.
We surely do...... don't we! It's alternative on the other hand, "talks / mediation / negotiations" seems a concept too alien to us, as if, it will hurt our respective national GDP's and maybe stellar international standing in the fields of science and awesome life expectancy.

that is the way we like it.
One of them had a Syrian passport and identified by Greek authorities as having arrived as a "refugee" through Lesbos on the 3rd of October 2015.

Thanks Merkel !! So...YEAH...kicking them out will help alot,we're practically begging to be swamped with terrorists.
Sorry , how can that stupid be keeping his identity till that happens & why other terrorists didn't keep their passports ?
In mean its time to get real investiture in place instead crying fool & becoming the tool of terrorists ?
Who just want spread hate & to use their terrorism to show the refugees that , they won't run away from the so called Islamic state ?


Good post sir but am not getting whose loss it is ?Its french who allowed refugees while many intelligence agency warned regarding this yet they allowed.So blaming Arab is again farce.
PS:Am not a supporter of Arabs
I doubt the fresh refugees from syria did that
the attackers came from Belgium. they might be residents. people who wont stand out in the crowd and appear to be part of crowd
100% agree. these are the types of immigrants that we should immediately deport, since they are threat to our values/way of life. However, there are also Muslim immigrants who were born here in the West who are as radical/extremist if not more, in their views like these middle eastern extremists. We should adopt a policy whereby any western citizen who travels abroad to wage Jihad, should immediately have its citizenship revoked and banned for life from entering our country ever again. That will be a good start
:crazy: if they are born and bred in the west, they are not immigrants.
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A great post from another forum. Member nib95 I thought I’ll post it on here.

It's going to take a Middle East that isn't war torn and constantly in a state of violence and turmoil. Prior to 9/11, how much Islamic terrorist violence was there in the West, or even in these parts of the Middle East?

In Iraq, there were zero suicide attacks in the country's history until 2003. Since then, there have been 1,892.

In Pakistan, there was one suicide attack in the 14 years before 9/11. In the fourteen years since, there have been 486.

Let's be honest here, the war on terror, $5 trillion dollars later, has not only failed to stop Islamic terrorism, it has actually massively fuelled and empowered it.

Violence, war, bombings, poverty, instability, lack of mobility, limited prosperity etc, all of these things cripple the chances of progress. What the Middle East needs is more infrastructure, education, funding, science, academia etc. Though if the Middle East went back to that, I doubt elements of Western powers could profit from the military industrial complex or oil contracts quite so easily. I can't see this all getting any better any time soon. The self perpetuating cycle of violence and hatred wages on.
I doubt the fresh refugees from syria did that
the attackers came from Belgium. they might be residents. people who wont stand out in the crowd and appear to be part of crowd

These kinds of incidents are impossible to stop in my opinion. The potential suspect pool too large and well integrated to be screened preemptively. Almost all nations affected by terrorism like India and Pakistan face this problem of effectively weeding out these elements. Such an enterprise would require herculean amount of effort and resources both monetary and human and still few will slip through the cracks.

Sir in your opinion what kind of steps societies like that of France take to stop these attacks in future in a way that won't lives of common people miserable and cost would be bearable?
:crazy: if they are born and bread in the west, they are not immigrants.

Meant their parents who were immigrants. Hopefully this attack will also make Merkel pause and think carefully about her open door policy. We don't want many such cases to happen in future. At least we should take measures to limit the chances of this by properly screening any immigrants we let in or outright rejecting any like eastern European countries do. Allowing everybody in without any screening/selection is madness.
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