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Paris Under Attack

RIP. Truly horrifying attack, hallmark of Wahabi terrorism worldwide. BBC reporting 120 dead.:(
After this unfortunate and barbaric and one of the biggest attacks by terrorists in France the Europe in general and France in particular is not going to be same again. The type of changes we witnessed in US after 9/11 are going to be seen in Europe too now onwards

Some sort of intelligence failure too is there as there were news in past that some 1500 have joined isis from France but yet there intelligence were unable to infiltrate there ranks and prevent this attack. Lots og openness the hall mark of Europeans culture will be affected now as there will be more checks and balances and immigration too will be under intense scrutiny now
Very impressive response by French security apparatus. :tup:

They were able to respond in span of 3 hours from the first attack.

We needa purge in europe and a great cleaning. And i guess a new crusade. Leftist cuddle ideology won´t help anyone.

We are in the fight of light against darkness. Between human civilisation and oriental barbarism. If we chose to do nothing now, they will do it again and again.

Well I hope that one cleaning starts and trash are taken out, you are not swept away too. Often these things turn out very different from what the plan is.

Anyway best of luck and good wishes, Europe is gonna need it more than ever since WW2.

Ma, che sei grullo?

And who are you to judge my vision? =D I mean seriously?
The image of the Muslims is being rotten by people like you and still it's the largest growing religion of the world? Can you tell me why is that SIR?
Pls don't reply this troll, ignore him.
There will be quite a few bannings now , some for a very long time. After I clearly told people not to ruin this thread.

As usual it is we who are to blame with an odd neo-con from europe thrown in, as we bring our fight everywhere even in the event of such tragedy.

All i see is point scoring and agenda pushing by idiots.

Thread closed for moderation.

It is from an actual Maulvi from Ahl-e-Hadees, I believe, and it's not some Hindu posting it either

I see no reason why fellow Muslims go abroad

Thanks and you're right. I did tell these people in clear terms.
Ok folks you can for yourselves the results of the clearing operation. There have been quite a few bannings, some of those were for life. The forum will be better off without such serial trolls.
Again, please heed my warning which was at the start of this thread.
-Do not condone or place the blame on France.
-Do not bring your own stupid bigotry here.
-Do not write about off-topic rubbish.

Thank you.

P.S. The penalties wil be harsher from now, especially in light of how long it took me to make this thread presentable again.
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Ok folks you can for yourselves the results of the clearing operation. There have been quite a few bannings, some of those were for life. The forum will be better off without such serial trolls.
Again, please heed my warning which was at the start of this thread.
-Do not condone or place the blame on France.
-Do not bring your iwn stupid bigatory here.
-Do not write about off-topic rubbish.

Thank you.

P.S. The penalties wil be harsher from now, especially in light of how long it took me to make this thread presentable again.
:raise: please sir please do have same yardstick to deal with trollers and abusers from pakistan also thanks :angel:
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