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Paris tourism reeling from attacks, protests with more strikes planned


May 10, 2015
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Security forces clash with demonstrators during a protest called by seven labor unions and students against the labor and employment law reform on May 26 in Bordeaux, France.

Already suffering from the impact of last year's extremist attacks, tourism in Paris is facing a fresh challenge from a wave of violent strikes and protests

"Tourism bosses have warned that with threats of nation-wide violent protests and strikes which are disrupting transportation, the number of tourists visiting Paris is decreasing ahead of the Euro 2016 championship. Hotel bookings by Japanese visitors were down 56 percent in the first quarter of the year compared to the same period in 2015, while Russians were down by 35 percent, according to the city's tourist board.

Chinese tourists had been a major driver of growth last year – reaching a new record of 1.2 million – but their numbers this year dropped by 13.9 percent. "The start of 2016 is still feeling the disastrous consequences of the attacks in 2015," read a statement the tourism board.

France is the world's most visited country, but tourists were frightened by the November attacks in the capital that left 130 people dead, and last year's January 2015 killings at the Charlie Hebdo magazine and a Jewish supermarket. While the atmosphere in Paris had returned to normal in recent months, an outburst of social unrest over controversial labor reforms has once again put doubts in the minds of tourists.

Three months of student and union-led protests have descended into violent clashes between demonstrators and police. Unions are tapping months of public anger over a labor bill that would make it easier for employers to fire workers and lengthen the working week.

The scenes of violence seem to have had a negative impact on tourists perception of the country. The fresh industrial unrest, which caused petrol shortages and travel delays across France last week, was set to hit transportation just days before fans begin arriving for the start of the football championships on June 10.

"There is still time to save the tourist season by putting an end to these blockades that are being shown the world over," said Frederic Valletoux, head of the Paris tourist board. "It's the entire tourism and leisure network that is penalized. The challenge for employees is immense because 500,000 of them depend on the sector in the Paris region."

France braced yesterday for severe disruption to trains and flights less than two weeks before Euro 2016, as unions called fresh strikes in their battle to have labor reforms scrapped.

After weeks of trading insults, the head of the national union General Federation of Labor (CGT) Philippe Martinez revealed he had received a call from Prime Minister Manuel Valls to discuss the bitter standoff. Martinez refused to reveal the content of Saturday's call, but told BFMTV: "The fact that he deigns to call the spokesman of France's biggest union, rather than denigrate him, is a good sign."

Workers at France's national rail authority – whose service will be crucial to Euro 2016 spectators – are going on strike starting tonight. The Paris transit authority starts their strike on Thursday. Air traffic controllers are threatening to join in starting Friday.

Aviation unions have called for stoppages next weekend, and Air France pilots voted Monday to go on strike for at least six days in June in a separate dispute over productivity targets, which could spark added chaos for visitors to Euro 2016.

Fuel shortages are another concern. Striking workers have blocked or slowed production at most of France's eight refineries, and disrupted oil imports at ports around Marseille on the Mediterranean and Le Havre on the English Channel.

Blockades at fuel depots last week caused nationwide gasoline shortages, but the situation has eased somewhat since the government ordered police to clear out protesting workers. Picketers had been blocking an oil depot in Port-de-Bouc near Marseille, but police ended that protest Monday.

The government argues France needs to reform to survive in the global economy, but critics say it strips away hard-fought worker protections and won't create the jobs promised.

Despite the protests over the bitterly disputed law, the government has remained defiant, with riot police on Friday moving in to clear blockades outside petrol depots, and French President François Hollande vowing not to give in to union demands." Daily Sabah

Isn't there any famous Turkish artist, musician who would like to cheer the squares of France, in solidarity with French people? :partay:
We are used to strikes,it's not as if it was a new and recent phenomenon.
As French and Western press are all silent about it, Le Figaro claims that number of tourists sharply decreased in France since protests.

"The French labor unions are on the streets of Paris, on the anniversary of the Gezi Park protests in Turkey, protesting President François Hollande's controversial infringements on labor rights" B. Duran

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Bonjour! Strikes with labor unions as well as universities. One thing common with India :D
Great state's often face strikes.
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French tourism hit by terrorism, floods, strikes


Protesters set a police car on fire during clashes as part as a demonstration, that had been banned, against police violence in the context of ongoing protests over the French government's labor law reform (EPA Photo)

"The weather is awful, striking workers and widespread flooding are causing travel chaos and security fears following deadly terrorist attacks last year in Paris still linger in people's minds.


"I have to admit that the strikes, the rains, the attacks — they really damaged the image of France for our foreign tourist friends," says Herve Becam, vice president of France's union of hoteliers."

"Protests have turned the streets of France into mountains of trash."


Halk artık isyan etti!
I have to show my respect to the French workers and trade unions - they know how to defend their economic interests!
"France on high alert ahead of Euro 2016 as protests continue, EURO 2016 starts today despite mountains of trash, security challenges caused by strikes and protests."


A man walks past a pile of rubbish bags in Paris, France, in Paris, France, Wednesday June 8, 2016. After a rough couple of months which have included protests, fuel shortages, rail strikes and once-in-a-generation floods, France's capital is facing a new challenge : Piles of uncollected trash. A new wave of strikes is disrupting trash collection in Paris with only two days to go until the European Championship soccer tournament, a sporting event predicted to draw 2.5 million spectators. (AP Photo/Kamil Zihnioglu)


People have lunch past overflowing garbage cans and rubbish bags in Paris, France, Thursday, June 9, 2016. After a rough couple of months which have included protests, fuel shortages, rail strikes and once-in-a-generation floods, France's capital is facing a new challenge : Piles of uncollected trash. (AP Photo/Kamil Zihnioglu)


Fransa kırmızı alarmda
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"France on high alert ahead of Euro 2016 as protests continue, EURO 2016 starts today despite mountains of trash, security challenges caused by strikes and protests."


A man walks past a pile of rubbish bags in Paris, France, in Paris, France, Wednesday June 8, 2016. After a rough couple of months which have included protests, fuel shortages, rail strikes and once-in-a-generation floods, France's capital is facing a new challenge : Piles of uncollected trash. A new wave of strikes is disrupting trash collection in Paris with only two days to go until the European Championship soccer tournament, a sporting event predicted to draw 2.5 million spectators. (AP Photo/Kamil Zihnioglu)


People have lunch past overflowing garbage cans and rubbish bags in Paris, France, Thursday, June 9, 2016. After a rough couple of months which have included protests, fuel shortages, rail strikes and once-in-a-generation floods, France's capital is facing a new challenge : Piles of uncollected trash. (AP Photo/Kamil Zihnioglu)


Fransa kırmızı alarmda

The mayor (PS) of Paris Anne Hidalgo said on Friday that 'all garbage will be picked up' in the capital despite the strike of the garbage men, the day the Euro-2016 football in France will kick off.

'Of course, all the garbage will be picked up.' When? 'There, now. Today they are being collected,' said on RMC and BFM TV Mrs.
She said that 50 extra garbage trucks had been deployed on Thursday to help with the clear up, and an additional 30 on Friday.

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"Air France pilots join train, garbage strikes on 2nd day of EURO 2016


Striking employees hold French CGT labour union flags during a demonstration against the labour reforms law at the Charles de Gaulle Int’l Airport in Roissy, near Paris, France, June 7, 2016. The slogan reads "No to the labour law". (Reuters Photo)

About a quarter of Air France pilots are striking to demand better working conditions — the latest challenge to travelers and France's image as it hosts Europe's biggest sporting event.

Up to a fifth of flights are canceled Saturday, Air France said, both domestic and international. Among those affected were flights carrying spectators to cities holding European Championship soccer tournament matches.

Unions plan to keep up the strike through Tuesday, demanding better pay and more flight hours.

French train drivers have also been on strike for days, and garbage collectors, too.

They're striking for different reasons, but it's all part of a nationwide discontent as the government tries to change laws regulating working hours and layoffs.

The influential CGT union may meet with the government over the weekend." Daily Sabah
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