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Paris Attack Suspect Wanted to Target Charlie Hebdo With Arson


Feb 7, 2020
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The suspect in a stabbing last week near the former office of Charlie Hebdo showed interest in a hard-line Islamic group, authorities say.


French firefighters push a gurney carrying an injured person after a knife attack near the former offices of  Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine, last week.

French firefighters push a gurney carrying an injured person after a knife attack near the former offices of Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine, last week.Credit...Alain Jocard/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Aurelien Breeden
By Aurelien Breeden
  • Published Sept. 29, 2020Updated Sept. 30, 2020, 12:37 a.m. ET

PARIS — The man suspected of stabbing two people outside the former Paris office of Charlie Hebdo last week admitted to investigators that he wanted to set the building on fire, and he railed against cartoons of the prophet in a video found on his phone, but he did not pledge allegiance to any known terrorist group, French authorities said on Tuesday.
Jean-François Ricard, the top antiterrorism prosecutor, said at a news conference that the video showed the suspect, Zaher Hassan Mahmood, 25, weeping and denouncing the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.
Mr. Ricard said Mr. Mahmood had told investigators that he had searched online for the address for Charlie Hebdo, the satirical newspaper whose office was attacked in January 2015, and scouted the area, but had not realized that they moved. He had initially planned to set the former newspaper’s offices on fire, Mr. Ricard said, adding that the police found several bottles of turpentine in his bag.
But Mr. Mahmood changed his mind when he saw two people smoking outside the building near a mural paying tribute to those killed in 2015, Mr. Ricard said. Thinking they were employees of the newspaper, he lunged at them with a meat cleaver.
The “extremely violent” attack, caught on surveillance cameras, lasted only 20 seconds, Mr. Ricard said.

Last week’s attack, which came during an ongoing trial for several people linked to the January 2015 killings, brought fears of terrorism back to the surface in France. In recent years, the threats have evolved — from large-scale, organized plots, like the November 2015 attacks in Paris, in which more than 100 were killed, to isolated acts that are harder to predict and prevent.

Mr. Ricard said that Mr. Mahmood, who is from Pakistan and who had never been flagged by French intelligence agencies in the past, had no prior convictions.

French authorities had previously identified the man as an 18-year-old based on statements he gave to the police, but on his phone investigators found a picture of his passport identifying him as 25. Mr. Ricard declined to comment when asked if Pakistani authorities had confirmed Mr. Mahmood’s identity.

Mr. Mahmood was expected to be charged with attempted murder and criminal conspiracy, both on aggravated counts of terrorism, Mr. Ricard said.

Nine people associated with Mr. Mahmood who were taken into police custody after the attack have been released without charges. Investigators said they provided insights into his actions ahead of the attack. Those associates reported that Mr. Mahmood repeatedly watched videos featuring the founder of Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan, a hard-line Islamic group that organized several demonstrations in Pakistan earlier this month after Charlie Hebdo republished cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, investigators said.

This terrorist has 4 siblings...he and one of his brothers stay in France...and the other one stays in Italy. This fellow got asylum In France .He made up a false excuse to get the asylum. He has mentioned in his application that he was sexually abused by molvi and senior students in the madarsa he was studying. He is paid some money every month by French govt for his sustenance as he is a refugee. I remember this hindi saying "Jis thali mein khate ho, usi mein ched"
How thankless he could be...He attacked two persons who were in no way related to Charlie Hebdo...He just assumed some random people to be staff of Charlie Hebdo as they were standing near the old CH office(it has been shifted to some other location after 2015 attacks).
French and other european govts should be very strict in giving out refugee status to foreigners...it is very clear from this incident that many people are misusing the facility and entering into europe by fraud.
There should be a thorough on his two brothers as well who are staying in France and Italy.
They reap what they sow.

Can French accept others to attack Christianity and Western values on their soil?. To some extent, maybe. But if the attack (on mainstream media, newspapers, social media) become serious or attract many followers, they will try to stop it with very vague rationals.

In the meantime, French (and Western in general) government is very easy to allow their media to attack others' values in the extreme under the banner of "free media".
Shameless terrorist. Instead of wasting resources on him for court, prison, security, he should be killed with rusted bullets.
They reap what they sow.

Can French accept others to attack Christianity and Western values on their soil?. To some extent, maybe. But if the attack (on mainstream media, newspapers, social media) become serious or attract many followers, they will try to stop it with very vague rationals.

In the meantime, French (and Western in general) government is very easy to allow their media to attack others' values in the extreme under the banner of "free media".

Read that...you can see some obscene and insulting cartoons of jesus there....catholics have sued charlie hebdo 13 times...not once did anyone attack them with violence....that is how civilised society and people work...and those cartoons and that issue died away on its own without any publicity.
You dont even know charlie hebdo had also published insulting cartoon on jesus and christianity...but everyone knows(and searched and got to see on net) the cartoons of mohammad...because you muslims have given it enough publicity...in your religious fanaticism you made sure that some crores of people watched those cartoons...not only that islam critics and haters now understood that muslims get triggered by drawing the cartoons of mohammad..therefore there is a sudden rise in mohammad's cartoons.

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