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Panic Grips Indians With Mysterious Lights Over Pathankot !

Any ways sorry i posted the wrong link earlier so here's the right one....hope you don't get stumped. :D

Ha ha, being clever, eh ? :D

Mysterious trail of light in sky creates panic among people in J&K districts

“Such kind of an object has been seen for the first time in the areas and people are in a state of panic,” the eye-witnesses said.
I don't think they all are techno info knowledged people and calm people so it would be automatic for them to have such a reaction if they saw such a phenomenon for the first time in their lives. But all seems sorted now, they have had an experience and won't make the same reaction again for the same lights or for any non-normal lights.
This is it ...this was the sign coming from heaven...telling India to go fight China... :pop:
Initially I thought it was either just some sardar pajis who had little too much of that Desi Daru that made them see lights in the sky, or some vedic help on it's way to modi for his eventual show down with china. But, apparently, there was something else going on after all in the Punjab skies besides pollution.
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Why won’t they? Who knows what might be inside it because drug trafficking is common along the IB.
Damn why didn't i think of that....i can understand drones being used for such practices as they can be directed and controlled.......but tying drugs to an air inflated balloon and hoping it would fly in the direction you want it......mind can be a dangerous thing. :rolleyes:
Damn why didn't i think of that....i can understand drones being used for such practices as they can be directed and controlled.......but tying drugs to an air inflated balloon and hoping it would fly in the direction you want it......mind can be a dangerous thing. :rolleyes:
Drugs might be an example, lol who knows, but anyone living near border remains scared many won’t understand here.
Mysterious lights in sky in Punjab's Pathankot leave locals stumped | Visuals
The mysterious lights were spotted at around 6:50 pm for five minutes on Friday.

Manjeet Sehgal
Manjeet Sehgal
ChandigarhDecember 3, 2021UPDATED: December 3, 2021 20:24 IST
Mysterious lights spotted in sky by locals in Punjab's Pathankot. 's Pathankot.

Mysterious lights spotted in sky by locals in Punjab's Pathankot.

Mysterious lights were spotted in the sky in Punjab's Pathankot on Friday, leaving the locals stumped.

The locals claimed that the lights were spotted at around 6:50 pm for five minutes.

In the video, some mysterious lights could be seen blinking in a straight line.

The experts are yet to confirm what these mysterious lights actually are.

However, this is not the first time such mysterious bright blinking lights have been seen gliding across the sky.

In June this year, Gujarat's Junagadh, Upleta, and nearby regions of Saurashtra had witnessed mysterious lights flickering in the night sky, triggering speculation of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).

Refuting the theory of the unnatural light sighting being UFOs, Narottam Sahoo, Advisor at Gujarat Council of Science and Technology (GUJCOST) said it could have been due to some satellite passing through low earth orbit.

In Upleta town in Rajkot district, people had heard a loud boom, followed by burning objects appearing to fall from the sky but blazing out before they could hit the ground.

Refuting the theory of the unnatural light sighting being UFOs, Narottam Sahoo, Advisor at Gujarat Council of Science and Technology (GUJCOST) said it could have been due to some satellite passing through low earth orbit.
In Upleta town in Rajkot district, people had heard a loud boom, followed by burning objects appearing to fall from the sky but blazing out before they could hit the ground.

It certainly doesn't appear to be a meteor as it looks to be a set of several lights moving across in a line.

Just a meteor entering. nothing new. we see this every day. Meteor scatter communication is an area of my expertise; the earth is daily bombarded by foreign objects;

However on a humourous note:
- This was a taliban firing off a tracer sitting on top of a stealth flying carpet from a secret base which has all the latest american goodies.
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