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Indian Muslims hated Jinnah they insulted him for decades for breaking India

Indian Muslims are INDIAN
They have their OWN LAND
Own areas
Then lets face it.

Who the hell are you?

Beganee Shaadi mein Abdullah Deewana?
Then lets face it.

Who the hell are you?

Beganee Shaadi mein Abdullah Deewana?

We are the ones giving Indian Muslims a clear message for the last 70 years

China is not their enemy
Pakistan is not their enemy

The enemy has always been the Hindus

The Indian extremist state can do alot

But bottom line is very simple, if Indian Muslims get together in areas, Hindus will run out one way or the other
The communities will economically boycott each other
But 240 million Indian Muslims is enough for a state within a state

Partition is already a REALITY they don't even need to declare states, it's why even the Indian state is trying to pull back from the brink and desperate to try and control the narrative being set
We are the ones giving Indian Muslims a clear message for the last 70 years

China is not their enemy
Pakistan is not their enemy
Both are false.
China and Pakistan are no one's friend.

The enemy has always been the Hindus

The Indian extremist state can do alot
Indeed! But Hindus have trouble with Islam and not the muslims personally. They always have an option of leaving Islam.

But bottom line is very simple, if Indian Muslims get together in areas, Hindus will run out one way or the other
The communities will economically boycott each other
But 240 million Indian Muslims is enough for a state within a state
Let me tell you one simple fact.

Muslims in India are more diverse than entire Pakistan. East and West Pakistan could not survive for long. Muslims in India are divided on the lines of region, language and even customs and believes.

A muslim singer and composer from Kerala made this song (
) and he claims it is traditional Kerala folk song sung in praise of love story between Khadija BiBi and Mohemmad. Remember, Kerala muslims ARE the oldest Muslims in the subcontinent.

Except, those in hyderabad took massive contempt from this song. They call it blasphemy for including name of Khadija-BiBi and even mentioning about love story between her and Mohemmed. Death threats were made against each other. All parties being muslim.

This is the state of Muslims in India. They don't share a common language, region or even same Islam.

Indian Muslims are Indians (divided by caste, region and language) who just happen to be Muslims.
Both are false.
China and Pakistan are no one's friend.

Indeed! But Hindus have trouble with Islam and not the muslims personally. They always have an option of leaving Islam.

Let me tell you one simple fact.

Muslims in India are more diverse than entire Pakistan. East and West Pakistan could not survive for long. Muslims in India are divided on the lines of region, language and even customs and believes.

A muslim singer and composer from Kerala made this song (
) and he claims it is traditional Kerala folk song sung in praise of love story between Khadija BiBi and Mohemmad. Remember, Kerala muslims ARE the oldest Muslims in the subcontinent.

Except, those in hyderabad took massive contempt from this song. They call it blasphemy for including name of Khadija-BiBi and even mentioning about love story between her and Mohemmed. Death threats were made against each other. All parties being muslim.

This is the state of Muslims in India. They don't share a common language, region or even same Islam.

Indian Muslims are Indians (divided by caste, region and language) who just happen to be Muslims.


All India is like that a divided mess

In such a diverse state only a unifying identity will ensure survival of the state

But we have a weapon
That weapon is hindutva

And hindutva is a slow poison
It's a dagger being slowly pushed into India's heart

We can use it not only to target Hindus abroad but also inside India

Hindutva is tearing the social fabric of India, the communal hate inside India is now pervasive in all facets of life

We are at the start of the partition, whilst their are some extended areas of Muslim majority we are now seeing Muslim towns, villages
Economic boycotts

You think we would hate it if Hindus did a social media campaign boycotting Muslims
#BoycottIndianMullahs et etc etc

Oh Book oh no no no

It's EXACTLY what we want a tool to really hurt India and Hindus to pry apart Indians, to send out Jinnah's message
We are the ones giving Indian Muslims a clear message for the last 70 years

China is not their enemy
Pakistan is not their enemy

The enemy has always been the Hindus

The Indian extremist state can do alot

But bottom line is very simple, if Indian Muslims get together in areas, Hindus will run out one way or the other
The communities will economically boycott each other
But 240 million Indian Muslims is enough for a state within a state

Partition is already a REALITY they don't even need to declare states, it's why even the Indian state is trying to pull back from the brink and desperate to try and control the narrative being set
Religion is not a tribal, political, ethnic or national identity. People can stop believing in religion, choose not be affiliated with a religion, or make another one. Even Jinnah said who goes to what place of worship is not the business of the state. The reason for the severe problem is because Bharatis and Pakistanis have madly politicized religion and it has become a serious human rights problem.
Where did the gujrat massacre occur? Was it in USA in the 1800's?

Where were sikhs murdered in thousands post indira ghandi..... was that in europe in the middle ages?

Hindutva nonsense does not survive very well under even rudimentary scrutiny.

We are talking about instances of genocide here. Barely 2000 people died in Gujarat riots, that is not called genocide. Same for Anti Sikh riots, around 2000-3000 deaths. That figure wouldn't even have been reported had it happened in places like Iraq/Syria/Somalia/Yemen/Libya/Afghanistan etc etc. How many people died in those places? You guys don't really care about facts or figures, 1-2 people dying in israel or India is genocide, while hundreds of thousands dying at the hands of muslims is just way of life.

Oh yea, also all news about Ulghurs is "Phake Newj" cause iron brother will never do that.

Again now, maybe you should try to improve your own country which is the worlds biggest cesspit for minorities, from 10% in 1947 to less than 2% in 2022, you are the last person to be lecturing people about minority rights, so take your scrutiny up your ***, you dont have the right to scrutinize anything :lol: .If you were from a secular nation like Japan or Germany or UK, you would have the right to take a moral highground and criticize India, but a Pakistani lecturing India on minority rights is just a cruel joke
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All India is like that a divided mess
Indeed! But don't get it wrong, it is still India. A loosely coupled messy country. It still functions and keeps it together. We cann't say that about a lot of countries.

In such a diverse state only a unifying identity will ensure survival of the state

But we have a weapon
That weapon is hindutva
You weapon is useless.
Hindus are 80% of population. Rest 20% is massively divided and separated by 1000s of KM..

We can use it not only to target Hindus abroad but also inside India
Hindus outside are high income, rich people. Its useless for taxi drivers and waiters to mess with them.

And hindutva is a slow poison
It's a dagger being slowly pushed into India's heart
Hindutva has been around since 1920s. As a poison it has proven to be pretty tame. It cann't do anything to harm country. You have my best wishes to try. Especially when you know nothing about hindutva.

We are at the start of the partition, whilst their are some extended areas of Muslim majority we are now seeing Muslim towns, villages
Economic boycotts
We are hearing it since 1947.
Pakistan broke, India is intact.
Pakistan going broke. Indian economy hums along fine.
Pakistan sinks. India will get some flood here and there.

Hindutva is tearing the social fabric of India, the communal hate inside India is now pervasive in all facets of life
Then you don't know anything about social fabric of India.

You think we would hate it if Hindus did a social media campaign boycotting Muslims
#BoycottIndianMullahs et etc etc
We don't give a damn to be honest.

Oh Book oh no no no
English Motherfucker, do you speak it?

It's EXACTLY what we want a tool to really hurt India and Hindus to pry apart Indians, to send out Jinnah's message
Good! Then sit back and watch us work!
I mean, I am older than his country.

Actually Jinnah betrayed Muslims in India. He was voted to power by Muslims in pan british domanion of india. He was so much power hungry that he could not wait for a proper population exchange or a proper partition. All he was able to muster was a "Moth eaten Pakistan" -- his words, not mine!

Afterwards, he made no effort to move Muslims all across India to Pakistan. And then he died without leaving any law to help those muslims in settling in Pakistan.

Know the best part? His OWN ONLY DAUGHTER left him to marry a non-Muslim in India. She was bride of Parsee Wadia family.

LOL! Daughter of Father of Pakistan was neither happy with Pakistan to live there nor happy with a muslim man to marry. She needed India and an Indian man. :rofl: :omghaha:

She was quite a looker!
View attachment 882136
Third from left. Notice no Islamic dress or any hijab or anything remotely like that.

Happily Married to Naville Wadia, a non-Muslim Parsee!
View attachment 882137

Daughter and Father had quite a fall out and he basically disowned her.

The person who broke Domanion of India into two finally had his own family broken. The father of Islamic Nation had his own daughter reject Islam. Karma is a bitch man!

Well if you read about Jinnah's history, his great grandfather was a hindu by the name of Premjibhai Meghji Thakkar and its no secret that Jinnah himself enjoyed alcohol and also ate pork time to time. I don't know if he really believed in muslim homeland and all that, but seems to mainly have been a means to acquire political power.
Well if you read about Jinnah's history, his great grandfather was a hindu by the name of Premjibhai Meghji Thakkar and its no secret that Jinnah himself enjoyed alcohol and also ate pork time to time. I don't know if he really believed in muslim homeland and all that, but seems to mainly have been a means to acquire political power.
Tariq Ali once mentioned Pakistan was created by Muslims elites of subcontinent wanting a nation for themselves
Tariq Ali once mentioned Pakistan was created by Muslims elites of subcontinent wanting a nation for themselves
That must include East Pakistan/Bangladesh? I think it is more complex than that. Pakistan thinks it is separate from Indian civilization, which is historically untrue. This creates identity crisis which leads to politicization of religion. It is shared by Bharatis and although they do not view themselves separate from Indian civilization, they wrongly assume they are the founders of Indian civilization. Bharatis and Pakistanis are ancient cousins. Hindustanis are different. I believe the problem started from the time of of what is called Mahabharat war which divided India. Bihar stayed away from that war.
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