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Palestinians in Gaza ask for referendum to join Russia like Crimea

Neighboring country has to assimilate Palestinian territory. Who will do that? Nobody wants to because they know Israel will kick their a*s.

The whole thing is a mess. They should accept to be taken over by Israel then start a revolt from within after learning how to fight wars.
Bad Idea indeed,
Why not join Israel? Give up violations and start to live like peaceful citizen?
Not a single member of G-8 or even G-20 will put its hands in front of Israel.
Better to follow Israel's constitution than Arabic/Saudi inhuman sharia.
Putin needs to protect those new Russians!!! I mean think of the children that could help boost the Russian population that has been in decline.
Arab gov are too scared of Israel. and they should be.

Hammas therefore has been left alone.
They are not scared but they haven't guts and they are locked up by USA,
Interesting indeed that so much funding and efforts has been used to push ISIL into Iraq in order to declare so called Khilafat so why not those master mind Khalifas turns their direction toward Israel which is killing innocent Muslims? I think a real Khalifa always will take into notice of these human violations...? That's the main point.

Putin needs to protect those new Russians!!! I mean think of the children that could help boost the Russian population that has been in decline.
O come on, you must be kidding, Putin has no interests to take RPG HOLDERS into Russian citizenship when he have good relations with nuclear capable folks.
Don't worry Palestinians, the Russians are coming.

A number of Palestinian activists in Gaza have proposed an initiative to ask and join Russia just like Crimea did, so that the besieged territory could be safe from Israel’s aggressions.
The Arabic language Saudi newspaper, al-Hayat, wrote in a report that a group of Palestinian activists have sent letter to the Hamas Prime Minister Ismael Haniya to put up a referendum in the Gaza Strip to ask people if they agree to bid for joining Russia.

- See more at: Palestinians in Gaza ask for referendum to join Russia like Crimea

@Hazzy997 @senheiser @vostok @DV RULES @gau8av @Sidak @Arzamas 16 @rmi5 @T-123456 @Chinese-Dragon @Beidou2020 @iajj
Well, no disrespect to those Palestinian youth but the only reason why Russia was able to annex Crimea was due to the ethnic Russian population of Crimea and cultural/religious similarity they shared with the Crimean peoples, not to mention the weak military of Ukraine.

Palestine is neither inhabited by Russians nor is Israel Ukraine.

That's a joke, dude.
Unlike Ukraine, Israel is a big military and nuclear power, and no one would want to mess with her. she has the full support of USA with herself as well, which makes her unreachable. Russia does not have the ability to do much against Israel nor Russia wants to do anything against Israel. It is very simple. Unlike crimea, Gaza has zero importance, and also Russia is more inclined to Israel than arabs. remember that over a million of Israelis have Russian roots and there are huge trades between Israel, and jews with Russia. Russians are no fools, and are much more smarter than what you think ;) Their propaganda TVs, like RT, may say some BS about Israel, which is solely to take the edge off US influence in the ME, but except for that, their politicians, have a policy of giving no damns about this conflict.
Yeah, a lot of Russian Oligarchs were and still are Jewish.

The only way to help the Palestinians is for the surrounding Arab countries is to give them some land to live on.
I don't think the surrounding Arab countries want to do that considering many of them are in political turmoil, except for Jordan. Jordanian Monarchy doesn't have fond memories of black September though.
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I don't believe such a thing happened. Russia supports Israel anyways and already expressed their support for the Israeli offensive.

This is fake news.
They are not scared but they haven't guts .

Same thing different words.

I don't believe such a thing happened. Russia supports Israel anyways and already expressed their support for the Israeli offensive.

This is fake news.

you may be right.

but the site looks ligit.

Palestinians in Gaza ask for referendum to join Russia like Crimea

Hamas Prime Minister Ismael Haniya
A number of Palestinian activists in Gaza have proposed an initiative to ask and join Russia just like Crimea did, so that the besieged territory could be safe from Israel’s aggressions.
The Arabic language Saudi newspaper, al-Hayat, wrote in a report that a group of Palestinian activists have sent letter to the Hamas Prime Minister Ismael Haniya to put up a referendum in the Gaza Strip to ask people if they agree to bid for joining Russia.
Crimea declared independence from Ukraine and formally applied to become part of the Russian Federation following a referendum on March 16, in which 96.8 percent of the participants voted for rejoining Russia, with a turnout of 83.1 percent.
One of the letters, according to the report, says, “Moscow has announced that it protects its citizens all over the world, and we are here, exposed to the worst kind of torture, aggression and killing coming from Israel... joining Russia can protect us against Israel”.
The activists are representatives of some 50 thousands originally-Russians who are besieged in the coastal territory, the report says.
Israel has imposed a blockade on Gaza since 2007. Residents of Gaza are blockaded by land, sea and air.
The blockade has restricted Palestinian people's access to medical supplies, building material, food, and basically all kinds of supplies.
In September 2011, five independent UN rights experts made a report to the UN Human Rights Council which said that Israel’s siege of Gaza amounted to collective punishment of the Palestinian people and was a “flagrant contravention of international human rights and humanitarian law” under the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Prominent political thinker Noam Chomsky has described the Gaza Strip as “the world’s largest open air prison.”

Palestinians in Gaza ask for referendum to join Russia like Crimea
russians are busy diversifying to make the potential sanctions less effective.

You don't hear too much from Vladi on that subject. Looks like he abandoned the Russian terrorists in Ukraine.:rofl:
A number of Palestinian activists in Gaza have proposed an initiative to ask and join Russia just like Crimea did, so that the besieged territory could be safe from Israel’s aggressions.
The Arabic language Saudi newspaper, al-Hayat, wrote in a report that a group of Palestinian activists have sent letter to the Hamas Prime Minister Ismael Haniya to put up a referendum in the Gaza Strip to ask people if they agree to bid for joining Russia.

- See more at: Palestinians in Gaza ask for referendum to join Russia like Crimea

@Hazzy997 @senheiser @vostok @DV RULES @gau8av @Sidak @Arzamas 16 @rmi5 @T-123456 @Chinese-Dragon @Beidou2020 @iajj
Mashallah, I support that. :tup:

But unfortunately even their Egyptian brothers dont want them and close the border.
Sad state of affairs, well Russians should consider it they would gain another naval base in the Mediterranean for when they eventually lose the Syrian base.
Bad Idea indeed,
Why not join Israel? Give up violations and start to live like peaceful citizen?
Not a single member of G-8 or even G-20 will put its hands in front of Israel.
Better to follow Israel's constitution than Arabic/Saudi inhuman sharia.

Israel does not want them they are trying to maintain their demographics.
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