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Palestinian Muslims Praying in Gaza Churches

Don't mention me without my knowledge. I don't praise them actually. Meanwhile, you are a notorious supporter of European colonialism and have called for the carpet bombing of Gaza on a separate forum.

Yes you did.In fact you did more than once,don't be a hypocrite,they're your heroes.
Palestinian Christians and Muslims have always gotten along. The largest bakery in Gaza belongs to a christian family. Here are some photos:


You're right on this.Christians in the ME or the rest of the Islamic world have been betrayed by Western goverments.

Most Christians in the ME are Orthodox Christians, and are an integral part of the society. Their legacy is intertwined with the Muslims there, as they are linked through villages and cultural life. They have been living with the Muslims for 1350 years, in their millions, with regions where they are still in the majority.

When the Armenians were expelled from Turkey, where do you think they went first to? Yup, to the Muslim Arab countries of Mosul, Aleppo, Jerusalem, Egypt, and Damascus. Iran too.

While Muslims in Western Europe were wiped out by 1400s and then in the Balkans as soon as the Ottomans fell. Russia cleansed Muslims from Sochi.
Most Christians in the ME are Orthodox Christians, and are an integral part of the society. Their legacy is intertwined with the Muslims there, as they are linked through villages and cultural life. They have been living with the Muslims for 1350 years, in their millions, with regions where they are still in the majority.

When the Armenians were expelled from Turkey, where do you think they went first to? Yup, to the Muslim Arab countries of Mosul, Aleppo, Jerusalem, Egypt, and Damascus. Iran too.

While Muslims in Western Europe were wiped out by 1400s and then in the Balkans as soon as the Ottomans fell. Russia cleansed Muslims from Sochi.

I have no problems in accepting that the original muslims were more tolerant then European christians but today's radicalisation made life for christians in the ME a living hell.In fact,they're a dying breed.
I have no problems in accepting that the original muslims were more tolerant then European christians but today's radicalisation made life for christians in the ME a living hell.In fact,they're a dying breed.

Everyone in the Middle East knows that the liquidation of the big Christian population in it is a pre-plan of the New Order. Sunnis are undergoing a genocide themselves in Iraq, Syria, and Palestine. And Shias too.

At least the ancient Christians of the Middle East can find sanctuary in safer areas. May be in the future they can return to an empty land. Iraqi Christians are still Iraqi at heart and long to return. They do not have antipathy against their fellow Muslim Iraqis.They still hold the same political views and national sentiments.This goes to show the indigenous psyche of ME Christians.
Israelis have been bombing mosques and houses frequently. The only refuge for these homeless people is in churches because they know israel at this state will not want to loose their support of christians by bombing churches as well, and the idiots here are calling it open mindedness.
By the way, do u know how many Christians are residing in Gaza. If there were any christian dead u would have heard it all over the news.
What u dont hear is, there is a genocide going on in gaza and whole non-muslim world is supporting it and they assume that retalation from Muslims is extremism.
I have no problems in accepting that the original muslims were more tolerant then European christians but today's radicalisation made life for christians in the ME a living hell.In fact,they're a dying breed.
The only two countries that give reason for this kind of whining are Syria and Iraq, and the Christian situation only worsened there in the 2000s, thanks in large part by the mayhem brought about by Western countries' warmongering that allowed Al Qaeda to sink roots in Iraq and then expand to Syria.

Elsewhere in the Middle East, the position of Christians is not under threat, and when it is, "radicalization" is not the cause. When Gazan Christians speak of living a hell on earth, they don't say Muslims are the cause of it - they say Israel is:

One of the [Christians], who would rather keep anonymous because «he doesn't want any problems», confides that, according to him, «there is no future for [the Christians] on this land. Only those who tolerate water and energy shortages [caused by Israel] and the in the incessant shelling and who are ready to go fight, can stay...»
I won't be holding my breath for you to express any concern for these Christians, since, I was told, you're even for their carpet bombing.
For Gaza resident Mahmud Khalaf, it was a bizarre new experience, prostrating himself for his daily Muslim prayers beneath the gaze of an icon of Jesus Christ.

But since the war in Gaza began, he has had no choice but to worship in a Christian house of God, where he took refuge after Israeli air strikes pummelled his neighbourhood in the north of the Palestinian territory.

“They let us pray. It’s changed my view of Christians — I didn’t really know any before, but they’ve become our brothers,” said Khalaf, 27, who admitted he never expected to perform his evening prayers in a church.

“We (Muslims) prayed all together last night,” he said. “Here, the love between Muslims and Christians has grown.”

Walking into the St Porphyrius Church courtyard in Gaza City, visitors are greeted with a “marhaban” by Christian helpers, but with a decidedly more Islamic “peace be upon you” (Arabic: al-salamu aleikum) by most of its current residents — displaced Gazans who have made it their shelter for almost two weeks.

Khalaf, who fled his home in Shaaf after the area became a target for Israeli warplanes, twirls his prayer beads anxiously, but is relieved to have found sanctuary alongside some 500 other displaced Muslims.

“The Christians took us in. We thank them for that, for standing by our side,” he said.

Khalaf has now grown accustomed to worshipping on the premises of an alien religion — a particularly acute contrast during the fast of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

“Jesus said, love your neighbour, not just your family but your colleague, your classmate — Muslim, Shiite, Hindu, Jewish,” said Christian volunteer Tawfiq Khader.

“We open our doors to all people.“


Displaced Palestinian gather of Iftar meal at a Greek Orthodox church where many Palestinians are taking shelter.


- See more at: Palestinian Muslims Praying in Gaza Churches

May God Bless all God's People...!

Meanwhile , a Christian trying a similar adventure in a mosque would be lynched to death.

That's not true. I , as a Christian, was invited to Mosque by a friend of mine before. They were very kind, and inviting.
Few years ago in Egypt. Salam Alekom. Allah hu Akbar, Al Rahim, Al Rahman. Ishallah, those mobsters who shed others blood to prove that they are good Muslims, may they go to xxxx

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