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Palestinian baby dies in arson attack

Ahmed Jo

Jun 16, 2014
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United States
An 18-month-old Palestinian baby died and its parents were injured in a fire started by Israeli settlers in the West Bank, Palestinian security officials said today.

Four settlers set a house on fire at the entrance of a Palestinian village and scrawled graffiti on a wall before fleeing to a neighbouring settlement, the sources said.

Extreme-right Israeli activists have committed acts of vandalism and violence against Palestinians and Arab Israelis for years, attacking Christian and Muslim places of worship and even Israeli soldiers.

The attacks are known "price tag" violence, a euphemism for nationalist-motivated hate crimes by Jewish extremists aimed at Arab property.

West Bank settlements are major impediments to peace negotiations with the Palestinians, who see the land as part of a future independent state, and Western nations have called on Israel to halt such projects.


A sample of the cost of maintaining the status quo and not prioritizing peace. The real blame in these cases falls on the Israeli government.
This was Ali the 18 month old baby.

May he rest in peace. I hope that the Israeli authorities catch the murderers of this heinous crime and prevent those ILLEGAL settlers once and for all from provoking and doing what they are doing. They are a big obstacle to peace and Israelis ready for peace know this too and speak about it openly as well.

I will never understand how people can do such crimes to others.

A 18 month old baby for God's sake!

Another martyr in the Arab world lost for nothing really. Silly politics. Maybe he would have changed the region for the better but we will never know now. No wonder that some people in the region can't handle it and go berserk. Not the best place to grow up in.
the Zionist regim is digging its own grave. the will soon be destroyed.
Israeli settlers kill Palestinian toddler in arson attack

NABLUS (Ma'an) -- Israeli settlers killed a Palestinian toddler and injured four others early Friday morning after setting their home ablaze near Nablus in the occupied West Bank in what the Israeli leadership called an act of terrorism.

Israeli settlers smashed the windows of two homes in the Palestinian village of Duma before throwing flammable liquids and Molotov cocktails inside, a local resident told Ma'an.

Ali Saad Dawabsha, one-and-a-half years old, was trapped in the house and died shortly after sustaining serious burns, said Ghassan Daghlas, a local official who monitors settlement activity in the northern West Bank.

His mother and father, Riham and Saad, and their son Ahmad, four, also sustained serious injuries and were evacuated by Israeli forces to hospital.

The mother was in critical condition with third-degree burns covering 90 percent of her body, an Israeli doctor told public radio, stressing that her life was threatened. The father had burns on 80 percent of his body.

The Israeli settlers from nearby settlements also attacked and partially burned the home belonging to Maamoon Rashid Dawabsha.

Local media reported that the graffiti said "revenge" and "long live the Messiah" and that the attackers threw firebombs inside the two homes, one of which was empty.


Hamas terrorists rally for revenge as well as 'a day of rage' (although that was already planned before this terrorist attack).

'Terrorist' up your butt. The Israeli's have two choices:

1. Hand over the terrorists for execution at gunpoint
2. Resume bombing occupation forces and settlers


Hamas: 'Settlers, soldiers' legitimate targets after infant killing

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Palestinian political factions strongly condemned an arson attack carried out by settlers which killed a Palestinian infant on Friday, holding the Israeli leadership fully responsible for the brutal attack and calling for revenge.

Hamas said that the killing of 18-month-old Ali Saad Dawabsha in the Nablus village of Duma makes all "Israeli soldiers and settlers legitimate targets for resistance."

A spokesperson for the group, Hussam Badran, called for popular action in response to the killing and said Israeli crimes can only be stopped by "comprehensive resistance in all its forms."

He also demanded that the Palestinian Authority stop "chasing fighters" and release all political detainees currently held in PA jails.

The Islamic Jihad movement condemned the attack and said the Israeli government is responsible for protecting settlers who carry out acts of "terrorism."

“Settlers and the Israeli army’s terrorism will be faced by a Palestinian will that does not accept surrender," a spokesperson for the group said, calling for resistance against Israeli military forces and settlers.


We absolutely agree, the ones who don't are terrorists and fascists. No more EU condemnation bullshit or pep talk, remove all illegal Israeli's from the West Bank or it's time for a revolution. Abbas the scumbag's time is limited. He's a clown that Arab regimes want, if they want him they can take him we don't want him.

I can't believe the West Bank population is this cowardly, of course after PA/USA/Israel took over they changed our culture and turned our men into girls. Us American Palestinians would actually land the hammer on their heads.
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Netanyahu called Palestinian President Abbas & told him he ordered the security services 2 do everything to arrest the murderers........he told Abbas We need to work together against terrorism no matter which side it comes from

Palestinians respond:

-3 Israeli Nazi settlers injured in Jerusalem
-Israeli Nazi soldier burned by molotov
-Very heavy clashes in Jerusalem
Truth be told @Falcon29 , the Western media is not ignoring those events and are quite harsh towards certain Israeli policies especially in connection to those illegal settlers - many of them fanatical troublemakers as seen in this unfortunate case.

Hamas would do well if they did not respond with violence. This would give them the moral high ground and it might even be a more effective weapon overall. Just look at how the Apartheid regime collapsed.

But of course it's not in the Arab or Muslim psyche to just get on your knees and receive a spanking without responding.

Now Israel might respond and due to it's greater power might cause more deaths among Palestinians and then we have episode 1 million and 2 of a vicious cycle of violence.
Palestinians respond:

-3 Israeli Nazi settlers injured in Jerusalem
-Israeli Nazi soldier burned by molotov
-Very heavy clashes in Jerusalem
hope this ends not too badly for everyone and that the aggrieved mobs stop short of bringing out the unguided rockets, because next come the f-16s... and well, we know the drill.
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