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Palestine ‘cutting all ties’ with US and Israel over Trump’s ‘deal of the century – Abbas

The Koshers are so arrogant that they dont reliaze Evangelical Christian's deep down hate their guts and they believe once end of times comes the Koshers will be shafted and forced to Christianity and Israel would be fully Christian these Koshers dont know that at all

Or their arrogance blinds them I say arrogance
They know... but here is the crux... they believe in their Mashiach king will instead make them the rulers of the world and everyone will succumb to their power.
The state's formation and it's continued existence could not have been without evangelicals though... and their motives are in exact contradiction to Jewish aspirations. Muslims have faced the brunt in this seeming duopoly... but, Muslim belief is more in congruence with Christian one ... as Muslims believe once the Messih ... Issa(A.S) arrives Muslims and Christians will be on the same page as all mutual misconceptions would die out.
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