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Pak's ISI gets Rs 600 million to accomplish 'special assignment'

@RescueRanger; Welcome Back! Long time, no see.

On-topic: 600 million is a tidy sum of money. It can be used for a number of activities. Like creating a new batch of "non-state actors" for instance.
Now who should we thank for giving us this new expression to our Lexicon? ;)

They are. There is a surfeit of them. The evidence is the great number of times that we hear of 'objects going off boom-boom' and then the subsequent RIP threads that occur.

Thank for the warm welcome, it's great to be back. :)
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Lol every 1 knows it well Mumbai attacks were inside job so plz stop blaming Pakistan.
:omghaha: You must be from Mars as you don't seem to know what the hell's going on planet Earth!

Nuff said.
:omghaha: You must be from Mars as you don't seem to know what the hell's going on planet Earth!

Nuff said.

Lolz c how is talking about earth. What the hell your sooooo called Blue Navy were doing when mombay attack's happen were they fishing that time according to records Indian navy were conducting exercise and every well on earth knows they conduct them in declaring area as Red zone how could those terrorist went from that area and landed safely on Mumbai shores. Come on dude think like a responsible human on earth and get the answer I don't want to get into a blame game.

I strongly condemn wat happened at Mumbai never the less innocent ppl got killed brutally but try to be wise and just got through all the reports of 26/11 and you will find the ri8 answer.

and you will feel to be on earth :cheers:
Been a while since I posted and it will probably be ignored.

So why cant this money be used to build infrastructure, feed the poor, or anything else sensible, rather than the Secret Service's special projects?? hello! is there anybody in there? Pakistan does not have the money for adventures...
Been a while since I posted and it will probably be ignored.

So why cant this money be used to build infrastructure, feed the poor, or anything else sensible, rather than the Secret Service's special projects?? hello! is there anybody in there? Pakistan does not have the money for adventures...
That's the problem! If Pakistan's army generals thought the way you do, then Pakistan would not have been where it is today! 45,000 killed and counting. A state on the brink of financial collapse. The world knows where it generally is located but want nothing to do with it! Even the Chinese have refused loans to tide over Pakistan's multiple financial crises which resulted in them running for help to the World Bank and the IMF.

Why is this happening? Because much of the needed funds are being channelized into a useless nuke arsenal that can never be used! (It is said that they have the fastest growing arsenal in the world!!) For a country of Pakistan's size, how much is being spent on defence and on fighting terror groups that were initially spawned by the Establishment itself? The monsters they have created have come back to haunt them.

The chickens have finally come home to roost!

But hey, Pakistan has given the the JuD, a Pakistan based UN banned terror organization, $6 million just last week!! Now talk about where and to whom the scarce funds are being splurged on!
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