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pakiztan, bangla, sri lanka should emulate european model

The situation is very different in S. Asia. I think a regional alliance should be created in the area.
I think it is a good idea if it works, but I am afraid it is difficult to achieve, such alliance seems military in nature focused on containing India. But we have our own internal problems which needs to be fixed. Plus, non India related conflict of an individual country would not interest everyone in the group.

We can hope for a better economic alliance, but economic failure of one country would be seen as a burden for the rest.
There is not enough cohesion in S.Asian countries for this to happen. We all have independent views and vision that prevents a joint military union.
No talk of cohesion, from what I gathered was he was talking about doctrine...(which includes equipment)
Sri Lanka and Bangladesh face no military threat from India. If they become a part of such an alliance , they will be putting themselves in harm's way. If this is an economic or trade alliance , then there should be no issues.
No talk of cohesion, from what I gathered was he was talking about doctrine...(which includes equipment)

A shared doctrine/treaty requires shared goals or bending them to common interests. This is unlikely in S.E.Asian countries who are fiercely independent and have different views about the region's future and their own roles in it.
What I mean by this is to use European military views.

Euro countries today are not super powers or going to be now or anytime soon.

Their army is not huge but it is very well equiped. They won't go into a big war without us while they can fight smaller wars very effectively.

Pakistan, bangla and sri Lanka are probably never at least not soon going to be super powers. So I think their military should be built more as a defensive force with support offensive capabilities.

This way, the army can be very effective when paired with a super power, but also potent enough to conduct offense individually.

Upgrading infantry with latest gear, smaller air force than India but all new tech, navy should be more of a patrol transport, support function.

Bangladesh and Sri Lanka will look towards East (ASEAN+3) for security alliance. Pakistan will look towards its west (West Asia: Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey), China and perhaps the SCO group (including Putin's Eurasian Union, the USSR redux) in the future. The 3 countries may remain friendly but there will not be any alliance based on the fact that they are neighbors of India and belong to South Asia region. The partition have effectively cut South Asia in many parts and they are drifting to different regional dynamics. Sri Lanka, although it is close to Indian land mass, its Buddhist majority will make it seek closer relations with Buddhist or former Buddhist nations in the East.
I think it is a good idea if it works, but I am afraid it is difficult to achieve, such alliance seems military in nature focused on containing India. But we have our own internal problems which needs to be fixed. Plus, non India related conflict of an individual country would not interest everyone in the group.

We can hope for a better economic alliance, but economic failure of one country would be seen as a burden for the rest.

No South Asian country or an alliance of them can contain India. May be 25 years ago (when India was in shambles economically) a ganging up of all South Asian countries minus india with Pakistan at is core might have possibly thought of containing India. But considering the state Pakistan is in and the rise of Indian economy this is no more possible. And as the time passes even more impossible.

Geographically the South Asia (minus India) can't be any worse for an alliance. You all have nothing in common except that you have India as your neighbor. You all are also dependent on India. You all are either lower riparian or land locked (with India as the only access to Sea) or a small Island with only India to connect you to the Continent.

So even if the alliance is formed on hatred of India it can't sustain for too long. A small gesture or incentive from India to one country and the alliance breaks. It probably will be more fragile than glass.

So considering that South Asian countries should either move out of South Asia (which some Bangladeshis are planning) or cooperate accepting the fact that you can't minus India from South Asia. A focus on Trade, Investment and economy that helps every one will usher prosperity in this region.

Bangladesh and Sri Lanka will look towards East (ASEAN+3) for security alliance. Pakistan will look towards its west (West Asia: Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey), China and perhaps the SCO group (including Putin's Eurasian Union, the USSR redux) in the future. The 3 countries may remain friendly but there will not be any alliance based on the fact that they are neighbors of India and belong to South Asia region. The partition have effectively cut South Asia in many parts and they are drifting to different regional dynamics. Sri Lanka, although it is close to Indian land mass, its Buddhist majority will make it seek closer relations with Buddhist or former Buddhist nations in the East.

Excellent please do as soon as possible. When are moving yourselves physically to these regions. No need to stay around India. It will also give us some breathing space. Thankyou!
Thats why Awami is going to get big kick in upcoming election for Always favoring india instead of win-win relation. watch that ;)

But then you will go ahead and vote for RABNP Govt. See at the end of the day the suffix is going to stay no matter who you pick. Thats seem to be Bangladesh's destiny. No matter what you people write on pdf you can't escape it. :omghaha:
But then you will go ahead and vote for RABNP Govt. See at the end of the day the suffix is going to stay no matter who you pick. Thats seem to be Bangladesh's destiny. No matter what you people write on pdf you can't escape it. :omghaha:

things need to change :undecided:
With USA around there is no way maxico etc. can become big power same with south asia.

There is no threat to sri lanka and BD from any one and sri lanka don't even have a neighbor other then India.

India is there to help its neighbors in the hour of need and India is also there if they need spanking for allowing anything against India. :wave:

hahaha...very funny
By Suggesting PK,BD and SL to follow the European model you have muddled up many aspects of the European situation. Firstly the likes of the French,UK and Germans happen to be amongst the very richest nations on earth with 15-20 times more defence outlay than the 3 Asian nations you have mentioned. The quality of their militaries have come about not because they are now friends but because of high GDPs and defence spending. All three of these nations are trillion dollar economies, in S.Asia there is only 1 nation that is a trillion/multi-trillion dollar nation and it isn't one of the three you have mentioned.

As long as PK,BD and SL remain relatively poor when compared to the likes of the UK, France and Germany then it makes no sense to follow in the latters' footsteps as they simply don't have the finances to back it up. The fact that much of BD's and PK's (maybe SL's I'm unsure) defence procurement is financed through militaey aid and soft loans shows they are no where near attaining the heighths you have dreamed up mate.

Addtionally the European nations are all closely linked economically- PK,BD and SL are not.

Not for another century atleast for these 3.

The Asian nations that are following the European model of quality over quantity are the leeks of Singapore,S.Korea and Japan whilst the likes of China and India are blending high numbers with cutting edge tech as they have the funds, populations and economic outlook to do so much Like the US (million man army and state of the art).
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