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Pakistan’s stance on Saudi-Qatar conflict, My own report/article


May 24, 2017
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By Abuzar Ilyas

Statement by Pakistan’s Foreign Office on Qatar crisis:

‘Pakistan supports unity in Ummah and we will maintain neutrality in current crisis which has erupted in the Middle East.’

I was shocked to receive news about 20,000-25,000 Pak Army troops deployment in Qatar. It later proved to be a hoax when I checked from my sources. The online journal which posted this news did not quote any official source. Most media outlets forget that it is against the norms of media to post random news without any credible source.

Pakistan Army’s deployment in Qatar in current conflict or in future is just wishful thinking because it is impossible for Pak Army to deploy such a huge contingent overseas when we are dealing with an insurgency which has posed an existential threat to our country for some years now.

Pakistan’s stance in current conflict between Qatar and Saudi Arabia is neutral because Pakistan has always supported prosperity and unity among Muslim countries. Any adventure/ war will lead to destruction and suffering of Muslims which will be unfortunate. Only viable solution is dialogue between the concerned parties. After the conference of Islamic Military Alliance too, Pakistani foreign office had issued a statement that Pakistan was not going to fire bullets on any Islamic country. That policy is in practice for the current crisis too.

We have an example from the past when the whole of Arab League and OIC boycotted the Egypt after its ties with Israel but Pakistan played a positive role to bring back the Egyptians in mainstream. Both the KSA and Qatar are important friends and brotherly countries of Pakistan and we have businesses and cultural relations with both of them. Pakistan gives equal importance to the relations with these countries. Pakistan has so far maintained neutrality in this conflict and is ready to play a positive role for mediation between the confronted powers.

Pakistan is importing oil from KSA and LNG from Qatar, has huge trade interests and ties with both of these countries so taking side of one country and abandoning the other is out of question. A large number of Pakistanis are employed by both of these countries and this factor also demands neutrality.

Pakistan Army’s expected deployment in Qatari peninsula is out of question for now. Pakistan Army will never be deployed to fight against any Muslim country as stated by the foreign office and foreign secretary after the conference of Islamic Military Alliance.

Pakistan Army is a sizeable force with more than 600,000 active troops. Over 150,000 of its soldiers are busy in fighting war against terrorism in North West of Pakistan and in intelligence based operations (IBOs) throughout the country. Over 100,000 troops are currently taking part in National Census. Moreover, Pak Army also takes part in relief operations, election duties and other tasks.

As far as the matter of Turkey’s involvement in Qatar is concerned, it was a forgoing deal which took some years to materialize. 150 military trainers of Turk military were present inside Qatar and both countries were in talks with each other for the deployment of an overseas Turk detachment. The rapid legislation from the Turk parliament is a coincidence for some people and it is also a step in favour of Qatar and against Saudi alliance but overall, Turkey is itself seeking a neutral position in this crisis.

A large bulk of army is needed to cope with any challenge posed by the arch rival India. Situation on eastern borders of Pakistan is also tense these days and further escalations are expected due to constant ceasefire violations by our adversary on Kashmir’s Line of Control. Exchange of artillery also happens after every few days on LoC, so the deployment of Pakistan Army overseas is completely out of question for now.
It is important for Pakistan to learn atleast now, that it has to try to stand on its own and develop some credibility of its own. Being a satellite state of the US, China, Saudia may help with some simple cash crunches but in the long run, it will lead to situations where you become crushed caught between these large entities.
InshaAllah. Their 200 years old plan to make a world without Islam and Islam without Turkey will go down to the drain like all other man made plans!!!!
Bro these western states can't defeat islam,islam is for ever but these arab countries fighting each other in a petroleum lavish life just harming ummah
InshaAllah. Their 200 years old plan to make a world without Islam and Islam without Turkey will go down to the drain like all other man made plans!!!!
InshaAllah! It is clearly said in prophecies which Muslims follow.. like the conqueror of Roman Empire, it will happen inshaAllah.


By Abuzar Ilyas

Statement by Pakistan’s Foreign Office on Qatar crisis:

‘Pakistan supports unity in Ummah and we will maintain neutrality in current crisis which has erupted in the Middle East.’

I was shocked to receive news about 20,000-25,000 Pak Army troops deployment in Qatar. It later proved to be a hoax when I checked from my sources. The online journal which posted this news did not quote any official source. Most media outlets forget that it is against the norms of media to post random news without any credible source.

Pakistan Army’s deployment in Qatar in current conflict or in future is just wishful thinking because it is impossible for Pak Army to deploy such a huge contingent overseas when we are dealing with an insurgency which has posed an existential threat to our country for some years now.

Pakistan’s stance in current conflict between Qatar and Saudi Arabia is neutral because Pakistan has always supported prosperity and unity among Muslim countries. Any adventure/ war will lead to destruction and suffering of Muslims which will be unfortunate. Only viable solution is dialogue between the concerned parties. After the conference of Islamic Military Alliance too, Pakistani foreign office had issued a statement that Pakistan was not going to fire bullets on any Islamic country. That policy is in practice for the current crisis too.

We have an example from the past when the whole of Arab League and OIC boycotted the Egypt after its ties with Israel but Pakistan played a positive role to bring back the Egyptians in mainstream. Both the KSA and Qatar are important friends and brotherly countries of Pakistan and we have businesses and cultural relations with both of them. Pakistan gives equal importance to the relations with these countries. Pakistan has so far maintained neutrality in this conflict and is ready to play a positive role for mediation between the confronted powers.

Pakistan is importing oil from KSA and LNG from Qatar, has huge trade interests and ties with both of these countries so taking side of one country and abandoning the other is out of question. A large number of Pakistanis are employed by both of these countries and this factor also demands neutrality.

Pakistan Army’s expected deployment in Qatari peninsula is out of question for now. Pakistan Army will never be deployed to fight against any Muslim country as stated by the foreign office and foreign secretary after the conference of Islamic Military Alliance.

Pakistan Army is a sizeable force with more than 600,000 active troops. Over 150,000 of its soldiers are busy in fighting war against terrorism in North West of Pakistan and in intelligence based operations (IBOs) throughout the country. Over 100,000 troops are currently taking

Its good that Pakistan show neutrality. Qatar vs KSA conflict will resolve soon Insha Allah. But the conflict of KSA with Iran seems long. Cold War*
Pakistan should not play a role of neutrality but to join the middle east group and all those sanctions which have imposed by the middle east group should favor them.... i dont think Pakistani leaders can play any role keeping itself aloof from the international politics....
Saudis have lost in all front. They unleashed unwanted destruction in Yemen. Same case with Syria, where it has lost its Proxy war as the Syrian forces have pushed the Militants supported by Riyadh to the brink of total defeat. In the last days of Obama regime their relations had badly soured due to the Saudi dictating terms to the US, who got trapped in the unwanted war due to honey-trap. The killing of innocent civilians of Yemen was starting to hurt the already bad image of US & many diplomats raising voice against the US involvement in the Middle East & Obama's soft approach with the Saudi regime.

The Obama wanted to put an end to this unwanted involvement of no gain as pressure was mounting from within. But what happened was Saudis started to blackmail (Obama, Hillary & co) of exposing them of all the unofficial money they have taken & Obama threatening back by exposing the involvement of Saudis in the 9/11 terror attack followed by Saudis warning they will sell off all the properties & pulling out all investments from US & Obama warning to declare Saudi as a terrorist state who sponsors terror around the world & imposing sanctions. That was a heavy punch in the face of Saudis arrogance.

The Saudis started to panic how their proxy war was taking shape & the US withdrawing from the war. How long can they keep buying the American leaders. The whole mess is about stopping the Shias from getting control of the oil money, be it Iraq, Syria, Yemen or Bahrain. Iran is forced to support these countries, because if Saudis eliminate these countries, they will get control of all the oil in these region so it can attack & destroy Iran.

You will see all politicians & media persons blaming the US & west for everything including Pakistan for the mess in their country, but the same politicians or media persons don't have the guts to take on Saudi. Most Muslim religious leader across the globe preach hatred against the US & west blaming them for the crisis in the muslim countries. What follows is terror attacks in the west. These leaders never say a word against the Saudis or taking the war there. How will they, because they are also fed by the Saudis.

This madness will soon bring destruction to Saudis. They are creating enemies around it. All it's arrogance will soon bite the dust. The usage of Oil will reduce in the next decade. The Saudis don't realize they will run out of water in the next 10 years. This is the biggest doom awaiting them. If not soon, the horrendous & unrecoverable downfall of Saudis will start from 2025. Mark my words.

Pakistan has taken part in the suppression of the Shias in Bahrain (uprising of 2011) and Pakistani Sunni families have been given Bahraini passports to settle in Bahrain with a strong bias towards military and security as a background prerequisite to get this citizenship, so they can fight the Shias. The Raheel Sharif's appointment of the Army chief of Saudi led force has done more damage to the already sour relations of Iran. Now again if you don't support Qatar, Iran will unleash it's wrath when it gets the right opportunity, CPEC being one among it.

This Islamic madness & hatred of other religions are fed by the Saudis. Hope Pakistan wakes up to it's senses soon, before it's too late. I still appeal & suggest forget Kashmir & make friendship with India. Shed down your pride of bending down to India & it will change your entire identity & profile. By 2021-2022 Pakistan's fate will be written. It's not my illusion or hatred due to which, I mention this again & again. Just remember my words I am even giving the time. I know my words is not going to affect anybody to change their hate filled minds or approach towards India. But based on all the analysis & facts I have, I feel I won't go wrong. Your forex reserves are fast depleting. If CPEC is made to delay by 3-4 years your debt will become irreversible. Modi will make you spend all your money.

Don't run looking for brother in China, Russia, Saudi, Turkey or Muslim countries to defeat India. Keep relation with all, but if you want a brother, it will only be India. Only India will save you.


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