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Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

Excuse me for saying, but the picture on top is someone wanting to look like an SSG officer. Lots of interesting yet non-standard accoutrements in the getup.

The second picture is a bloody waste of space and Pakistani taxpayer's money. That useless chap went on this state funded trip and not one productive thing came out of the trip except shopping bags from Paris for family and friends. This is how and why we are in such a dismal state when it comes to capacity building within Interior ministry for anti-terrorism efforts.
Combined 7 SSG personnel were injured including 3 officers, 2 recovering well and 1 still in a serious state. May these boys recover quickly and completely ameen. This nation owes them a debt of immense gratitude.

Combined 7 SSG personnel were injured including 3 officers, 2 recovering well and 1 still in a serious state. May these boys recover quickly and completely ameen. This nation owes them a debt of immense gratitude.
I agree with DF and Rajput about the Shaheeds being AMC troops. People may have been confused by the red berets on the coffins of the two jawans of the AMC.
Excuse me for saying, but the picture on top is someone wanting to look like an SSG officer. Lots of interesting yet non-standard accoutrements in the getup.

The second picture is a bloody waste of space and Pakistani taxpayer's money. That useless chap went on this state funded trip and not one productive thing came out of the trip except shopping bags from Paris for family and friends. This is how and why we are in such a dismal state when it comes to capacity building within Interior ministry for anti-terrorism efforts.
Re top pic wrong gun and wrong wings emblem
Thats for standard para course
SSG has a dagger instead of a parachute with wings up are most obvious errors in addition to cap snd face Paint
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