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Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

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Off-topic, but can you tell me why industry shouldn't be allowed in NE?

Although I didn't visited 7 sister states but I was quiet near to them while on a trip to Darjeeling. The North East states are heaven and pollution Free. This areas must be promoted as tourist place by clearing half hearted terrorism.
Baloch nationalists reject package

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

By Murtaza Ali Shah

LONDON: Exiled Baloch leaders on Tuesday rejected the Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan package on the grounds that it doesn’t go far enough to meet their main problems.

Hyrbyair Marri, the London-based leader of the powerful Marri tribe, remains staunchly opposed to any compromise with the government. He called Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan package a “mockery and a cruel joke” with the people of Balochistan and said it falls short of Baloch expectations and was only an exercise in buying more time.

He told The News: “This package is misleading. It’s another trap set for us to convince us that the federation pains for us and wants the solution of our miseries.

Marri said President Zardari and his government may have good sentiments but they were powerless and the real powers rest with the military establishment. “If Zardari is so powerful and omnipotent then why is he expecting the UNO to find killers of his wife Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto? Why doesn’t he have faith in the courts and institutions of his own country?

Mir Suleman Dawood Khan, the current Khan of Kalat, said the government failed to take all stakeholders on board and didn’t consult those it didn’t like.

“Baloch nationalist parties were not consulted and only allies of the current government were informed about it a few days ago.”

Noordin Mangal, who regularly speaks at the UN forum, said the package doesn’t address the real problems of the Baloch people.”

Mumtaz Alvi adds: Three leading Balochistan tribes - Marris, Mengals and Bugtis ñ on Tuesday billed the Balochistan package as a political gimmick and charged that it was like rubbing salt into the wounds of the Baloch people.

When contacted by telephone for comments, late Akbar Bugti’s son and President of Jamhoori Watan Party (JWP) Talal Bugti charged that the package was prepared by the invisible forces and not by Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani’s team or a parliamentary committee.

“The prime minister in his address to the parliament’s joint session said the FC would remain in Balochistan, which means, no change in the status-quo. If they are not serious, which I believe, we have the option to knock at the doors of the United Nations,” Talal warned.

Balochistan National Party-Mengal (BNP-M) Vice-President Sajid Tareen, while talking to The News from Quetta, noted what had been announced in the package had never been the demand of Balochistan’s people.

“Our stand remains unchanged that the federating units must be treated as per the 1940 Pakistan Resolution,” he said.

Nawab Khair Bakhsh Marri was not available for comments.

“We don’t believe in dialogue anymore, as it has been non-productive. We are not politically active as several other parties are,” said a source close to the veteran Baloch leader, who is chieftain of the Marri tribe.

Muhammad Anis adds: The package could not satisfy the people of Balochistan, as it had nothing significant for them, Senator Dr Abdul Malik of the Balochistan National Party (BNP) said while talking to media persons after the announcement of the package.

Senator Hasil Bazinjo said the package carries most of the old things and there is nothing new in it. “The Baloch people want practical steps, not announcements,” he added.

Baloch nationalists reject package
ok i don't get what do these bloody leaders want! they don't want their people to be freed from the shackles these sardars are holding them in!
ok i don't get what do these bloody leaders want! they don't want their people to be freed from the shackles these sardars are holding them in!

That is the real problem, they want to keep their people illiterate and under their control in shackles, as these leaders are themselves the sardars, the feudal lords. They know if Cantonments are built, it will bring schools and other social activity, giving rise to the living standard of local people who will get out of their hand.

No matter what you give them, they will come up with one excuse or another to reject it. As they have made up their mind and are basically puppets of external forces.

Yesterday was hearing the interview of some Baloch leader Jalib something, he said PN made the naval base in Omara against them, now what level of ridiculous statement that is, you guys think yourself. PN making a naval base to diversify their assets base and this guy thinks it was made against them. Height of ignorance.

Simple solution is, give them their due rights, give them education and jobs, their due share in royalties, implement all their due rights so that people see it and even then these traitor feudal lords reject it or say something, kill as many as possible. Traitors deserve this.
Why not Army take control of baluchistan. Because I am sure, more they delay more they are asking for trouble from sardars.
Although I didn't visited 7 sister states but I was quiet near to them while on a trip to Darjeeling. The North East states are heaven and pollution Free. This areas must be promoted as tourist place by clearing half hearted terrorism.

Got your point. Yes, they are quite pollution free and endowed by natural beauty. But without industry it will be pretty hard to develop them.
Perhaps service industries can be provided incentives to set up shops over there. States like Manipur and Meghalaya have a pretty high literacy rate and can provide ample manpower. I can imagine IT companies starting campuses over there.

Anyways, that was way off-topic. Apologies!
That is the real problem, they want to keep their people illiterate and under their control in shackles, as these leaders are themselves the sardars, the feudal lords. They know if Cantonments are built, it will bring schools and other social activity, giving rise to the living standard of local people who will get out of their hand.

No matter what you give them, they will come up with one excuse or another to reject it. As they have made up their mind and are basically puppets of external forces.

Yesterday was hearing the interview of some Baloch leader Jalib something, he said PN made the naval base in Omara against them, now what level of ridiculous statement that is, you guys think yourself. PN making a naval base to diversify their assets base and this guy thinks it was made against them. Height of ignorance.

Simple solution is, give them their due rights, give them education and jobs, their due share in royalties, implement all their due rights so that people see it and even then these traitor feudal lords reject it or say something, kill as many as possible. Traitors deserve this.
Again usual Sardar bashing...ever care to think why the Baloch still listen to their Sardars instead of GoP? If the Sardars were so oppressive, why the common Baloch still want to follow them? Or whether it is really true that Sardars are still controlling the Baloch people? Ever heard that the Schools were burnt or Colleges were bombed in Balochistan? Who says that Sardars are preventing the people from education? Baloch Sardars are not any different than the Sindhi Waderas, or Punjabi Maliks, or Pathan Sardars; they are not better but not worse as well while compared to others.

There is a cantonment in Khuzdar, there are Schools and Colleges, yet there is lots of unrest, why? Under whose control are the Baloch of Khuzdar? Who is preventing them to go to School and Colleges? Why there was no resistance for the establishment of the Cantonment in Khuzdar back in 80s?

I am a common middle class Balochistan resident and even I can’t see any thing in the package offered more other than promises. The Balochs don't care about the verbose any more; show them something more tangible, more concrete than mere talks. Moreover, if you want to know what common Baloch think, please pay a visit to Balochistan, talk to the people on the street and than blame the Sardars if you find a difference. You may not even be aware that the Sardari system simply does not exist in Makran, Turbat, Panjgoor and Chaghai. The only remanence of the traditional Sardari system are in Dera Bugti, Kohloo and in Qalat which is less than 30% of the Balochistan.

The times are long gone when common Baloch were impressed or moved by the half baked stories deliberately spreaded by the Islamabad about the so-called oppression of the Sardars. Civil and military establishment has always tried to make us, the common Baloch, fool. On one hand they are told about the oppression of Baloch Sardars, on the other hand the same Sardars are given tickets by all the major and minor National Parties and are fully supported by the folks sitting in Islamabad. I have said it many times, and again, that the Balochistan problem is long out of the hands of the Sardars, and even if Sradars want to support Islamabad, they will no longer be allowed by the common Baloch people.

Finally, traitors are not those who are asking for their rights, traitors are those who are denying them their rights just like it was the case in the former East Pakistan. There is no need to get emotional and without completely understanding the situation, start branding people traitors or what not. In the previous pages enough material is present, especially printed in the national media, that may educate about the grievances of the Balochs.
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Again usual Sardar bashing...ever care to think why the Baloch still listen to their Sardars instead of GoP? If the Sardars were so oppressive, why the common Baloch still want to follow them? Or whether it is really true that Sardars are still controlling the Baloch people? Ever heard that the Schools were burnt or Colleges were bombed in Balochistan? Who says that Sardars are preventing the people from education? Baloch Sardars are not any different than the Sindhi Waderas, or Punjabi Maliks, or Pathan Sardars; they are not better but not worse as well while compared to others.

There is a cantonment in Khuzdar, there are Schools and Colleges, yet there is lots of unrest, why? Under whose control are the Baloch of Khuzdar? Who is preventing them to go to School and Colleges? Why there was no resistance for the establishment of the Cantonment in Khuzdar back in 80s?

I am a common middle class Balochistan resident and even I can’t see any thing in the package offered more other than promises. The Balochs don't care about the verbose any more; show them something more tangible, more concrete than mere talks. Moreover, if you want to know what common Baloch think, please pay a visit to Balochistan, talk to the people on the street and than blame the Sardars if you find a difference. You may not even be aware that the Sardari system simply does not exist in Makran, Turbat, Panjgoor and Chaghai. The only remanence of the traditional Sardari system are in Dera Bugti, Kohloo and in Qalat which is less than 30% of the Balochistan.

The times are long gone when common Baloch were impressed or moved by the half baked stories deliberately spreaded by the Islamabad about the so-called oppression of the Sardars. Civil and military establishment has always tried to make us, the common Baloch, fool. On one hand they are told about the oppression of Baloch Sardars, on the other hand the same Sardars are given tickets by all the major and minor National Parties and are fully supported by the folks sitting in Islamabad. I have said it many times, and again, that the Balochistan problem is long out of the hands of the Sardars, and even if Sradars want to support Islamabad, they will no longer be allowed by the common Baloch people.

Finally, traitors are not those who are asking for their rights, traitors are those who are denying them their rights just like it was the case in the former East Pakistan. There is no need to get emotional and without completely understanding the situation, start branding people traitors or what not. In the previous pages enough material is present, especially printed in the national media, that may educate about the grievances of the Balochs.

I have spent 15 years in Balochistan, have good relations with people from 4 major tribes of Balochistan, among those 4, have family relations with 2 so much that whenever go to Islamabad or Quetta stay at their homes, have spent several eids in their villages and no traditional baloch parda formality among us, even at one time my parents were thinking to get their future Bahoo from a Baloch family, people whom my dad knows for last 30 years.

And that 30% area under Sardari system is the same area which has seen the most of the violence in recent years compared to the other areas you mentioned. So what does that tell us ?? Area which is under Sardari system sees the most violence.

Can u tell me what did Bugti do with the millions he got from the govt as protection money or protection royalty money over the decades and what useful thing he did for his community or people ?

Can u tell me about the statement of Mr. Jalib something a Baloch Nationalist leader terming a PN base hundreds of miles away in Omara as a threat to Baloch while its purpose is something else ?? Doesn't it shows that they want to make issue out of every non issue thing ?

Can u tell me what purpose this target killing is serving since last many months, what has teachers, doctors and other people from ordinary life have done to deserve getting killed in such a way ?

And Khuzdar is not a big level cantonment, there is only less then brigade level force stationed there, thus it can not compare to the cantonments of Quetta or any other major city.

And as for 71, it was the same case, the Bangali leader had made up his mind even if his all demands had been met. The greed of power, commanding a country are very tempting prospects by the way. The Indian involvement and help is a clear indication that things were decided beforehand.

As i said, Baloch people should get whatever they have right on and their other basic rights too, not a single thing should be withheld from their rights rather they should be over compensated for years of neglect, but those who conspire against the country even after their rights are given should be given a traitors death.
I agree with Qsaark that the implementation of the proposals in the package is what should be looked at. However, some of the major proposals are already being negotiated in terms of the dialog on the NFC award that will determine (hopefully) a new formula for vertical and horizontal resource distribution and tax collection.

The center appears to have agreed to allocate over 50% of the total resources to the provinces (some provinces are calling for as high as 60% to be allocated), the horizontal distribution criteria is still being worked on and there seems to be general agreement between the provinces on that issue.

Similarly, on provincial autonomy, the constitutional reforms committee is discussing elimination of the concurrent list with the center retaining only 4 subjects. I do not think Baluchistan should be singled out for 'autonomy'. The process should apply to all the provinces and be done as part of the compact between the center and all the provinces.

That said, I doubt the Baluch nationalists will ever be satisfied.

While we talk of the rights of the Baluch, what of the rights of the remaining Pakistanis?

Baluchistan is not some distant island, it is a part of Pakistan and therefore every Pakistani has (should have) the right to settle there, or anywhere. But given the extremely small and widely distributed ethnic Baluch population, any actual enforcement of the rights of Pakistanis to live, work, and settle wherever they please would result in Baluchistan no longer having a Baluch majority (plurality).

I believe that is the real issue here, and IIRC, the current CM of Balochistan (Raisani) made comments to that effect after taking charge, that there should be ban on non-Baluch settling in Baluchistan.

I would argue this is an unacceptable and racist position - it seeks to increase and perpetuate the divides in Pakistan, rather than make it a cohesive entity where it will not matter whether one is Baluch, Punjabi, Pathan, Sindhi, Muhajhir etc. We can only arrive at the destination if we encourage assimilation and integration, not divisiveness.
That said, I doubt the Baluch nationalists will ever be satisfied.
Nationalism or more correctly radical nationalism borns in and prospers under certain extreme circumstances. We don’t have to worry about the so-called nationalists (most of whom are not really nationalists but anarchists benefiting from the prevailing situation) but about the reasons behind such radical nationalism. Once we were able to uproot the reasons, the radical extremism will soon die on its own. This is a political problem and must be dealt as such without branding people loyal or traitor. We have to come out from the phobia that who ever is against the policies of the government is a traitor.

Baluchistan is not some distant island, it is a part of Pakistan
The history of annexation of Balochistan is quite distinct than the remaining three (plus East Bengal) provinces and is only comparable with Nepal which remained independent and did not go with India. Balochistan on the other hand was forced to be annexed with Pakistan on certain conditions that were never honored by the following Pakistani governments.

I would argue this is an unacceptable and racist position
I also find it absurd, however, there are countries who have similar kind of conditions imposed for instance Malaysia. In Malaysian federation, certain states welcome folks from other states to work in their states but deny them to buy any property or land and that for the same reason, to maintain the plurality.

It would have been all right if Balochs were doing fine on economical front, but since they are not, and a majority of province is extremely under-developed, there has developed hatred for the settlers, as they are viewed occupiers. There is no easy solution to that problem but I think it can be resolved by bringing the common Balochs into the economical mainstream. Micro financing may play a crucial role in this respect in my opinion. Please note that I am not as much enthusiastic about the formal education (at least at this point of time) than I am about the economic uplift, which I think is more important, and the lack of which is perhaps the main reason behind the so-called radical nationalism.
AM has raised some gud point but i will agree with wat qsaark has proposed as the possible solution.
extremists will die on their own once economic prosperity returns to the baluch ppl. after 60 yrs of neglect, i wouldnt blame baluch for treatin others as outsiders. however i will say that there is a lot of criminal element involved which is taking advantage of this situation. and target killings is also a part of it.

PM has offered many incentives to officers who go and take charge of vacant positions in balochistan. but its hard to convince them given all this target killing. settin things rit and making sure that gov institutions start working is a difficult job but its a job which has to be done as it is us who put ourselves in this situation.

one firm which is involved in mining copper is taking out more copper and paying less. instead they pay money to sardars who in return threaten officials in federal gov against comin for any checks.

what i think is that this recent announcement is a gud step but only if its implemented. as far as provincial autonomy is concerned, lik AM said that cant be given alone to Balochistan. All provinces should be a part of any such move. and this will hopefully be covered in the constitutional package.
I don't know what the F* is wrong with Pakistani leadership. Baluchistan should be split into 5 smaller provinces, at least Makran and Lesbale should be given provincial status.

Makran - because of Gwadar & Pasni
Lesbala - Karachi should be included into Lesbela so it can help develop rest of the LesBala province.


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You want to put Karachi in lasbela? what about Sindh?

I want to break MQM strong hold in Sindh (Karachi and Hyderabad). LesBela population is mainly Sindhi and Balochi. MQM will have no choice but to compromise with Sindhi & Balochi.
In my plan there will be "NO SINDH". Pakistan will be divided into 16-17 Provinces or "Super districts". Each district is responsible for it's own budget, economy. this will be one way to cut the corruption.
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