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Pakistan's Punjab province is an extremist "bomb" ready to explode - Guardian


May 3, 2009
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Pakistan's Punjab region on knife-edge as extremists take hold, says governor | World news | The Guardian

Pakistan's heartland Punjab province is an extremist "bomb" ready to explode, the region's highest official has warned, with the recent targeting of minority groups seen by some as evidence of jihadists' grip on the area.

The provincial governor accused the regional government, led by former prime minister Nawaz Sharif's party, of tolerating or even supporting extremists, who are said to operate openly in Punjab free from the military operations waged against Taliban guerrillas in the area bordering Afghanistan.

"The Sharifs are creating a potential bomb here in Punjab," said Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab, who was appointed by the national government. "These [militant] groups are armed and dangerous. There is no way you can accommodate these people. There has to be zero tolerance."

In recent weeks, a spate of armed robberies and kidnappings of the Ahmedi sect in the city of Faisalabad was traced to members of Jamaat-ud-Dawa, the group previously known as Lashkar-e-Taiba that was blamed for the devastating 2008 terrorist attack on Mumbai. Three Ahmedis were also shot dead, thought to be the work of the same group.

Sharif's opponents accuse his party, the opposition Pakistan Muslim League-N – whose support comes partly from the religious right – of accommodating extremists such as Sipah-e-Sahaba, a banned sectarian group blamed for the deaths of hundreds of Shias.

In Jhang town, a byelection last month saw Sharif's party openly court Sipah-e-Sahaba supporters. Punjab's law minister, Rana Sanaullah, was pictured on the campaign trail with the alleged head of the group, Ahmed Ludhianvi.

Experts believe that the Pakistani Taliban is deeply influenced by Sipah-e-Sahaba, with the Taliban's leader, Hakimullah Mehsud, a former member.

Sheikh Waqas Akram, an opposition member of parliament from Jhang, which is the headquarters of Sipah-e-Sahaba, likened the situation in Punjab to the Swat valley, where official inaction allowed the Taliban to take over in 2008. "There can be 10 Swats in Punjab, if you don't check them [extremists]," said Akram.

But Sanaullah denied the claims, saying that while banned groups operated in the province there was no "Talibanisation" in Punjab. "Not a single street where you can say there is a no-go area," he said.

Sanaullah said that groups based in the north-west were behind the terrorist attacks in Punjab, not local organisations, adding that "95% of the people of Sipah-e-Sahaba are not terrorists". He said: "We must persuade these persons to put aside their guns, to participate in elections. They have the right to vote, so why can't I ask them [Sipah-e-Sahaba] for votes?"

Over the last year the affluent Ahmedi community in Faisalabad has been rocked by a campaign of violence and intimidation, which intensified in recent weeks. Ahmedi are classified as non-Muslims under Pakistani law, for believing that Muhammad was not the final prophet.

Police arrested four suspects last month. Three days later, on 1 April, three members of an Ahmedi family were shot dead as they returned from work. Their car was sprayed with bullets, in what police believe was a "very professional" hit and possible revenge for the arrests.

"The four people in jail are in Jamaat-ud-Dawa," said senior Faisalabad police officer Abid Hussain. "They told us that they got a decree from a maulvi (priest) in their group that says that robbing, kidnapping and killing Ahmedis is allowed and would be rewarded in heaven."

The city's Ahmedi community have restricted their movements and some have hired bodyguards.

"We are now scared to leave the house, when the door bell rings, we are frightened about who might be there. Outside, we feel always like someone is following us," said Mohammad Iqbal Ahmed, whose son and nephew were kidnapped in March and returned after the payment of a £20,000 ransom.
I would have taken it seriously but as soon as the source was reviled I cant stop laughing. Salman Taseer must be having another one of his drunken fits.
We have to remove the Ganja brothers from power in Punjab, they are the children of ZIA as much as mujahideen are his children.

Lets be honest here, we have to clear the place up before something happens. Not denounce the article, learn from it and defeat the terrorists.
"The Sharifs are creating a potential bomb here in Punjab," said Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab, who was appointed by the national government. "These [militant] groups are armed and dangerous. There is no way you can accommodate these people. There has to be zero tolerance."

LOL .. when i saw the title i thought there would be some serious stuff.

The Gaurdian is referring to the words of Salman Taseer !!!

Thats some serious fun. Salman Taseer has no more value than a PPP's dog to assert some pressure or just bring out allegations on PML-N. It has been discussed over and over again in Pakistani news media that becuase of PML-N's stances over Judges matter, their stepping down from ministries as a protest and their appointment of new bribe free police for Punjab, programs for cheap availability of basic commodities mainly wheat for a cheaper price compared to other provinces, appointment of 45,000 new teachers for schools on 100% merit basis are among a few moves of PML-N in 2008 & 2009 which has dramatically raised their support in public and badly affected the support of PPP.

On the other hand Supreme Court is taking out corruption related issues and geo news channel which is uncovering their acts day by day.

As a result current government of PPP has prohibited government ads to be given to GEO news and directed them to Dawn news channel, which in the mean time started Urdu telecast overnight to gather more veiwership. Also PML-Q, PPP & MQM have joined their hands in blame game against PML-N. And not just that these parties have started to support one candidate in elections against PML-N just in a try to bring the bull down.

It might seem like Im a big fan of PML-N but Im not, yet the reality is that they are having the cleanest collars and sincere intentions compared to all others.

Sanaullah said that groups based in the north-west were behind the terrorist attacks in Punjab, not local organisations, adding that "95% of the people of Sipah-e-Sahaba are not terrorists". He said: "We must persuade these persons to put aside their guns, to participate in elections. They have the right to vote, so why can't I ask them [Sipah-e-Sahaba] for votes?"

If we go after everyone shooting down then we will also end up in disaster just like USA and Soviet Union. Gun is not the answer to every question, terrorism is the battle of philosophies and there is a need of change in mind.

Instead of opening a new front in Punjab (the most dense province in Pakistan) at the time there is already war like situation throughout the country and military is sleeving up for a front in North Waziristan.

The wise option would be to alienate such elements from these groups and catch them rather than forcefully turning the whole groups into a terrorist organisation and then going after hunting them down.

There is always a big difference in a criminal and a terrorist.
It is 100% reality. And it will hurt the most to Pakistan as its in Punjab most prosperous and peaceful region.

The govt. should take immediate steps to stop it from exploding.

But in my opinion there are plenty of people who will dismiss it and like to be in illusions.

Then time will tell.
If its coming from the horse's mouth, I would be worried.

Not sure how credible he is, but since he is the governor, I would take it seriously.
It is 100% reality. And it will hurt the most to Pakistan as its in Punjab most prosperous and peaceful region.

The govt. should take immediate steps to stop it from exploding.

But in my opinion there are plenty of people who will dismiss it and like to be in illusions.

Then time will tell.

THat's because you are not from Pakisan. And this is what happens when outsiders start to judge the internal political affairs. The ground realities and how trust worthy is the person(Salman Taseer) and what battle is going on at political front these are the things that only people living in Pakistan can understand. For gaurdian it might be a serious stuff but for us, we are used to such baseless things which keep happening and this is not the first one.

The top three politicians of Pakistan with no sense of real politics and common sense:

1- Salman Taseer
2- Altaf Hussain
3- Asif Ali Zardari (The lower the better):pakistan:
It is 100% reality. And it will hurt the most to Pakistan as its in Punjab most prosperous and peaceful region.

The govt. should take immediate steps to stop it from exploding.

But in my opinion there are plenty of people who will dismiss it and like to be in illusions.

Then time will tell.

I am more worried about India if this is true.. The proximity of Pak-Punjab is too close to India..

But yes, the economy of Pakistan will be shot to hell if this is true and Pak-Punjab becomes another NWFP

LOL .. when i saw the title i thought there would be some serious stuff.

The Gaurdian is referring to the words of Salman Taseer !!!

Thats some serious fun. Salman Taseer has no more value than a PPP's dog to assert some pressure or just bring out allegations on PML-N. It has been discussed over and over again in Pakistani news media that becuase of PML-N's stances over Judges matter, their stepping down from ministries as a protest and their appointment of new bribe free police for Punjab, programs for cheap availability of basic commodities mainly wheat for a cheaper price compared to other provinces, appointment of 45,000 new teachers for schools on 100% merit basis are among a few moves of PML-N in 2008 & 2009 which has dramatically raised their support in public and badly affected the support of PPP.

On the other hand Supreme Court is taking out corruption related issues and geo news channel which is uncovering their acts day by day.

As a result current government of PPP has prohibited government ads to be given to GEO news and directed them to Dawn news channel, which in the mean time started Urdu telecast overnight to gather more veiwership. Also PML-Q, PPP & MQM have joined their hands in blame game against PML-N. And not just that these parties have started to support one candidate in elections against PML-N just in a try to bring the bull down.

It might seem like Im a big fan of PML-N but Im not, yet the reality is that they are having the cleanest collars and sincere intentions compared to all others.

If we go after everyone shooting down then we will also end up in disaster just like USA and Soviet Union. Gun is not the answer to every question, terrorism is the battle of philosophies and there is a need of change in mind.

Instead of opening a new front in Punjab (the most dense province in Pakistan) at the time there is already war like situation throughout the country and military is sleeving up for a front in North Waziristan.

The wise option would be to alienate such elements from these groups and catch them rather than forcefully turning the whole groups into a terrorist organisation and then going after hunting them down.

There is always a big difference in a criminal and a terrorist.

Wow after all whats happening in pakistan there is still some that can't see it .
THat's because you are not from Pakisan. And this is what happens when outsiders start to judge the internal political affairs. The ground realities and how trust worthy is the person(Salman Taseer) and what battle is going on at political front these are the things that only people living in Pakistan can understand. For gaurdian it might be a serious stuff but for us, we are used to such baseless things which keep happening and this is not the first one.

The top three politicians of Pakistan with no sense of real politics and common sense:

1- Salman Taseer
2- Altaf Hussain
3- Asif Ali Zardari (The lower the better):pakistan:

You left out House of saud you no the outsiders who gave protection to Ganja P.I.G brothers
Wow after all whats happening in pakistan there is still some that can't see it .

So you want them to open up another front for Pakistan army when we have already moved 100,000 soldiers from border and have lost 2700 soldiers and have taken 10k+ causalities for civilians and 35Billion+ damage to our economy !!!

The best would be to change their mindset or atleast avoid military operation against them for the time being.

We are heading for a front in North-Wazirestan now!! Where the more stronger actual Taliban reside with 100% local support unlike swat.
You left out House of saud you no the outsiders who gave protection to Ganja P.I.G brothers

What is your basic point ?? i cudn't understand.

ANd yeah Im not telling that PML-N is gr8 but from my point of view of the political scene in Pakistan they are the best option available. And this whole news is nothing but its based on political warfare between PML-N and other parties.

Honestl speaking, If it was true then by this time our country would been in a situation like Iraq.
I am more worried about India if this is true.. The proximity of Pak-Punjab is too close to India..

But yes, the economy of Pakistan will be shot to hell if this is true and Pak-Punjab becomes another NWFP

Do you really think he or others like him care for pakistans economy if they did they wont be making excuses for Terrorist.
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