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Pakistan's Position on Tibet..!!!

India argues that in Tibet whats going on is freedom struggle and refuse to recognise the same in Indan Held Kashmir.Is this not hypocrisy on part of India

India invaded and occupied Kashmir and Pakistan on agreement defended one part of Kashmir from Indian occupation. :pakistan::china:

Jana isnt it more of a hypocrisy on the part of Pakistan that you cry for rights and freedom for Kashmiris but dont care about the Tibetans when they want the same. There is a huge Tibetan community in Toronto and they show no inclination to be part of China. Huge double standards from Pakistan's side but again that is expected.

And in regards to India invading Kashmir, its Pakistan who invaded Kashmir in 1947 in a bid to capture it but failed, tried again in 1965 and failed. This is not a Kashmir thread so please dont make it one.
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Tibet people not want to in china in once. But a lot change. There is nosuch feelings in most of the people. Now it dont make any sense to talk about it
Tibet people not want to in china in once. But a lot change. There is nosuch feelings in most of the people. Now it dont make any sense to talk about it

Tibet is China's internal matter. why the hell we should object in anyones internal matter and that too who is our time tested friend. :china::pakistan:
:angel: why dont you support China and its interests. Your and their entire problem will be solved

For ur knowledge we had already supported china,we had accepted Tibet as a part of china,but its china which is creating problem:angry:
Twisitn my words, eh.

Fightin in Kashmir took place in 1948 not 1947. and we waited for ur good faith to settl Kashmir amaicably, but instead u force Maharaja and started playing tricks insterad of being an honest partner in dealings about matters of intewrests, be it Hyderabad, junagarh or other princely states, u did not keep the promise of letting them choose thioer future. u force it upon them.

Kashmir being disputed territory as per U.N. is there need to be free from Indian occupation, Kashmiris have the right to fight for its freedom, the best indication of it being occupied is the number of army persdonals in any are.

In kashmir there are 500,000 soldiers, that dude is a occupation force.

China did not invade Tibet, it was part of China for meillaniums. Dude.

Even Dalaia Lama agrees with it, only thing he wants is the power to oppress Tibetans again by his strange rule of no education, crawl to him and no progress, because progress will enlighten people.

And India is playing a double game, accepts Tibet as chinese and suports Mr. Lama.stance. Wnat gives.

Well first pak attack happened between 1947-1948.
there were no conspiracy.india and pak forced kashmir raja to join them.he prefered independence.but when desperate pak army attacked them he called for help from indian army.
if you cared about un you would not have attacked again and again.so you dont have to talk about the right to talk about un.
and about indian army stationed in kashmir the failed attempts of 1947,1965,1999 and insurgencys answer that.
in tibet 1950 oct chinese army attacked the tibeten army for the so called peaceful liberation (5000 were dead).out numbered by chinese army delilama had to surrender and accept chinese Sovereignty in 1951. they had no other choice.
And again dont forget that majority of kashmiris take part in election and that is the biggest proof of their unity with india.:cheers:
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Discussed before. what's the point discussing again.
Tibet is was and will remain a part of Peoples Republic of China.... biggots n stoogs like dalai lama should sit on a table apologize to china and act like a good boy and not disturb peace.
There's no milk of Human kindlness flowing the Uighur muslim way, and you are asking some for a bunch of Buddhists wearing saffron clothes?
Having actually been to tibet, i and my i add to UrumChi, i feel for these noble people. But it is an internal matter and i have no right speaking on matters concerning a soverign nation.
Having actually been to tibet, i and my i add to UrumChi, i feel for these noble people. But it is an internal matter and i have no right speaking on matters concerning a soverign nation.

Yes infact they were so noble that they forgot to maintin a decent army to defend themselves, and china peacefuly attacked and liberated them to china.
india (foolish Nehru) failed to do the same and trusted the chinese blindly and got a taste of chines bullets.they liberated some parts of india and again peacefuly.
same fate is awaiting Taiwan and they will also be liberated 'PEACEFULY ' and will soon become an internal matter of chinese if they faile to defend themselves.
Well, I think that the discussion has been derailed somewhat.
Here's what the issue with Tibet is.

Nobody disputes that Tibet is part of China. Never mind who invaded whom and when. Even the Dalai Lama does not advocate independence for Tibet. Please read the second paragraph.

Tibetan independence movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tibet has been a very backward region for centuries, with no infrastructure and low technology penetration. It needs industry, infrastructure, development and modern administration. Kudos to the Chinese for that.


>Tibet has been flooded by Han Chinese; they are actively encouraged to live, settle there and culturally dominate the Tibetans. It is a systematic cultural dilution.
>Tibetan Buddhism is one of the world's oldest and best preserved philosophies. The Chinese state is very wary of Religion as a rule, which is slowly changing now. These insecurities have lead to large-scale repression (a cliched word, sorry about that) of Tibetans.
>Many, many Tibetans have died. There is NO PROTEST ALLOWED, however peaceful.
>I can go on and on about what has happened in Tibet...maybe some of it is untrue, but anyone on this forum would be a fool to refute that China has been very heavy-handed in Tibet. That too, against unarmed monks-male and female.
> China can erase this blot on itself by just giving the Tibetans some degree of say in their own administration, but no.

The question to my Pakistani friends is:
"Do you really know what your Chinese friends are up to in Tibet? Do you care? Or do you only care about those oppressed people who are of the same faith as you?"

There will be an obvious comparison to Kashmir. India has blundered in Kashmir, no doubt about that. The difference is that we had a corrupt, inefficient administration there for 45 years after Independence before all hell broke loose and there was an ethnic cleansing-of Hindus in Kashmir.

India does not try to eliminate Kashmiri culture or curtail religious freedom of Kashmiris. There have been many free and fair elections and Kashmiris have been given the chance to elect their own government and make their own policies. Army/police brutalities do occur, though. It is a tragic and unfortunate fact.

THAT, my friends, is what this thread is about. Care to comment?
Assimilation into Chinese has been the way. Look at the Hui muslims. They assimilated and are esteemed by the Han. Considered of their own kind. Do they eat pork? They don't have mosques? etc, etc.

3 million Tibetans vs 1 billion Han Chinese is a no contest situation. Same with the Uighurs. The Hans are being very nice. If they behave like the Americans did to the Native American Indians or the Hawaiians, Tibetan population would not have doubled. So please they don't encourage people to spoil their futures.
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