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Pakistan’s PL-15 Missile Equipped JF-17 Block 3 is a Serious Game Changer - How India Can Respond to

Russians are yet to match our technology yet.

You want us to believe chinese are anywhere close...laughable.

At leatst the soviets wede respectable opponents.

Damn I miss the cold war!
The operational range of MBDA meteor is just above 100km while that of Thunderbolt-15 (PL-15) is more than 300KM....go check Wikipedia.

Yes but AWACs will be needed to take capitalize it's potential, i've been seeing conflicting numbers online from 150km to 300km i was anteriorly of the view that it was about 150km but 300km would be too much of a hyperbole if factitious so it's certainly 250+

The upgraded thunder block 3 looks good and pl15 bvr is good but lacks ram jet technology of the meteors.in Indian rafale

It uses dual pulse rocket motor how do you think it has a long range and taking the range of 300 in mind (obviously won't be used at Dmax) it will theoretically maintain a decent maneuverability and speed for 200+ due to the propulsion system, so your comparison isn't too significant

for KL-7A AESA has a range of over 200 km ,its a miss conception that KLJ-7A AESA has MAX range of 170 KM, Chinese websites (AVIC) clearly state KLJ-7A has range of 170 km against the Ariel targets of 5 meter square, so against the enemy's main jets like MKI/M-2000/Mig-29/RAFALE, KLJ-7A has longer range than 170 km to detect and track

Correct, just to make it clear to everyone...

**"Le KLJ-7A qui fait sa première apparition publique dans ce salon a une portée de combat de 170 kilomètres », souligne WANG Hongzhe"**

The KLJ-7A, which makes its first public appearance in this show, has a combat range of 170 kilometers ”, underlines WANG Hongzhe

**"A noter que le chiffre de 170 kilomètres en portée de KLJ-7A devrait être obtenu en mode Air-Air, sur une cible standard d’une SER de 5 m²."**

Note that the figure of 170 kilometers in range of KLJ-7A should be obtained in Air-Air mode, on a standard target with a RCS of 5 m².

Russians are yet to match our technology yet.

You want us to believe chinese are anywhere close...laughable.

At leatst the soviets wede respectable opponents.

Damn I miss the cold war!
Oh bhai China is working on 21th century's military technology not MID 20th century's technology and China help by Russia in term of military technology for example when developing their first active BVR SD-10/pl-12 they got help from vempel which develop R-77 for Russia and for export
Oh bhai China is working on 21th century's military technology not MID 20th century's technology and China help by Russia in term of military technology for example when developing their first active BVR SD-10/pl-12 they got help from vempel which develop R-77 for Russia and for export
Appreciate the enthusiasm trying to be chinese here.

Just answer me a simple question. What aerospace technology is China ahead at compared to the erstwhile SU.

Forget about america, try getting better than soviets or even putins russia for now, last I checked Russians arent buying Chimese sams or aircraft, rather its the other way round.

Chew on that for a while.
centerline can carry 1000kg load, a normal SD10 is about 200kg, PL15 won't be heavier than 350kg at max.
Thunder can carry two CM400 missiles on the inner wings, it can certainly carry two PL15's on HP #3 and #5.

Na too heavy for thunder:disagree:
Appreciate the enthusiasm trying to be chinese here.

Just answer me a simple question. What aerospace technology is China ahead at compared to the erstwhile SU.

Forget about america, try getting better than soviets or even putins russia for now, last I checked Russians arent buying Chimese sams or aircraft, rather its the other way round.

Chew on that for a while.
J-10/J-20 and why Russia will buy Chinese military technologies when they have mature military industries but they are currently lacking $$$ can you show me similar ship in Russian Navy of Chinese type 55 in terms of fire power/sophistication/advance sensors????
J-10/J-20 and why Russia will buy Chinese military technologies when they have mature military industries but they are currently lacking $$$ can you show me similar ship in Russian Navy of Chinese type 55 in terms of fire power/sophistication/advance sensors????

Last I checked the famedbj20 is flyin with half assed russian engines.

The biggest ship in pla is a cold war relic bought from ukraine

Damn do I miss the cold war, we had a real challenge then.

Time already to ul tje commies game, or I might just lose my jobs because of these nincompoops
centerline can carry 1000kg load, a normal SD10 is about 200kg, PL15 won't be heavier than 350kg at max.
Thunder can carry two CM400 missiles on the inner wings, it can certainly carry two PL15's on HP #3 and #5.
PL15 is on the menu of JFT but its not a anti AWACS missiles but I'm talking about PL-XX which will be Chinese first anti AWACS missiles in a same class of Russian R-37/K-172
Last I checked the famedbj20 is flyin with half assed russian engines.

The biggest ship in pla is a cold war relic bought from ukraine

Damn do I miss the cold war, we had a real challenge then.

Time already to ul tje commies game, or I might just lose my jobs because of these nincompoops
Recently the production version of J-20 is installed indigenous WS-10 and both al-31fn and WS-10 is the interim engines for J-20 they are working WS-15 which will be in the same class as U.S. F-119 and F-135 , Russian are still struggling to make suitable engine for Su-57 idealized-30 engine
Last I checked the famedbj20 is flyin with half assed russian engines.

The biggest ship in pla is a cold war relic bought from ukraine

Damn do I miss the cold war, we had a real challenge then.

Time already to ul tje commies game, or I might just lose my jobs because of these nincompoops
It is so different to understand the gibberish you are typing. At least have the common decency to put out a semi coherent argument please. But I will still respond to your individual points nonetheless.
Last I checked the famedbj20 is flyin with half assed russian engines.
J-20s have been produced with an uprated WS-10 Taihang variant for over the past year now. Where is the Indian Kaveri engine? :what:
The biggest ship in pla is a cold war relic bought from ukraine
The Chinese Type 002 carrier was built in Ukraine? :hitwall:. This statement makes much more sense when applied to the INS vikramaditya, which is a true Cold War relic that belongs in a history museum.
Damn do I miss the cold war, we had a real challenge then.
I wonder why the Pentagon calls China our greatest strategic and military threat then ...
Time already to ul tje commies game, or I might just lose my jobs because of these nincompoops
Nah you'll lose your jobs to the underpaid Indian workers who flood this country due to systematic H1B and Green Card abusal. The newer Indians will take the jobs of older Indians like yourself :enjoy:.
Recently the production version of J-20 is installed indigenous WS-10 and both al-31fn and WS-10 is the interim engines for J-20 they are working WS-15 which will be in the same class as U.S. F-119 and F-135 , Russian are still struggling to make suitable engine for Su-57 idealized-30 engine
Reading this Raj whatever guy's post really cost me many braincells lol.
Well, the KJ-500 can guide 48 AAM's. Besides the point, the fighter can receive information via awacs and relay that to the missile. i have discussed this in my post history,

1. It makes no sense to me, why will anyone risk a lumbering expensive platform and bring it within range of anti-radiation or long range missiles.
2. KJ-500 guiding 48 AAM's , technically it is possible but if the Chinese have done so then I question their logic (see 1).
Not AWACS, I am not aware of any operational AWACS that operates at frequencies high enough to provide targeting data to an AAM. Other fighter assets via satellite comms sure, but then defeats the purpose of a missile with 700 km range - hence, doesn’t make sense.

How about a missile fired at a target 300 km's away, the target detects the missile lock and tries to break it by moving in the opposite direction; however, the missile'e seeker has already acquired the target and continues to track it..........by the time the Missile catches up to the target, it has already traveled 500 km's or thereabouts with enough reserve energy to still continue the chase, if required........and thereby shooting down the target?
How about a missile fired at a target 300 km's away, the target detects the missile lock and tries to break it by moving in the opposite direction; however, the missile'e seeker has already acquired the target and continues to track it..........by the time the Missile catches up to the target, it has already traveled 500 km's or thereabouts with enough reserve energy to still continue the chase, if required........and thereby shooting down the target?
What kinda of missle will have such a superior radar..lol
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