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Pakistan's Onslaught Against India at UNGA - What's Next?

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@PakSword brother mine,

Sorry took sweet my time to add my small input. Battery at 5% so not totally master of faculties required for such a vast subject you have opened. I shall try to offer a framework to contextualise our challenges/options ( @Shane if you could make mental notes for future reference, please)

On the outset let me inform that IoJK is a battelground,
a battle NOT War that Pakistan has been facing/fighting for past 72 years.

There is The Theory of War and then there is The Practice of War.

Unless, we understand what we are dealing with, what is its scope and what are its mechanisms, we, of course, would be chasing black cats in dark blindfolded.

Personally, I find The Art of War to be sublime as it deals with Principles of both The Theory and Practice of War.

The Book of Five Rings close to it...but then it is an Boshidofied version of SunTze with Zazen added to it. The Book of the Void is most instructive. Nothingess is important.

The Total War by Von Clausewitz is mechanised application of Politics/Diplomacy.

Chankyia is about Statecraft as is The Prince... though The Prince is more towards RealPolitics...in my view.

Now it is also important that we understand that War is Amoral and inhuman... it is reflection of Human Condition or perhaps what humanity truly is... a violent, dangerous creatiion.

There is NO NEED in the world for violence, hunger or exploitation... but it is the Human Condition that humans inflict all injuries upon each other. Paradise Lost Syndrome?

Since, it is the Human Condition so there is NO Escaping for Pakistan from it... hence, we have been facing/fighting War for past 72 years.

We have tried desperately to live and let live... but it has not worked for us and it is never going to work for us. Regardless, how hard PMIK tries, pleads for sanity or take twenty steps towards Peace... War always awaits us.

Now then... what is the scope of this War?

It would be too theoratical or perhaps forced intellectualism to include 1857 into the start of OurWar... let us start from 1940s to give it PakContextualHue.

Riots in Bangal, our marching towards Pakistan... loosing honour of our women and giving life of more than a million Paks, having a country without any/much means... having our funds/military stuff blocked... starting with hunger and massive displaced Paks... brought us to 1947-48.... Our first battle... Jinnah Doctorine and we got half of the PakKashmir liberated.

(@ps3linux @graphican my dear Paks, if/when you have time we need to put Valuation of the Price we paid for Pakistan... in the ValueModel please use gold prices, try also to use InsuranceModel of Valuation of injuries/loss of life as well. I know life price in the West is about €2+million.. our lives are not valued that high but you will figure out... Quantification of Pain is going to be most difficult though!)

The Great Game between Tsarist Russian Empire and The British Empire ended with the Second World War, with expansion of Tsarist/Soviet Russia to the Heart of Europe... it did have a Catholic vs Orthodox undertone of One Thousand Years conflict... which also was seen in Yougoslavia 'war'.

All this time a ThirdForce ..China was down and under... Century of Humilation as our ChineseIronBrothers call it.
The British wanted to keep The Rus out of Asia and Kashmir as wel
l... because in those days of The Great Game Russian were coming...as in the ColdWar...
The Heartland/WorldIsland thesis elaborated this geopolitical struggle between greatpowers quite eloquently.

After the Second World War, when it was clear that CPC will emerge victorious in the Chinese Civil War and the LongMarch will end in success as CounterForce, a balance of power was needed... hence instead of creating smaller, natural states the British left an unatural country... and named it India...

Jinnah or Iqbal didn't fall for Ghandi hence the Original Idea of a SuperState (AkhandBaharat) that could hold both USSR and PRC at bay couldn't materialise...

It is imperative to understand that we Paks lost OurWorld in two phases... first in 1857 and second in 1920 with the Fall of Ottoman. Iqbal felt this most accutely... the Loss of OurWorld. Need I explain? @RIWWIR

With it we lost OurAnchor, our self esteem, our elite and our place in the World.

The two extremes of IdentityCrisis that we see today i.e. either westernised or mullhafied is the result of this Loss. Both a failure! @Indus Pakistan

We don't have Our Own Anchor as we don't have OurWorld. We live in someone else's world. This we need to understand, accept and give a place in our pschy.

This also explains why Trukiye or Pakistan hunker towards Ummah... it is This Loss! This Trauma of Our Collective Subconcious, either blaming on religion or blaming on the West... provides some escapist relief... it is temporary painkiller!

As I said, my battery is down and my output is an uphill struggle... I am forced to put pointers/markers to complete the Contextual Background and Scope of OurWar, @PakSword I am sure you would undertand and be forgiving!

In the 50s we chose the US as our saviour both by compulsion and by the British prompting... please, remember all of our bureaucracy was/is British in nature.

U2 Flights, threat of Nukking by the Soviets... in the meantime GanguDaesh cosiedup to Soviet and sate in Afghanistan and established shop there together with KGB... This shop against Pakistan NEVER closed.

In the 50s Soviets kept both the PRC and GanguDaesh within its camp and helped them build there infrastructure ... Yanks did the same for us...

When the Soviets fellout with PRC they put extra focus on GanguDaesh... it is imperative to understand that the British were instruemental in keeping the Yanks and GanguDaesh close from start... so that Nehru could play his Non-AlignedCard and keep getting aid from both superpowers as a Counter to China.

Please, also note that GanguDaesh helped the Yanks and the Soviets against China... Tibet was/is soft underbelly of China... whoever controlls Tibet controlls Rivers of Asia as well. Dalai set up shop in GanguDaesh.

1965 War by GanguDaesh was at the beshest of Soviets ...with all their advisors and equipment fully supporting the thrust of the war.

Before 1965 PakState was not inclined towards China that much... the ground realities of that war changed many perseptions. Hence the tilt towards China... in 1962 China asked Pakistan to take Kashmir but we followed our masters orders...

did offer GanguDaesh a confederation against China if you recall but since the GanguSovietCombine had other plans they rejected it... the offer was also crafted NOT in Pakistan...

See we have tried our level best to be left alone let us live... live and let live from DayOne has been Pakistan's Offer.

{BTW Benazir also offered this confederation to GanguDaesh while she was in so-called exile or whater...when she visited that unatural country. All part of the recorded history. Same as that ugly MC Altaffoo...same as AllooGoshtNoora and of course, murd e hur ... Mr. 90% ... ZAB and Zia didn't.
offered peace as well... GanguDaesh rejected all. Why?}

Operation 1971
started long before the end date or EventHorizon of the Fall of Dakka... all the agents were recruited long before that ...even the Beauty of BD and many of the leftwing/revolutionaries of EastPakistan ... a combined operation of Soviets and GanguCID...later to become RAW. All recorded and so no need to go over it.

Please, note that this is same time when we had have our Surkhaz coming out of the woodworks... recruitment operations in Balochistan and KPK stared also in the 60s/late 50s... under the garb of EthonoFacism and RedRevolution of the Poletriat. Masses need to be expolited, indeed!

Do you see now?

The Genesis of Two Front War against Pakistan. When GanguTerroristArmy chief says that GanguFacistRegime is ready to wage two front war he is refering to a Two Front War Against Pakistan ... and to their credite they have been quite successful so far.

GanguTerroristRegime has killed 80k Paks and has caused us a loss of $220+Bln in loss to economy. Also, add the KarachiWars into it... to see the scope.

Now coming back to 1971 please see that annexation of Sikkim and South Tibet... Yanks full efforts to penetrate Tibet along with Soviets in toe... turmoil within China ... in other words facilitating the creation of superstate one step further.. which RSSTerrorists call as AkhandBaharat ...

Post successful dismembering of Pakistan the Soviets and GanguDaesh combine could move forward with their expansionist agend.

Russians in Afghanistan in 1979 and onslaught of Hammer n Sikkel terror unleashed within Pakistan in those days... along with local agents/assets going against Pakistan and The Idea of Pakistan in the name of Ethonofacism... ZAB got the chop... Yanks jumped in after we as PakState had no choice but to fight back.

Kindly, also note that after the Chinese became NuclearPower both the Yanks and Soviets helped GanguFacistRegime to become one... SmilingBuddha ... please, note its timing... Russian/Americans helped with GanguSpaceProgram rockets and all.

While the AfghanKhoserJihad was in full swing GanguFacistRegime tried to be smart like Operation65... the famous ZiaCricketDiplomacy explains the rest...

Please, also note that we, Paks, brougth PRC and US together... because of the Russians entering Afghanistan... a win-win of that time... KKH started long before... hence the CPEC. And protection of XinJiang and Tibet. By default GB and AJK.

Fall of the SovietUnion ensuing New World Order, opening up of China under Deng ... brilliant CIA operation of TianamanSquare.... reunion of HongKong and Maccau.... Japanese recession... our lost decade of 90s... ArmedFreedomStruggle of Kashmiris in the late 80s and early 90s... pressure on China through Dalai and then there was another cult... atomic explosions by us... sanctions... 9/11 ... AfghanWar2.0... GanguDaesh back in Afghanistan... 2002 stand off (a repeat of the same as during the RajivGhandi time)... Mushy's Wall in Kashmir... all part of War.

Mushy's desparte attempt to appeash GanguDaesh... almost donedeal...GanguFacists refuse at the last moment...all this is continuation of War .

In the Hybridwar thread I have highlighted at least SixVectors of the Hybridwar on Pakistan... if you have time do contribute there... EconomicTerrorists engineered the situation in such a way that we would end up with IMF and FATF... COAS pleaded with the NooraRegime to act on both fronts but they didn't.

72 years brought us to Feb27 and thence onto 27thSep ... and now what to do is your question?

Lest I foget The Monkeys coming into Balochistan from Iran... whether with Iranian approval or them looking the other way is immaterial...

The Monkeys came and are coming and causing us harm. Same as Iranian armed drones coming in... Similarly NDA/RAW and their masters doing us harm... just couple of days ago there was terrorist attack killing JUI leader... though I suspect Fazuloo finger prints.. a terror attack nevertheless.

The total number of terror attacks in Balochistan and loss of our officers and soldiers in former FATA is alarming... we kill Ganguz on CFL and they kill us through terrorist proxies....

Now add to this HongKongProtests and Extreme media campaign against Chinese XinJiang province combined with TradeWar of the OrangeKing...with terror strikes in KSA/UAE ... Iranian shooting down YankDrone ... attack on oil tankers... and NO response from Yanks... with Taliban PeaceTalkFailure at the very last moment...with annexation of IoJK and curfew going into 57th day...

Turks going for strategic autonomy and slapped with tarrif.. hence Lyra going nose dive... economic attack..Qatar $15Bln bailout.. S400 and kicking out of F35 program ( @cabatli_53 ) ... Turks unbudging... now talks of reconciliations... Turks supporting us on Kashmir as always... President coming to Pakistan... start of TVChannel with Malaysi/Turkey...

Beauty of BD doing Dallas for GanguDaesh in UNGA... Mayors of Kabul doing the same... PMIK challenging the global/western narrative about OurWorld... non existent that it might be...

So what is the scope of War?

Who is the target?

Which are the Battles/SteppingStones in the Ladder of Choas?

As I requested yourself and @Shane to look at the map... you can easily see that there are both Pakistan and Turkey offer the best/easiest access to CentralAsia... SCO is great framework of economic and security integeration. Turkiye has been busy for quite sometime to have an integerated TurkicWorld @Hakikat ve Hikmet and moving in that direction.

Pakistan has not done anything in this regard since the late 80s despite having enormous goodwill from CentralAsianStates of that time post independence. PMIK needs to also take care of that part..along with million other things... I however would advise a SCO and TurkicWorld framework...

This War that we face is the continuation of the SameWar that chopped us into pieces, destroyed OurWorld made us hollowmen and Cultureless...

Yes, We Don't Have Our Culture Any More... at best it is khichri. Despite the proclaimations of some Ethnofacists here none of them possess any of their culture anymore.

In the ColdWar Africa and we were the KillingFields or MeatGrinder as we were/are the MeatGrinder of Persian-Arab Conflict with high level SecterianConditioning of OurPeople... when they stopp being Paks and become more Chatholic than the Pope . StuntedGrowth to blame?

So, it is vital that we accept that our networth in the grandscheme of things or On The Grand Chessboard is that of cheap meat... in the same way our MarasiPoliticians and CriminalEnterprise sees us... we shall fail to adopt any comprehesive strategy for survival for whatever we have left.

The Comprehesive National Strength of China and the BRI is mortal threat to the existing Global Power Architecture ... it wishes to keep China nicely bogged down... with Hybridwar... China not being Pakistan can and is fighting back.

The US can sink Trillions into wars and walk away without loosing much... because it can successfully export its inflation to the rest of the world ...because of the Dollar thing @ps3linux and Yuan is slowly changing that.

Please, note GoP has directed all provinces to pay the Chinese companies in Yuan... Russia has been trying to do the same..
F22 is a policy instruement
and not the strength of America... it is the existing Global Financial Architecture based on Dollar which gives the US power.

Now in this War the promotion of GanguDaesh for past decade is quite obvious... I mean it is not that the West is so enthused with the beauty and depth of GanguDaesh... it is the same utility with which this unatural, illegal entity was created... hence, the looking the other way policy of the West since the very beginning.. be it annexation of Hyderabad or Sikkim or South Tibet or now IoJK....

Since, we are Not Fighting Against FacistGanguRegime alone as we never had... so just dropping nukes on GanguDaesh directly is not the best option though my dear Kraken @Retired Troll has been advocating it ad infinitrum.

So can we fight this War of WorldDominace? Can we fight it alone? NO!

This brings me back to why I said Kashmir is a Battleground and not war .. herein @Signalian and I were discussing about the possibilities and different scenarios in the CFL thread in the PakArmySeciton... please, note that it is just tactics and NOT Strategy.


As you know this SameOldWar now has 9 Vectors/Aspects/Facets and each has three siblings...and same division again... need to be applied from Strategy to TheatreOps to Tactics...

One hopes that we have WarGamed all 9 of these...and have done clinical assessments in all... please, also note that GanguTerroristArmy has now access to RealTime intelligence through their US allies due to their StrategicAgreement.

We do the same!

We are not fighting against the GanguTeroristArmy alone... as we have never done.. and this time it is no different either. We need to find our counter measures which we have been doing quite ruthlessly.

Now this brings us to IoJK Battle...

I give 100 out of 100 to PakArmedForces and GoP on how they have handled it so far and I know we find it too painful to see Our PakKashmbiris being in the meatgrinder of GanguTerrorism and Our PakWomen being raped... @newb3e .. however, we have let GanguFacistRegime and its grandmasters to open up the BattleField for us... which we couldn't because of Mushy's Wall.

No, we have NOT lost Kashmir... far from it. Remember, I have always said we live in a Hybridworld and OurStruggle is Hybrid.

The way PMIK has gone on to Attack mode has NOT happened in our 72 years of Appeasement of Ganguz history...

We wish and we shall turn IoJK into the Slaughterhouse of GanguTerroristArmy .... and at the same time OurStrategy in the SameOldWar this time is the Containment of GanguFacistRegime ....

6Days War has 6Days and 6Nights ... and we have been subjected to GanguTerror for past 72 years.

@Signalian and I did discuss certain ideas but they are not for open discussion...

We win this War!

Chin up Paks
,... and remember should we loose this War there won't be any Pakistan left.

Do you, anyone of you truly understand The Idea of Pakistan?

@PakSword just to give you an idea of effects of Hybridwar on Pakistan just listen to the speech in NA today!

@Slav Defence @Oscar @Irfan Baloch @Khafee @WebMaster @Horus @Dubious @The Eagle @Arsalan Paks, I do understand that we have failed in our governance, in morality and perhaps much more... however, good people like you can help enormously the YoungPaks here to remain PakPositive and together we help them understand the Idea of Pakistan.
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I will, but forgive me if I drown and never come back from the ocean of ideas and thoughts you posted. Most of us here are mundane, if not mediocre people and struggle with even the most basic ideas.

چھڑا کے ہاتھ بہت دور بہہ گیا ھے چاند
کسی کے ساتھ سمندر میں ڈوبتا ھے کوئی؟
Since, we are Not Fighting Against FacistGanguRegime alone as we never had... so just dropping nukes on GanguDaesh directly is not the best option though my dear Kraken @Retired Troll has been advocating it ad infinitrum.

Suit yourself.

I am out.

Have your PTM and Sindhudesh and Ethnofascist Marxist Lashkar and free Kashmir if you can.

Enjoy the economic prosperity brought in by Riba, World Bank and IMF.

Praise the Pharoah !! We are done
. . .
Suit yourself.

I am out.

Have your PTM and Sindhudesh and Ethnofascist Marxist Lashkar and free Kashmir if you can.

Enjoy the economic prosperity brought in by Riba, World Bank and IMF.

Praise the Pharoah !! We are done
bro system cant be corrected in 1 year and i agree that the even the ditection is not right but what option do we have app batow? fauji generail nay genrail nay kuch nai karna
politicians chor hain!

hum karian toh karian kia bolain tou bolian kia!

on topic


news is coming out speech was good but will we ever act and support kashmiris like india supported bangladeshis? we have ground to support kashmiris now or fatf have our balls tied and we are chicken shit scared to help our brothers and sisters?

ohh or we lookig for a final solution where IOk belongs to india and Ajk Pakistan and both coubties hug each other and move on and we are presented with this dream of economic prosperity and a Pakistani dream?
bro system cant be corrected in 1 year and i agree that the even the ditection is not right but what option do we have app batow? fauji generail nay genrail nay kuch nai karna
politicians chor hain!

hum karian toh karian kia bolain tou bolian kia!

on topic


news is coming out speech was good but will we ever act and support kashmiris like india supported bangladeshis? we have ground to support kashmiris now or fatf have our balls tied and we are chicken shit scared to help our brothers and sisters?

ohh or we lookig for a final solution where IOk belongs to india and Ajk Pakistan and both coubties hug each other and move on and we are presented with this dream of economic prosperity and a Pakistani dream?


read it and memorize it and then look at your newly appointed UNGA rep.

told you in one Hand of the dajjal is war and the other economic prosperity.

even the economic terrorism Mantra failed.

now be a good baniya and go watch KSE

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